From a distance, there seem to be more red leaves in Central Park, and the scenery has become more beautiful, which is pleasing to the eye!

After a few days, Ye Tian and Betty returned to this familiar neighborhood and saw the familiar scenery. Everything was so beautiful and moving!

Unlike when they left here a few days ago, when they returned to New York again, they were already a legal couple. They entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and will continue to live hand in hand for the rest of their lives and grow old together!

The convoy sped along Seventh Avenue, and soon reached the intersection of Seventh Avenue and 110th Street, then turned left onto 110th Street, and drove straight to the apartment building ahead.

As soon as he entered 110th Street, Ye Tian saw from a distance that the front of his apartment building was surrounded by media reporters, each of them had already occupied their positions and set up their guns and short cannons, waiting for the convoy to arrive!

In addition to many media reporters, there were many onlookers at the scene, as well as New York police officers maintaining order. Four or five Taurus police cars with flashing police lights were parked on the side of the road.

Cole, who returned to New York early yesterday, and some other security personnel set up a cordon in front of the apartment building, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

For this kind of situation in front of the apartment building, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago. This is already a common occurrence, so it is not surprising at all!

It would be a strange thing if there were no media reporters squatting here one day!

On the way here just now, Cole had informed the situation in front of the apartment building in advance, and everyone was mentally prepared.

While seeing the situation in front of the apartment building, Ye Tian also turned on the tiny microphone of the wireless invisible headset, and then said in a deep voice through the microphone:

"Matisse, inform all the guys that when parking, all the vehicles are staggered end to end, using the bodywork to block the view of those media reporters, and also block the view of Central Park.

Then I took out the prepared umbrellas and gave them to my family members. I don’t want my family members to be exposed to the cameras of those media reporters. It’s not beneficial, so try to avoid it.”

The voice fell, and Mathis' voice came from the earphone immediately.

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to tell the guys, don't worry, those media reporters can't take pictures of anything, let alone your family"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"Cole, how is your communication with those media reporters? Are they willing to cooperate? How is the security situation at the scene?"

"Steven, we have communicated with all the media reporters in front of the apartment building, as well as all the onlookers, and warned those guys not to point their cameras at your family.

On the surface, those media reporters and onlookers all nodded in agreement, expressing their willingness to cooperate and not to take photos of your family, but we'd better be careful, just in case!

As for the security situation at the scene, you can rest assured that both the air and the ground, as well as the forest in the Central Park opposite, are all under our surveillance, and we have not found any potential safety hazards for the time being."

Cole's voice came from the earphones, announcing the situation.

At the same time, many media reporters standing in front of the apartment building, as well as those onlookers who were fed and supported, all spotted the galloping convoy, and the scene suddenly became lively.

"Guys, look, that guy Steven is back, it's still such a big scene, even bigger than when he left New York a few days ago,

The style of acting is still so high-profile! "

"There is no doubt that the dazzling Fancy Vivid blue diamond ring, 'Betty's Blue', must have been brought back to New York by Steven and Betty. I wonder if we will be lucky enough to appreciate it!"

While people were discussing, many media reporters at the scene raised their cameras and video cameras, and took a burst of shots at the convoy.

In a blink of an eye, this huge convoy had already driven to the door of the apartment building, and then quickly slowed down. The vehicles staggered end to end and stopped at the roadside at the door of the apartment building.

The two medium-sized helicopters that accompanied them in the air also arrived here at the same time, whistling and hovering over the apartment buildings and streets, serving as air security!

As soon as the convoy came to a stop, Mattis led many security personnel to get out of the car first, and joined Cole and the others who had arrived here earlier, and they were on guard together.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​Betty, David and Anderson got out of the car one after another and stood on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building.

As soon as they appeared, several media reporters outside the warning line on the south side of the sidewalk saw them and couldn't wait to start asking questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. First of all, I wish you a happy wedding. The Pope has come to New York. When will you hand over the two top artworks?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a CNN reporter, and according to legend, you had a secret meeting with the Pope the night before your wedding, at the Pope's welcome dinner.

It is said that there was also the President of the United States who participated in that meeting. You talked for nearly an hour in a separate room. Can you tell us what was the content of the secret meeting? "

Hearing these inquiries, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at those media reporters who were as excited as chicken blood, and nodded to those old friends lightly to say hello.

However, he did not answer the questions of those media reporters, now is not the time.

After nodding, he reached out and took out two black umbrellas from the car, one for himself and the other for Betty.

"bang bang"

Two black umbrellas opened one after another, immediately blocking the sight of those media reporters.

Immediately afterwards, he and Betty worked together, and personally lifted the grandparents from the back seat of the President One bulletproof SUV, and landed on the sidewalk!

At the same time, the family members sitting in the front and rear cars, as well as Matthew and Evelyn, also got out of the car one after another, and walked towards the door of the apartment building pushing their luggage.

Without exception, each of them held a black umbrella in their hands, completely covering their faces.

Coupled with the tall body of those full-size commercial vehicles, it is almost impossible for media reporters and onlookers gathered in front of the apartment building to see their faces, let alone take pictures!

Seeing this scene and seeing those black umbrellas, many media reporters and onlookers were all dumbfounded, and they all stood there dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

This bastard Steven is simply too cunning to think of such a bad move. It's hopeless!

While speaking, all the family members had already arrived at the door of the apartment building, joining Ye Tian and the others.

Before he could stand on his feet, Dad stretched out his hand and pointed outward, asking solemnly:

"Xiaotian, what's the matter with those media reporters and onlookers? The wedding has been over for two days, why are these guys chasing after the door, they are everywhere!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and said with an unusually relaxed expression:

"Don't bother with those guys, as long as I come back to New York and stay here, there will be a large number of media reporters and New York police on duty in front of this apartment building for many years.

Betty and I have long been used to this kind of situation, and we are used to it, as are the security personnel in the company. It would be a strange thing if there were no media reporters here one day.

In fact, there are not many media reporters here today. It is estimated that because the Pope is in New York, many media reporters have gone to interview and report on the Pope, so they did not come here."

Before the words fell, my sister-in-law exclaimed in a low voice with an exaggerated expression.

"Did I hear you right? Xiaotian, there are so many media reporters and onlookers, but there are not many? I can see that your life is too high-profile and too public, even more than the legend!"

"Okay, don't bother with these media reporters, they love to guard here, so keep guarding! Let's go into the building, everyone, go and see me and Betty's house, and recognize the door by the way!"

With that said, Ye Tian stepped forward, opened the door of the apartment building, and let the family members into the building one by one.

Afterwards, he told David and Anderson to deal with many media reporters, and asked Mattis to lead his security personnel to carry everyone's luggage upstairs later.

After arranging these things, he walked to the bulletproof SUV of President No. 1, took out a titanium alloy portable safe from it, and walked into the apartment building with the safe!

What's in that safe? Anyone can guess.

It must be the dazzling and priceless jewelry worn by Betty at the wedding, including the top-notch fancy vivid blue diamond 'Betty's Blue'.

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