Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1574 Public Exhibition

On the second floor of the Metropolitan Museum, there is a small independent exhibition hall next to the European Painting Museum.

Jason and three employees of Fearless Exploration Company are setting up the exhibition together with four or five staff members of the Metropolitan Museum!

Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation, among other top-class antiques, have been unboxed and leaned against the wall.

Matisse stood with several armed security personnel holding guns, standing in front of these priceless top antique artworks, always on high alert, protecting these top antique artworks.

Since the booth hadn't been set up yet, and the indoor lighting wasn't adjusted to the best condition, the top antique artworks didn't show their true appearance, and they were still packed in sealed bags.

Even so, many executives of the Metropolitan Museum, experts in antique art appraisal, and staff in the exhibition hall never left their eyes from those treasures, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

On the other side, Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, is introducing to Ye Tian the situation of the exhibition and the various security measures in this exhibition hall.

"Steven, this is an independent exhibition hall where we are located. There are no windows on the four walls, and there is only one entrance and exit from the exhibition hall door. Natural light cannot penetrate at all.

These top-level antique artworks from Napoleon's treasures have been sleeping in the dark for more than two hundred years, and they are still a little fragile and not very adaptable to the external environment.

In view of this, we chose this place as the exhibition hall for the first exhibition of these top antique artworks, and try to protect these priceless antique artworks as much as possible.

The lighting system, air-conditioning system, ventilation equipment, etc. in this exhibition hall have been replaced in time, and all of them have been replaced with the most advanced equipment today.

Here, the light is controllable, and the temperature and humidity can also be precisely controlled. We will provide the most perfect exhibition conditions according to the conditions of those top antique artworks.

The wall in front of us is facing the entrance of the exhibition hall. It can be seen as soon as the exhibition hall is opened. It is in an excellent location and is the most important display wall in the entire exhibition hall. There is no doubt about it.

There are two displays on the wall, one on the left and one on the right. The one on the left will be used to display Raphael's "Madonna", and the one on the right will be used to display Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ"

At the same time as the introduction, Thomas danced and gestured, looking very excited.

Ye Tian looked at the wall in front of him,

He turned his head and looked at the main entrance of the exhibition hall behind, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, this wall and these two exhibition booths are indeed very good. Visitors who come here to visit, as long as they walk into this exhibition hall, they can see these two exhibition booths at a glance.

It is obviously appropriate to display Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Lamentation of Christ" here, and these two gold display stands are very suitable for their value and status"

Thomas nodded slightly, and continued with the introduction.

"As you can see, there are two layers of highly transparent bulletproof glass on the outside of these two gold display booths, which will not affect tourists' visits, and can also provide very reliable security.

These bulletproof glasses are extremely strong and can withstand the close-range shooting of automatic rifle bullets. Other weapons such as fire axes cannot do anything to these bulletproof glasses in a short time.

More importantly, the display rack behind the bulletproof glass has an automatic lifting function. Under the two display booths and inside the wall, there are two titanium alloy safes hidden.

Once the bulletproof glass is attacked or someone tries to cut it, the display rack inside will sink immediately, and it will be quickly retracted into the titanium alloy safe with the displayed artwork.

The two titanium alloy safes hidden in the wall are not only very strong and extremely difficult to cut, but they are also connected to the wall and floor, and the connection is very strong.

In this way, even if a robber breaks into this independent exhibition hall by chance, it is impossible to succeed in a short period of time. They can only stand in front of this wall and sigh!

In addition, the wall where the two titanium alloy safes are located also has a set of miniature fire protection system, which can effectively resist the invasion of fire in a short period of time.

Steven, according to the agreement, after the installation of the exhibition is completed, these two booths will be completely locked. Only the two of us are present at the same time and enter the fingerprint password to open them.

It is no exaggeration that these two sets of security display systems are of a high level, no less than the set of security display systems equipped for the "Mona Lisa" by the Louvre, or even higher.

Also, this exhibition hall is located in the middle of the second floor of the museum. Anyone who wants to enter this exhibition hall must first enter the museum, and there is no way to make an idea on the outer wall of the exhibition hall.”

At the same time as Thomas was eloquently introducing, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective, and had a clear view of the wall in front of him and the mechanism inside the wall, without missing anything!

As Mattis said, these two small security display systems are very advanced and strong, with almost no loopholes!

The elevators attached to the display racks, the two titanium safes integrated into the walls and floor, and the miniature fire protection system are all in top condition, like new!

After thoroughly seeing through the wall in front of him and finding that there were no problems, Ye Tian then retracted his sight with satisfaction and ended the perspective.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Thomas:

"Thomas, tell me about the other security measures in this exhibition hall, I am very interested"

"Okay, Steven"

Thomas nodded in response, and then continued to introduce.

"After reaching an exhibition loan agreement with you, we immediately remodeled the security system of this exhibition hall as quickly as possible, eliminated all outdated equipment, and replaced it with the most advanced equipment.

Not only is there the most advanced and safest display system here, but it is also full of infrared and thermal imaging surveillance equipment, motion capture systems, and other security systems that I can't even name.

It is no exaggeration to say that when the day’s exhibitions are over and the museum is closed, even if a mouse sneaks into the exhibition hall, it cannot escape the eyes of the museum’s security personnel.

In addition to the most advanced high-tech security system, we will also equip this exhibition hall with the best security personnel, and there will be people patrolling back and forth 24 hours a day without interruption.

If something happens here, the security personnel of the museum will arrive as soon as possible, and the police station in Upper Manhattan, which is not far away, will also arrive here within ten minutes..."

Next, Thomas continued to introduce the security measures of this independent exhibition hall in great detail.

During this period, Ye Tian turned on the perspective several times, secretly seeing through this independent exhibition hall thoroughly.

Everything is just as Thomas said, the security measures of this independent exhibition hall are very complete and strict, and there are almost no loopholes.

After Thomas finished his introduction, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"I am very satisfied, Thomas, your arrangement is quite thorough and almost impeccable, and I am also very relieved about the exhibition of the two paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo.

According to the previous agreement, during the public exhibition period, I will send two security personnel and two company employees to come here in turn to cooperate with and supervise the exhibition activities for the next period of time."

"That's no problem, Steven, since we have reached an agreement, of course we must implement it"

Thomas nodded in response, but a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

As soon as his words fell, a staff member of the Metropolitan Museum in his thirties came over suddenly and said to Ye Tian and Thomas excitedly:

"The preparations have been completed without any problems, and the exhibition can be moved in"

Hearing this, Thomas immediately burst into an incomparably bright smile.

"Let's get started, Steven, I can't wait to see Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation for Christ, they must be beautiful and stunning"

As he said that, Thomas looked at the top antique works of art leaning against the wall, his eyes were shining brightly, although those top antique works of art were covered with sealed bags, they couldn't see anything!

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, looking over there one after another, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

"You are right, Thomas, those two outstanding paintings from the Renaissance period are indeed very beautiful, and their artistic charm is enough to shock the heart!

Just follow the standard I gave before, turn down the lights in the exhibition hall, and when the light conditions are right, you can see Raphael and Michelangelo"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile on his face, his words were a little sensational.

After finishing speaking, he stepped out and walked towards the top-level antique works of art leaning against the wall, his steps were unusually brisk.

At the same time, a staff member of the Metropolitan Museum took an IPAD and quickly operated it, and the movements were very familiar.

In the next moment, the lights in the exhibition hall dimmed immediately, but it did not affect people's appreciation of the artwork!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian carefully opened a black sealed bag, took out the painting inside, and displayed it in front of everyone.

Following his action, there was a burst of exclamation in the exhibition hall.

"Wow! This is Raphael's "Madonna", it is so beautiful"

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