Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1588 Treasure of the Knights Templar

Cole nodded slightly, and then began to introduce the situation.

"When the White House publicly announced that the Pope and his entourage were about to visit the United States and come to Boston to officiate the wedding of you and Betty, a team of Secret Service agents had arrived in Boston and started their work.

The Boston City Government and the Police Department also responded quickly. They deliberately set up a temporary department under the dual leadership of a deputy mayor and police chief, and mobilized a large number of elite soldiers from various police forces.

This temporary department has only one task, and that is to ensure the safety of the pope and his entourage during their visit to Boston, and absolutely no accidents, let alone terrorist attacks!

Of course, the president and his wife, who are about to visit Boston, are also the key protection objects of this temporary security department. If the president of the United States has an accident in Boston, they can't afford to go around!

At noon yesterday, a group of agents from the Vatican's security department also arrived in Boston to start preparations for the Pope's visit to Boston. Those guys are the famous Swiss Guards!

Arriving with the group of Swiss guards, there is also a Vatican cardinal and several priests. They are very mysterious and low-key, and they have never shown up since arriving in Boston."

"Wow! The scene is not small, this thing is getting more and more exciting!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, and sent a few words of emotion.

The same goes for David and the others, secretly sighing, this scene is really too exaggerated!

"Who said it wasn't? When we met with these guys yesterday, we were also taken aback, especially those guys from the Swiss Guard. This is the first time the big guys have come into contact with them, and we have only heard of them before!"

Cole sighed, and then continued to introduce the situation.

"After the secret service team and the Vatican's Swiss Guard arrived in Boston, they immediately held talks with the temporary security department of the Boston police to discuss security matters.

Because we are responsible for the security of your and Betty's wedding site, those guys called us over and had a meeting together. I will introduce the details later.

After the meeting, those guys immediately went to Laonan Church to check it carefully. It was really a carpet search, not even a single grass in Laonan Church was spared.

Naturally, they couldn't find any problems, and they didn't find anything. We have sorted out there several times. How could there be any potential safety hazards? The guys are not idiots.

Those guys from the Secret Service asked to take over the security of the Old South Church on the day of the wedding, and they were solely responsible for it, but I refused. After asking the White House for instructions, those guys didn't insist.

But those guys have taken the list of all our security personnel, obviously to do background checks to see if everyone is reliable, and they require that they must participate in on-site security on the wedding day"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"You did a great job, Cole, this is my wedding with Betty, not the wedding of the President of the United States, and the security guards at the wedding must be our own guys, not those guys from the SWAT department!

Compared with the agents of the Secret Service, I trust our buddies more. No matter what time, the initiative must be in our own hands. Even if it is the President of the United States and the Pope, don’t even think about turning against the customer!

Otherwise, I'd rather not invite them to the wedding, that's non-negotiable! As for the background check, that's normal, not only all security personnel, but also all wedding guests have to go through this.

In addition, all of our employees, all of our wedding planners, my family and friends, Betty's family and friends, everyone who is going to be at the wedding, have a background check"

"That's right, background checks are essential! After all, it's the Pope and the President of the United States who are here. Any accident between these two will cause a huge earthquake!"

David echoed that he knew a lot about background checks.

The list of guests attending the wedding was handed over to Secret Service agents through his hands!


Cole also introduced the situation around the Old South Church, which is related to security matters, and then introduced the security plan jointly formulated by several parties for everyone to discuss!

Of course, this is only a preliminary security plan, and there is still much room for improvement.

Before I knew it, more than half an hour had passed.

After Cole introduced the situation, Ye Tian originally wanted to call the person in charge of the wedding planning company to learn more about the preparations for the wedding and see where it is going!

It's a pity that the person in charge of the wedding planning company and his subordinates are not in the hotel at this time. They are either in the Old South Church or Betty's parents' house, busy with their own work!

The company employees who rushed to Boston earlier to help prepare for the wedding were also too busy to come over to report the situation.

That being the case, Ye Tian can only temporarily dispel this idea, and wait for everyone to return to the hotel later to learn about the specific preparations for the wedding!

Afterwards, David and Mattis left the presidential suite and went to their own business.

After they all left, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and called Betty.

The phone was connected instantly, and Betty's excited voice came over immediately.

"Honey, when are you coming to Cambridge? I can't wait to see those haute couture wedding dresses and top jewelry, they must be very beautiful and dazzling!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately chuckled.

"That's right, honey, just like what you saw in the video call last night, those haute couture wedding dresses are so beautiful, and those top-notch jewelry are so brilliant, anyone would be crazy about them!

But, I’m afraid you have to wait patiently. When Vera Wang and Alice arrive in Boston and arrive at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, I will take them and those high-end wedding dresses and jewelry to Cambridge.

They should be on my private plane now, and they are flying to Boston. It will not take long to arrive here. At noon at the latest, you will be able to see those beloved things!

At that time, you can try on those high-end wedding dresses one by one, wear those priceless jewelry, and let Wang Weiwei and Alice guide and adjust on the spot to achieve the most perfect state"

"Okay, that's all I can do, I'll continue to suffer for a while"

Betty responded, her tone sounded a little disappointed, but more of an expectation.

Then the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone and ending the call.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around half past eleven.

Jason called from the airport. He brought Wang Weiwei and Alice and they have arrived in Boston smoothly, and they are driving towards the city by car!

Just as Jason hung up the phone, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse pushed the door and walked into the presidential suite.

"Steven, Cardinal Kent from the Holy See of the Vatican wants to see you. He claims that he is here on behalf of the Pope, and he wants to talk to you privately about some very confidential matters.

We have verified the identity of this cardinal, and there is no doubt that he is the same cardinal who rushed to Boston yesterday, and he is not carrying a weapon! "

"Cardinal, do you have a very confidential matter that you want to talk to me in private? Interesting, I don't know what this very confidential matter is? I am very interested!

Mattis, please bring this cardinal in, and don't forget to inform David to come and participate in this private meeting, and he must be present! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, eyes full of curiosity.

"Okay, Steven, I'll bring the Bishop of Kent in"

Mattis nodded in response, then turned and left the suite.

Soon, David walked into the suite, and he was also very curious about the arrival of the cardinal.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis led in a white man in his sixties who was wearing priestly attire, and he looked quite serious.

Beside him, there was a white man in his forties, also wearing priestly attire.

Needless to say, this 60-year-old white man is Cardinal Kent from the Vatican. He is not wearing a red robe at this time. After all, it is too eye-catching!

If he was wearing a red robe that symbolizes a cardinal and went to the street, he would never even think about coming to the hotel, and he would be surrounded by countless believers in an instant!

After leading the two into the suite, Matisse immediately withdrew and closed the door.

"Good morning, Mr Bishop of Kent, I am Steven, it is a pleasure to meet you here, it is a great honor!"

Ye Tian stepped forward to greet the other party, he was polite, with a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, just call me Kent. It's more convenient. I'm also very happy to meet you. I've been famous for your name for a long time!"

Kent greeted Ye Tian with a smile, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and looked him up and down.

This is the extremely lucky guy who is always favored by God in the legend. It doesn't look like anything special!

After getting to know each other, Ye Tian introduced David again, and the Bishop of Kent also introduced the 40-year-old priest beside him.

That person is also from the Holy See of the Vatican, and has a prominent status!

After going through the procedures on the scene, Ye Tian brought the two of them into the living room, sat down on the sofa, and started chatting.

After chatting casually for a few words, Ye Tian got straight to the point and asked the two of them why they came here.

"Bishop of Kent, I heard that you have something very confidential to talk to me in private? I'm very interested in what it is, and you can talk about it now!"

However, the cardinal didn't immediately explain the purpose of coming, but looked at David, the intention is self-evident!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Bishop of Kent, David is my personal lawyer. I trust him very much. He will never leak secrets at will. No matter what secrets you are going to say, David must be present!"

The two Vatican priests looked at each other and nodded slightly in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent threw a shocking thunderbolt, which almost completely blinded Ye Tian and David.

"Steven, I wonder if you have heard of the Templar treasure?"

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