Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1544 Another Secret Room

The cleaning work started, and the dusty and moss-covered boxes were opened one after another. The items contained in these boxes, after more than 200 years of dust, were finally able to see the light again!

There are all kinds of paintings from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 19th century, from various European countries, including various styles, and various art schools, dazzling and fascinating!

Almost every one of these paintings presented in front of you is from the hands of famous top artists, occupying a place in the history of Western art, and many of them are national treasures!

In addition to many paintings, there are also many sculptures here, mainly small sculptures, many of which are famous sculptures in art history, from the hands of famous masters!

These sculptures cover a wide range, from ancient Greece and Rome to the Renaissance, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, etc., in all periods. The quantity and quality are amazing!

In addition, there are many other types of antique artworks here, each of which is valuable and dazzling!

These include not only jewelry, scepters, fine antiques, etc. of European royal families, but also many religious items, such as gold altars, golden sacrificial cloaks studded with various gemstones, etc.!

'The most genius work of art must go to France'

It can be seen that Napoleon and his army perfectly practiced his famous saying, looting countless top-level antiques from occupied European countries.

As the dusty chests are opened one by one and the top-notch antiques come to light, the sensational effect of this treasure hunt grows bigger and bigger!

It is no exaggeration to say that the whole world was shocked!

Especially those European countries once occupied by Napoleon are even more lively like a boil.

When those top antique works of art that once belonged to their countries but disappeared for more than two hundred years appeared on the live broadcast, the governments and people of those countries could not sit still, they were already completely boiling!

However, they could only watch those priceless treasures on the live broadcast screen, and they couldn't think of any way to get those treasures back, and it was useless to worry about them!

Making a public statement in the news media claiming those top antiques? It's useless!

The sad Spaniard is a lesson from the past,

From that greedy bastard Steven, the Spaniard never wanted anything back, even a gold coin!

Even if you know it's useless, you still need to have a proper posture, otherwise you won't be able to explain to the people of your country!

While the cleaning work was going on, European countries jumped out one after another, and issued solemn statements on relevant media, claiming the top antique artworks that once belonged to their countries!

The number of diplomats gathered around the island of Cité has also increased, and they are all looking forward to it, looking at the situation on the island across the Seine River!

Ye Tian has a clear grasp of the bustling situation outside, but he doesn't bother to take care of it at all!

The cleaning work has been going on for a while, the foreplay has been done enough, it's time to open the small secret room hidden under the floor, and give the world a huge surprise!

While speaking, Ye Tian had come to a corner of the hall. He scanned the situation first, then pointed to a box placed in the corner and said:

"James, move this box to the middle and pry it open to see what's inside. Just be careful not to damage what's inside!"

Hearing his words, the company employee named James immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us, don't worry!"

With that said, James and another company employee stepped forward, and the two of them worked together to move the dusty wooden crate!

In the blink of an eye, the one-meter-high wooden crate was lifted aside.

Just when James and the others were about to pry open the box, Ye Tian stepped forward and squatted down, pretending to be surprised and saying:

"Hey! Something is wrong here, there seems to be something hidden under the floor"

As he spoke, he clenched his fist, and with a little force, he slammed it on the granite floor in front of him.

At the same time, everyone at the scene turned their heads and looked over, their eyes lit up and they were extremely excited!

Betty and the others in the living room above, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, were also looking at Ye Tian and the mottled granite floor at this time.

Could it be that Steven found something? can't you? How can a person's luck be so good? Is there any reason?


Two muffled sounds came out one after another, echoing in the hall and everyone's ears.

Based on this sound alone, people with a little life experience can tell that there is something empty under the granite floor, and there must be something hidden there!

Martinez walked over quickly, looked at the granite floor and asked curiously:

"Steven, what did you find? What's hiding under this granite floor?"

Ye Tian turned to look at this person, then smiled and said:

"I don't know what is under this granite floor, but judging from the sound of knocking, it must be empty under this floor, maybe there is something hidden, maybe it's another secret room.

Based on my previous treasure hunting experience, I judge that there should be a secret room below. The area may not be very large, but the things hidden inside must be very important, and it must be another huge surprise! "

Before the words were finished, exclamations immediately rang out one after another in the underground hall, the living room above, and all the live broadcast terminals, endlessly!

"Another secret room, isn't it possible? God has taken care of this bastard Steven too much. Could it be that they are a family!"

"Very important thing? Is there anything more important in this world than the paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo? It deserves such caution!"

While people were exclaiming, everyone in the underground hall stopped their work and stared at this side, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation!

In addition to Martinez, Miller and Walker also quickly came to Ye Tian's side, looked at the granite floor curiously, and guarded by the way!

Ye Tian observed the mottled granite floor again, and then said excitedly:

"Walker, give me your crowbar, let me open this floor and see what secrets are hidden below. For safety's sake, you'd better step back a little bit!"

Hearing this, Walker immediately pulled out the crowbar and handed it to Ye Tian, ​​then stepped back two or three steps with Miller, and Martinez did the same, retreating to a safe distance.

Ye Tian reached out to take the crowbar, and then quickly hooked a circle around the gaps around the granite floor, pulling out the dust and sand from the gaps around it.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed the crowbar in his hand down hard, and directly inserted the tip of the crowbar along the gap in the floor, and inserted it almost ten centimeters deep.

In the next second, the granite floor was pried up, and the situation under the floor appeared before everyone's eyes.

as expected!

The granite floor is indeed empty, and there is another locked iron door. There is a circle of metal brackets around the iron door to support the granite floor above!

"Great! There is indeed a secret room below, I don't know what is hidden in it!"

There was a lot of cheers at the scene, everyone was very excited, and they were high-fiving each other!

There were exclamations from countless live broadcast terminals, and every voice was full of envy, even jealousy!

After the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately took action again.

Using the crowbar in his hand, he pried up the several pieces of granite floor around the iron door, turned them over to the floor on one side, and freed up enough room for work.

Immediately afterwards, he took the hydraulic tongs from Walker and extended them to the rusty padlock on the iron door!


With a crisp sound, the padlock was cut in an instant, and it was completely scrapped!

The next moment, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the iron door, and was about to pull up the iron door to reveal the secret hidden behind the iron door!

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