Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1576 Put gold on your face

The convoy drove slowly into Wall Street, came to the headquarters building of MG Chase Bank again, and stopped end to end on the side of the road.

At this time, Wall Street was extremely heavily guarded. New York police officers and armed special police officers with live ammunition could be seen everywhere on the street. Everyone was on high alert, watching the situation on the street vigilantly.

In the past, there was an endless stream of pedestrians and tourists on this street, shoulder-to-shoulder. The pedestrians and tourists who can be seen on the street are mostly people who work in major office buildings on Wall Street.

Moreover, these guys are all in a hurry, with nervous expressions, and they keep looking around, observing the surrounding situation, lest they encounter unexpected disasters and be killed by bullets flying from nowhere!

After the convoy stopped, Mattis first contacted the police leader who maintained order and explained his intentions, so as not to cause misunderstandings by the police and unnecessary troubles.

You know, the New York police at this time hated Ye Tian so much that they wanted to tear him up and feed them to the dogs to vent their anger!

If they were allowed to find an opportunity or an excuse, the New York police would definitely not be polite, they would definitely rush to make trouble as soon as possible, and express the anger that has been pent up in their hearts for a long time!

But, will Ye Tian give them such a chance? Of course not.

When Mattis communicated with the police, Ye Tian said to David through a wireless headset:

"David, please contact the top management of the Manhattan Police Department later, I am going to donate a sum of money to the Manhattan Police Union to condolences to the police officers who died or were injured in various operations, as well as the families of the police officers!

My company is in Manhattan, and many business activities are also carried out in Manhattan. The relationship with the police must be maintained. In this way, the hostility of the Manhattan police will certainly be reduced, and various actions will be facilitated in the future.”

After the words fell, David's voice came from the earphone immediately.

"Understood, Steven, I will contact those guys from the Manhattan Police Union later, and I have to say, your decision is too wise, and the money spent is definitely worth the money.

The Manhattan Police Union represents the interests of all police officers on Manhattan Island. It has enormous influence and power, even far surpassing the Manhattan Police Chief.

As long as we can get through the relationship with the Manhattan police union, make good friends with the police union, and supplement it with appropriate publicity methods, all the police officers in Manhattan will stand by our side in the future.

At that time, as long as you don't break the law flagrantly,

The police will never trouble you. Of course, there will be a price to pay. Those guys in the police union have a lot of appetite! "

"I'm not afraid of the big appetites of those guys from the police union, money is not a problem at all, I just picked up a leak in that antique flea market, and the money will be earned back!

As long as the relationship with the police union can be opened up, then the money is worth the money spent. Even if you donate regularly to the Manhattan police union in the future, what does it matter?

The island of Manhattan is our foundation, and the police are the actual managers of Manhattan. To maintain a good relationship with the police, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

While he and David were discussing the matter, Mattis had led many security personnel out of the car first, building a line of defense around the Paramount Marauders.

After confirming that the scene was safe and without any danger, he notified Ye Tian and David to get off the car.

The rear door of the Paramount Predator opened immediately, Ye Tian jumped out of the car with his backpack in his hand, and stood on the ground of Wall Street.

The door of a Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUV behind opened at the same time, and David and his assistant lawyer got out of the car and walked towards Ye Tian.

When they got close, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation on the street, and then stepped out, leading David and the others towards the opposite side of the street.

This time he didn't go to the headquarters building of MG Chase Bank, but to the New York headquarters building of the Federal Reserve across the street. These two heavyweight financial institutions are only one street apart!

Matisse led many armed security personnel to follow immediately, guarding Ye Tian and the others.

They are always on high alert, watching the situation on the street vigilantly, not only guarding against possible attackers who may suddenly appear, but also guarding against the New York police on the street!

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tian and his group had crossed the street and arrived at the entrance of the Federal Reserve's New York headquarters building.

Just as they stopped and stood still, the door of the Federal Reserve headquarters building opened, and Christopher and several other senior officials of the Federal Reserve walked out under the protection of several security personnel.

As soon as everyone met, the old guy Christopher greeted enthusiastically and extended his right hand to Ye Tian.

"Good afternoon, Steven, long time no see, welcome to the Federal Reserve Headquarters in New York, nice to see you here!"

Ye Tian reached out and shook Christopher's hand, then smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Christopher. It's been a long time. I'm glad to see you too. Your complexion looks very good, with a red face."

"Here I would like to congratulate you again, Steven, congratulations on your return from Europe, you are so lucky, it seems that all the treasures exist exclusively for you.

During your trip to Europe, you not only discovered a freighter carrying nacui gold, but also a treasure of a shipwreck hundreds of years ago, and then a treasure of Napoleon in Paris.

The discovery of each of these treasures has caused a huge sensation, making everyone dazzled and envious, and even my old guy is about to go crazy with envy."

"You're welcome, Christopher, you are the helm of the Federal Reserve, the leader of the world's economy and finance, and you are used to seeing big scenes, so you will not be moved by a few treasures.

But to be honest, my luck is indeed very good, and the harvest of this trip to Europe is indeed not small, far beyond my expectations, and it can be called a rewarding return.”

After exchanging polite greetings and greetings, Ye Tian greeted the other senior executives of the Federal Reserve one by one, and shook hands with them.

Next, a group of senior officials of the Federal Reserve led Ye Tian and the others into the headquarters building and disappeared from the streets of Wall Street.

Seeing them entering the Federal Reserve headquarters building and many New York police officers on duty on Wall Street, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot!

At the same time, they also felt Ye Tian's huge energy again, and they were all secretly startled!

How many such people can there be in the United States to let Christopher, one of the helmsmen of the Federal Reserve, personally lead people out? I'm afraid there are very few!

Not only the New York police officers on duty on the street, some pedestrians and tourists who happened to pass by here, as well as financial talents working on Wall Street, also saw this scene in front of the Federal Reserve headquarters building.

Among them were two guys in suits and leather shoes, who were colleagues from Ye Tian's previous company. Although they had a normal relationship, they knew each other.

When they saw the scene in front of the Federal Reserve Building, they couldn't help but stunned in place, their eyes full of disbelief!

When they woke up and returned to the company, the scene that just happened in front of the Federal Reserve Building immediately spread throughout the company and Wall Street, attracting countless envious exclamations!

Of course, some of them beat their chests with regret, and some even went mad with jealousy, and so on!

Ye Tian didn't know these things, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Now he is no longer the guy who had to rely on others and work in Wall Street for a living. He has tightly grasped the throat of fate, grasped the power, and no longer has to look at anyone's face.

Even Christopher, who plays a pivotal role in the economic and financial fields and stomps the whole world's economy, has no such qualifications!

"Steven, what happened to the police shootout in the morning? Because of that shootout, Wall Street was in turmoil, and the stock market was also hit!

According to legend, those robbers who didn't know what to do with guns came after you, those two paintings by Raphael and Michelangelo? Is this rumor true? "

While taking the elevator upstairs, Christopher asked curiously.

In fact, he already knew what happened and the reason for the shootout in the morning. With his status and influence, many things that seemed to need to be kept secret were not secrets at all!

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Yes, those idiots came for us, for those two top works of art by Raphael and Michelangelo, but unfortunately, they fell into the hands of the New York police.

It is said that the New York police have also paid a high price for this. In order to thank them for their bravery and dedication, I decided to donate a sum of money to the Manhattan Police Union to show my heart! "

Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian didn't forget to put money on his face. This kind of thing needs to be high-profile, publicized, and known to the world.

As soon as he finished speaking, another old fox from the Federal Reserve immediately said:

"Sure enough! Fortunately, our Federal Reserve is just across from the headquarters building of MG Chase Bank. It is very convenient to transfer those nacui gold, and the security situation is not complicated."

Ye Tian turned to look at this person, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Indeed, as long as we reach an agreement, sign the transaction contract for the batch of nacui gold, and complete the transfer, I can hand over the vault full of nacui gold to you.

You are very clear about the exact amount of that batch of nacui gold. When it was stored in the private vault, you supervised it. Since then, the private vault has never been opened again.

After the transaction is completed, when to transfer the nacui gold to the Federal Reserve's underground vault is your business, and security is not a problem. I don't believe anyone will think about the Federal Reserve in New York! "

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator had reached the floor where the conference room was located, and there was a 'ding' sound, the sound was very pleasant!

The elevator door opened, and everyone filed out, talking and laughing, and walked towards a medium-sized conference room ahead.

Another negotiation is about to begin, and it must be another surprising harvest!

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