Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1518 Dark secret passage

Seeing that he was about to dig the iron gate buried under the soil, Ye Tian suddenly stopped digging and walked up from the hole.

Seeing his actions, Anderson asked puzzledly:

"Steven, you are about to dig into the iron gate below, why did you stop here? Is there something wrong?"

Ye Tian looked at this kid, then smiled and gave the answer.

"Of course there is a reason for me to stop digging. No one knows the situation in the secret room deep underground. It is unknown whether there is a ventilation system.

If there is no ventilation system, it means that the air inside has not circulated for more than 200 years, and it must be extremely dirty and even quite toxic.

For safety's sake, we must now wear gas masks before digging through the last layer of dirt and opening the iron gate under the dirt."

Anderson suddenly understood, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, the two each picked up a gas mask and covered their faces, and Ye Tian also put on gloves.

After taking precautions, Ye Tian immediately jumped into the pit again and continued digging.

It took less than a minute, and the last bit of soil was dug out, and the iron gate that was originally covered by the soil was immediately exposed!

It was a rectangular iron door with a length of about 1.23 meters and a width of about one meter. It looked very thick and sturdy, with a huge lock hanging on it. Both the iron door and the padlock were rusty.

The iron gate is surrounded by a circle of granite, which is made of the same material as the two granite strips that were just pried open, obviously from the same origin.

The first time he saw the iron gate, Anderson danced and celebrated, but unfortunately he couldn't speak or cheer, which was a bit of a pity!

The same is true for Ye Tian, ​​although he has seen everything in front of him through perspective many times, but seeing this rusty iron gate again at this time still makes him very excited!

After silently celebrating, Ye Tian began to clean up the soil around the iron gate.

In the blink of an eye, the cleaning work has been completed, and the iron door that has been closed for more than two hundred years can be opened, and the treasure hidden in the underground chamber can be seen again!

Ye Tian jumped out of the pit again,

He put the folding engineer shovel in his hand on the floor, then took out the hydraulic tongs from the handbag, and jumped into the pit again.


With a crisp sound, the rusty padlock on the iron door was cut directly by the hydraulic pliers, effortlessly!

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately pull up the iron gate to find out!

He waved at Anderson, telling him to step back a little to avoid any accidents.

This is a door to a secret room that has been closed for more than two hundred years. God knows if there is any mechanism behind the door, which will hurt people the moment the iron door is opened.

Of course, Ye Tian knows better than anyone whether there is a mechanism behind the iron gate, but some performances are still necessary, so that it is realistic!

Anderson stepped back a few steps according to the instructions, stood three meters away, stretched his neck forward, his eyes were fixed on the iron gate and Ye Tian's movements, his eyes were full of anticipation and a little bit of worry.

Ye Tian also changed his position, he came to the side of the iron gate and stood still, and then pulled up the heavy iron gate that had been closed for more than two hundred years.

The iron gate was almost completely rusted to death, even Ye Tian took a little effort to pull it.


There was a grating sound of metal rubbing against each other, which made it extremely uncomfortable to hear.

In Ye Tian's hands, the iron gate was pulled up little by little, very slowly.

This was done intentionally by Ye Tian, ​​for Anderson and others to see. If there is any mechanism in the secret passage, he will immediately let go and close the iron gate instantly to ensure the safety of the people standing outside the gate.

No bullets, no crossbow arrows, no poisonous smoke, monsters, nothing!

There is only a dark hole, a series of moss-covered steps leading directly to the depths of the earth, getting darker and darker until nothing can be seen!


Ye Tian completely opened the iron door, leaned against the granite beside the pit, and made a loud noise.

After opening the iron door, he didn't immediately probe into the secret passage, but paused for four or five seconds before looking at the dark secret passage leading directly to the depths of the ground, although he already understood the situation inside!

As a result, it is conceivable that apart from the moss-covered steps and the bronze candlesticks from the early eighteenth century on the wall of the dark passage, nothing else can be seen!

A curved bend at the end of the dark passage blocked Ye Tian's sight. He didn't know whether there was a mechanism behind that curved bend!

After scanning the situation in the secret passage, Ye Tian stepped out of the excavation pit, came to the handbag, took out the strong flashlight and air detector from it, and returned to the entrance of the secret passage again!

At the same time, he also waved his hand to let Anderson come over. The entrance to the secret passage is safe and there are no traps.

Seeing his gesture, Anderson rushed over immediately, looking impatient.

When he came to the entrance of the secret passage, the guy immediately looked into the secret passage with an extremely excited expression.

At this moment, he wished he could fly into the secret passage, into the secret room deep underground, to see what secrets were hidden inside, and whether it was a priceless treasure!

The lights came on, and after more than two hundred years of closure, this dark secret passage ushered in light for the first time!

Ye Tian turned on the strong flashlight and shone it into the sloping tunnel, and the situation in the tunnel was revealed immediately!

Everything is the same as what he saw before, there is nothing unusual, the secret passage is very quiet, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

After roughly scanning the situation in the dark passage, Ye Tian handed the bright flashlight in his hand to Anderson, and asked Anderson to hold the light.

He himself took the air detector placed next to him, hung it into the dark passage, and began to test the air quality in the dark passage to see if there was any danger!

The test results came out quickly. Except for the slightly higher humidity, the air quality in the tunnel was not much different from the outside world, and there was no toxic gas.

This is undoubtedly good news. The feeling of wearing a gas mask is not so good, and it is of course best not to wear it.

Ye Tian looked at the air test results again, and after confirming that the air quality in the tunnel was good and there was no danger, he immediately took off his gas mask and put it on the floor beside him.

Seeing his actions, Anderson followed suit, took off his gas mask and put it aside, and heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as he took off the gas mask, the guy couldn't wait to say:

"It seems that the air in the tunnel is not bad. This is really good news. Wearing a gas mask doesn't feel that good, especially when you can't talk, it's too uncomfortable!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Obviously, this secret passage and the secret room below were equipped with a ventilation system at the beginning of construction, so the air quality is so good, there is almost no difference from the outside world.

According to my inference, the ventilation system of this secret passage and the secret room below is likely to be connected to the ventilation system of the nearby Notre Dame Cathedral, or directly to the Seine River not far away! "

"I think the same is true. This building is very close to Notre Dame Cathedral, and it used to be an annexe of Notre Dame Cathedral. It is normal to share a ventilation system.

Moreover, it is only one or two hundred meters away from the Seine River, and it is reasonable for the ventilation system to be connected to the Seine River. Maybe there is a secret passage leading directly to the Seine River, which can be used as an escape route!

Can we enter this secret passage and the underground chamber? I'm really looking forward to seeing what's going on in that secret room and what treasures are hidden there! "

Anderson said excitedly, eager to try, wishing he could immediately step into the secret room and discover the treasure.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said solemnly:

"Don't worry, Anderson, the specifications of this secret passage and underground secret room are very high. It must have taken a lot of thought and cost when it was built, and we must not enter it rashly!

In such secret passages and basements, nine out of ten have deadly organs or traps to prevent enemies, treasure hunters, or others from breaking into the secret passages and secret rooms.

So we must be careful, and we must not rush in without ascertaining the situation. It is undoubtedly a joke with our own life, and it is a very stupid behavior."

Hearing this, Anderson immediately shuddered, and even took half a step back, lest bullets or crossbow arrows were suddenly shot out from the secret passage, killing himself, and it would be a big loss!

Seeing his actions, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

"There is a beetle drone in that handbag. Let's use the beetle drone to explore first. This is the safest way. Even if there are traps in the secret passage and secret room, it is impossible to use the beetle drone!

Use the beetle drone to find out the general situation of the secret passage and the secret room, and after basically confirming the safety, we will enter the secret passage again, groping forward bit by bit, and thoroughly uncover the secrets hidden deep underground! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian walked out of the pit where he was, went to the handbag in the center of the basement again, took out the beetle drone and control equipment from it, and then returned to the entrance of the secret passage!

Soon, the little beetle drone flew into the dark passage, flew straight down along the steps of the dark passage, and began to carry out the detection mission.

The infrared camera it carried immediately fed back the situation in the secret passage, and displayed it on the control device in Ye Tian's hand.

In just a dozen seconds, the beetle drone flew over the curved curve and entered another corridor connected to it.

It was a corridor about five or six meters long, sloping downwards, about two meters high, and 1.23 meters wide. At the end of the corridor was a wall, hidden in the darkness.

Almost at the same time that the beetle drone entered the tunnel, Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately exclaimed.

"I'll go! This is too exaggerated, what a big deal!"

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