Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1542 Crazy Offer


Ye Tian exclaimed exaggeratedly, then jokingly said:

"I'll make the terms whatever you want. Am I right? Martinez, your Louvre Museum is really worth the money. If I choose to make a deal with you, will the Louvre Museum really accept the conditions I offer?"

Hearing this, Martinez's face immediately flashed with ecstasy, and everyone else in the Louvre on the live broadcast was the same, all of them were beaming with joy and full of anticipation!

Contrary to them, the faces of the people waiting in the Vatican changed drastically. Everyone's eyes were full of worry and anger!

"Tell me about your conditions, Steven, I'm all ears, if your conditions are not too outrageous, we at the Louvre are very happy to trade with you and keep this "Mourning for Christ".

As we all know, Michelangelo's surviving works are mainly sculptures, large-scale murals, and some manuscript sketches. There are very few oil paintings, and there are not many pieces in total.

Each of his oil paintings is a priceless treasure that can be encountered but not sought after, and this is another "Mourning for Christ" created by Michelangelo at the peak of his artistic career, which has a very special meaning.

Since I came across this outstanding work of Michelangelo today, I must not miss it, otherwise I am not worthy to be the curator of the Louvre, we need this masterpiece in the Louvre! "

Martinez said excitedly, his tone was extremely firm, and his eyes were burning hot.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an angry roar in an office far away in the Vatican.

"Go to hell! You French bastard, we need this "Mourning for Christ" even more. It is an art treasure belonging to our Vatican, and no one can take it away!"

Ye Tian pretended to ponder for a while, then smiled and said:

"You're right, Martinez, among the three masterpieces of Renaissance art, Michelangelo has the fewest oil paintings handed down to the world, only a few, each of which is a priceless treasure!

Since you Louvre intends to make a deal with me, let's discuss the value of this "Mourning for Christ", and then you can listen to the conditions I offer to see if you can reach an agreement.

In the art trading market, Michelangelo's oil paintings can only appear once in dozens or hundreds of years. There are not many samples for reference, and due to age reasons,

It doesn't make much sense for reference!

The most recent one is the "Pieta" discovered in Brooklyn, New York in 2010. That painting is also Michelangelo's peak work and was created in 1545.

As we all know, "Pieta" and "Mourning for Christ" are based on the same theme. They are both scenes of the Virgin Mary embracing his body in agony after Christ Jesus was crucified.

However, the expressions of the two paintings are different. To be precise, the Pieta discovered in Brooklyn, New York should be called the Pieta of Colonna.

The "Pieta" has changed many owners successively, including two Roman cardinals, a hereditary aristocrat in Germany, and finally wandered to the United States, where it almost disappeared.

In 2010, after the "Pieta" was discovered and confirmed to be Michelangelo's authentic work, it immediately caused a huge sensation. At that time, the conservative valuation given by the art world was 300 million US dollars!

That was in 2010. Considering the inflationary factor and the continuous boom in the antique art market over the years, the valuation of 300 million US dollars must have been exceeded long ago.

You and I both know that the valuation of "Pieta" at 300 million US dollars is very conservative. If that oil painting is sent to auction, it is almost certain that it will fetch a sky-high price of 500 million US dollars.

Considering the existence of the sculpture of the same name in St. Peter's Basilica, the influence and popularity of "Mourning for Christ" is obviously much greater than that of "Pieta", which is logical and much higher in value.

I can take a step back, let's discuss this art transaction based on a valuation of 500 million US dollars, and your Louvre can invest 500 million US dollars to acquire this masterpiece of Michelangelo.

If the Louvre does not have enough funds to purchase top-level artworks and cannot spend so much money, then it can also trade with the collection of antique artworks, it depends on what I like! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Martinez's face changed from black to white, not to mention how ugly, his eyes were full of anger, and he was about to spit fire!

At this time, the live broadcast end was completely boiling.

"Oh my god! Five hundred million dollars, did I hear you right? Steven, that bastard is really greedy to the extreme. It would be polite to say that he is a lion. This is simply devouring!"

"I swear! Steven is definitely the most greedy bastard I've ever seen in my life. His appetite is really terrifying. This shows that the horses and horses are going to kill the Louvre!"

Amidst the exclamation, everyone looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes were full of disbelief, and at the same time, they were almost crazy with envy!

Why isn't Michelangelo's Lamentation for Christ mine? If that painting belongs to me, I will send it out, and it is enough to eat and die for a lifetime!

Martinez forcibly suppressed the boiling anger in his chest and the urge to rush up and beat Ye Tian violently, and said with a sinking face:

"500 million dollars! How dare you speak, Steven, I have to say, you bastard once again refreshed my understanding of greed. I really have never seen a guy who is more greedy than you!"

"Hahaha, just think you're praising me"

Ye Tian laughed and said, without any sign of embarrassment.

Walker and Miller next to them, as well as Betty and the others in the living room above, all laughed too.

The rest of the guys, such as the US ambassador to France Perry, the French lawyer Antoine and others, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, all smiled helplessly!

Steven is really hopeless. Not only is he extremely greedy, but he also has such a thick skin that bullets might not be able to pierce him!

What can Martinez do? He could only shake his head with a wry smile, and then continued:

"Our Louvre does not have so much funds to purchase top-level works of art, if we spend 500 million US dollars to acquire this "Mourning for Christ", we will not be able to uncover it in the next few years!

It seems that there is no way to invest in the purchase, and you can only exchange it with the collection of artworks. Let’s talk about it, you are all interested in those antique artworks, and see if there is a possibility of trading! "

"That's right, Martinez, this is the correct attitude for doing business, we can't destroy the friendship between us just because of an art transaction!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, his expression was very relaxed, and he didn't deserve to be beaten.

"Friendship? Cut the crap, who's friends with you greedy bastard"

Martinez rolled his eyes angrily, complaining to himself!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"You know, Martinez, I'm an atheist, and I'm not very fond of art that involves religious themes, like most classicist paintings and sculptures.

In comparison, I prefer Romanticism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Realism and other artistic schools after the 19th century, and I like these types of artworks.

If we make a deal, I would like to get the following paintings, Monet's Water Lilies, Millet's Evening Bell, Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, ..."

Ye Tian was about to continue the list, but was roughly interrupted by Martinez.

"Don't even think about it! Steven, you don't even want to get any of these top-level works of art, you are simply whimsical, purely daydreaming!"

Obviously, Martinez has been a little distraught.

Almost everyone on the live broadcast was startled again, their eyes were wide open, and their eyeballs were about to fly out!

Especially those guys in the Louvre Museum, as well as many professionals in the field of French antique art collection, were so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, with smoke coming out of their nostrils!

Unlike them, Ye Tian always had a bright smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Martinez, there is no need to be so angry, you want Michelangelo's Lamentation for Christ, but you don't want to pay for it, how can it be so cheap?

It seems that this art transaction is impossible to conclude, and there is no need for us to continue talking, lest we hurt each other's peace, then the gain outweighs the loss, so why bother!

There are still many sealed wooden crates here, and there are likely to be a large number of top antique artworks inside, maybe there will be a baby that makes your heart beat, then let's talk about deals! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the boxes placed on the floor.

Martinez forcibly swallowed back the mouthful of old blood rushing to his throat, then nodded and said with a wry smile:

"Okay, let's continue to explore, hoping to find something. I really don't feel worthy for Napoleon. He tried his best to hide so many treasures, but it's for nothing, you bastard!"

"Hahaha, who made me lucky!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Ye Tian had already walked towards those sealed wooden crates.

Walking to the nearest wooden crate and standing still, Ye Tian quickly glanced at these crates that had been dusty for more than two hundred years, and then jokingly said:

"We have already seen Raphael and Michelangelo, and Da Vinci is the only one of the three masters of Renaissance art. If we can find another Da Vinci work, it will be perfect!

When Napoleon came to Italy and led his army to sack Milan, why did he only take Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks" and several other famous paintings, but not "The Last Supper"?

If he had taken the "Last Supper" from the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, then the "Last Supper" might be hidden in this underground secret room today,..."

Before his words fell, the whole city of Milan was completely boiling, and the sound of crazy cursing resounded through the sky!

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