Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1524 The treasure belongs to Lao Tzu

After the exclamation at the scene subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Unfortunately, we had to leave Paris to go to the port of Le Havre, and then go to sea to salvage the sunken treasure, and time was limited, so I didn't explore in depth, and I didn't publish my findings!

After completing the salvage operation of the two shipwreck treasures and transporting the gold and silver treasures back to New York, we immediately returned to Paris by car, and it is needless to say that this is the treasure we came for.

Yesterday afternoon, we came to this ancient building again and carefully inspected the basement where the secret passage was located. The result of the inspection was the same as my judgment, there is indeed a secret passage there.

After confirming my judgment, I decided to uncover this secret this morning, open the secret passage that has been closed for more than two hundred years, and see where it leads. What secrets are hidden? "

Before the words finished, Martinez, who was standing opposite Ye Tian, ​​suddenly interrupted, looking very urgent.

"Steven, where does that secret passage lead to? What secrets are hidden in it? Since you said that you have made a major discovery, you must have gained something!"

Ye Tian looked at the old guy, then smiled and continued:

"Don't be impatient, Martinez, I will talk about these questions you want to know later, the answer will definitely satisfy you, and it will also bring you a huge surprise!

After arriving here in the morning, we started to explore. Considering that this is Paris, although this historic building belongs to me, we still made some necessary preparations.

Only myself and my personal lawyer Anderson entered the basement for preliminary exploration, and we all wore high-definition cameras to record the entire process of the exploration.

Next, I will make an introduction based on the video materials I have taken, which is more intuitive and convincing. Taylor, you can play the video materials now! "

After the voice fell, Taylor, who had already been prepared, immediately turned on the projector.

In the next second, such a picture appeared on the white wall on the west side of the living room. Ye Tian walked ahead alone with his bag, entered the basement, and reached out to turn on the light in the basement.

This was shot from Anderson's point of view, the picture quality is not bad, it has everything you need, and there is no problem with using it as video evidence.

"The secret passage that has been closed for more than two hundred years,

Just in this basement, there are two granite strips weighing hundreds of kilograms pressed on it, which are very hidden and almost impossible to be discovered,..."

Ye Tian's voice came out again, still so clear and full of confidence.

In the following time, Ye Tian introduced the progress of the exploration operation step by step based on the video materials he captured. Everything was impeccable!

When people saw that Ye Tian easily pried up the two granite slabs and turned the boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms to the side, they couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed directly.

"I'm going! Is this bastard Steven really human? The power is too exaggerated, and the legendary Hercules is nothing more than that, right?"

"Those two pieces of granite weigh at least 400 kilograms. I'm afraid few people in the world can lift them. Now I finally understand why Steven can crush all opponents!

In the face of absolute power, who is the opponent of this bastard, 'Bone' Jon Jones is still alive, I have to say that he is very lucky, if it were someone else, he would have died long ago and could not die again! "

While the screen was changing, Ye Tian had already waved the folding engineering shovel and started digging the soil under the granite strips. The professional and accurate explanation was also followed up simultaneously, and the cooperation was seamless!

When Ye Tian stopped digging and took out the gas mask and put it on, there was another exclamation in the living room and countless live broadcast terminals.

These guys are too well prepared, there are no loopholes at all, no wonder everything is going against the odds!

In the blink of an eye, the rusty and heavy iron gate appeared in front of everyone, which once again attracted exclamations.

Looking at the close-up shot of the iron gate, everyone in the living room and the live broadcast was finally convinced that there really was a secret passage deep underground in this historic building, and there really was a secret hidden!

At the same time, people were identified.

That fellow Steven was indeed lucky enough to discover this secret passage and the possible treasure behind it. His luck is so outrageous!

And this is exactly the result Ye Tian wants to see, to attribute everything to good luck without any other doubts!

The picture continued to change, the iron door opened, and the dark and secret passage leading directly to the depths of the underground appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Unsurprisingly, exclamations resounded from the living room and the live broadcast. The popularity of this treasure hunt live broadcast is also rising rapidly, attracting more and more attention.

Of course, in the house where Clement's family lived in the eighth arrondissement of Paris, there was a sound of wailing, as if mourning a concubine, the pain was extreme!

Next, the video screen switched again, directly cutting to the shooting angle of the beetle drone, but the beetle drone itself did not appear on the video screen.

The beetle drone is an extremely sensitive high-tech equipment. It is used either on the battlefield or in espionage work. It is obviously not suitable for appearing on the live broadcast screen, and it will definitely cause trouble!

At the same time as the screen was switched, Ye Tian's explanation was also followed up simultaneously.

"After our inspection, the air in this tunnel is pretty good, not much different from the outside world, so we took off the gas masks, which makes it easier to carry out the exploration work.

Obviously, this secret passage and the secret room below have a ventilation system. Combined with the history of this building, I deduce that the ventilation system of this underground secret room is likely to be connected to Notre Dame de Paris.

Of course, there is also this possibility. The ventilation system of this underground secret room is directly connected to the Seine River. The Seine River is only one or two hundred meters away from here, so the difficulty of construction is not too great!

This secret passage and the secret room below have been sealed for more than 200 years, during which time no one has ever entered, and with the high standard of this secret passage, it is likely that there are various mechanisms and traps!

For the sake of safety, we did not enter the secret tunnel to explore in person, but used drones for preliminary exploration. What you see now is the picture taken by drones.

Next, please follow this small drone to enter the secret passage and the secret room deep underground to explore the secrets hidden there for more than two hundred years.

Here, there is one thing I have to say, since the opening of this secret passage, until now, none of us has stepped into this secret passage and secret room, even one step, including me!

The reason why I invite everyone and the news media to come here and broadcast live is to let everyone witness this exploration operation together and let everyone witness the miracle together! "

Hearing his words, the faces of the two high-level Paris police officers in the living room and many French people on the live broadcast could not help but change, becoming very ugly.

Without exception, the eyes of each of them are full of fear.

These damned American bastards are extremely cunning. After such an operation, who the hell would dare to attack these bastards, unless they don't want to mess around!

The American ambassador to France smiled and nodded slightly at Ye Tian. Until then, he didn't fully understand the purpose of Ye Tian's invitation to come here!

It's really a chain of links, what a drama with climaxes!

Unknowingly, the French government and the police have been elevated, in a dilemma.

In the current situation, they can only watch this treasure being swept away, and they can't do anything, unless they don't want to lose face at all!

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to Perry, the US ambassador to France, and then continued:

"This secret passage has been sloping downwards, the steps are covered with moss, and there are several bronze candlesticks on the walls on both sides. Judging from the craftsmanship, it should be cast in the early eighteenth century!..."

With Ye Tian's introduction, the live broadcast screen is constantly changing.

Soon, the beetle drone bypassed the curved curve and entered the five or six meter long corridor.

The next moment, the two seven-pound guns placed at the end of the corridor appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Although the two cannons were already covered with rust, their appearance still shocked everyone and once again attracted a sound of exclamation.

At this point, Ye Tian quietly speeded up a little, skipped some videos, he didn't want to expose all the mechanisms and traps, that's definitely not a wise move!

The two cannons flashed across the live broadcast screen, and then disappeared.

What immediately appeared in front of people was a neoclassical oil painting hanging on the wall and covered with a glass frame!

Next to this oil painting, there is a solid wood table with a crown on it. Although the crown is covered with dust, it still gives people a dazzling feeling.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and immediately lost the ability to speak, only Ye Tianqing's clear voice was still echoing in people's ears, like Hong Zhong Dalu!

"The neoclassical oil painting you are seeing now, according to my preliminary identification, should come from the neoclassical master Jacques David, who created it around 1808.

The name of this oil painting is "Napoleon Entering Vienna", and what the painting describes is exactly the scene where Napoleon led the army into Vienna in the posture of a victor!

As we all know, the pinnacle of Napoleon's life was the Battle of the Three Emperors, also known as the Battle of Austerlitz, in which he successfully defeated two other European emperors!

They were the Emperor of the Russian Empire and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. They once again disintegrated the anti-French alliance and forced the Austrian Empire to cancel the title of the Holy Roman Empire.

The long-established Roman Empire has come to an end, and has since become a term in history textbooks. What this oil painting represents is that important historical moment!

From this we can see how significant this neoclassical oil painting is, its value is almost inestimable, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless top art work!

Let's look at the crown on the wooden table next to it. According to my preliminary deduction, it is probably the crown of the Holy Roman Empire that has disappeared for nearly two hundred years. It is a national treasure.

It's a pity that there is too much dust on it, and I can't make an accurate judgment. With these two treasures alone, I can name this treasure. This is Napoleon's treasure, and it is well-deserved! "

Before the words were finished, the living room and the live broadcast were completely blown up, and people fell into a state of near madness in an instant!

"My God! Napoleon's Treasure! Holy Roman Empire Crown, "Napoleon Enters Vienna", I heard it right? Isn't this a dream?"

"It's crazy! It's Napoleon's treasure. I can't imagine how valuable this treasure is!"

Amidst the exclamation, Martinez, who was in the living room, had fallen into a state of madness, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at the picture in front of him, and muttering to himself!

"My God! It is Napoleon's treasure, which belongs to France and all French people!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately responded decisively.

"No! Martinez, this treasure does not belong to France, it belongs to me!"

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