Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1612 Unexpected Visitor

Grandpa, grandma, mom, dad and many other family members had a very smooth and trouble-free return trip, as did the top Chinese antiques.

Early the next morning, Ye Tian received a call from his father.

When I called, my grandparents, my parents, and my parents had already returned to their home in Lishi Hutong, Dongcheng, and the rest of the family members had also returned to their homes.

Next, after adjusting the jet lag at home and raising your spirits, everyone's life will soon be back on track, either to work or to school.

More than an hour later, my aunt also called.

They arrived at the Capital International Airport smoothly with the batch of top antique artworks, and then returned to the Forbidden City under the escort of a large number of special police, and received a grand welcome at the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City!

Relevant leaders of the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and a group of leaders and cultural experts from the Palace Museum all attended this grand welcome ceremony to welcome the return of those national treasures!

At the welcoming ceremony, Aunt Qiu and Mr. Qiu cooperated to present one of the most important cultural relics of Yuanmingyuan, the famous "Ode to Forty Scenes of Yuanmingyuan".

As the scroll of "Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace" slowly opened, the first scene of the Old Summer Palace, "Upright and Bright", finally appeared before the eyes of the Chinese after more than 150 years, and it was in the Forbidden City!

In the next moment, the welcome scene at the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City was completely boiling, and the cheers and admiration resounded through the sky, and the entire Beijing city could hear it!

Some cultural and cultural experts at the welcome site at the Meridian Gate even burst into tears and choked with excitement!

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all!

"Ode to Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace" is a national treasure that countless Chinese people have longed for, but have no chance to see the real thing. It is also a thorn in the hearts of Chinese people, representing a history of humiliation!

This time "Ode to Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace" was successfully returned to China and displayed in public, can it not cause a sensation?

This public display was personally arranged by Ye Tian. The purpose was to build momentum, rapidly expand the influence of these national treasure-level antique artworks, and attract more attention.

In addition, there is also a little thought of his here.

He wants to tell everyone in the country through the relevant reports of many news media that these national treasures belong to him, and no one else can covet them!

After finishing the call with Auntie, Ye Tian and Betty packed up, and then drove to the company in Rockefeller Center.

It is now the autumn auction season in New York, which is one of the most important auction seasons of the year. There are still many things to deal with in the company, and we cannot do without it for the time being!

Therefore, Ye Tian discussed with Betty and postponed their honeymoon trip for a few days.

They will leave New York for a romantic honeymoon trip after arranging things related to the New York autumn auction and other things!

On the first day back to the company, Ye Tian and Betty quickly got into work.

During this day, Ye Tian stayed in the company's office, non-stop met with representatives of major auction houses in New York, and signed a series of consignment auction agreements with them.

Through these entrusted auction agreements, he entrusted many top-level antique artworks to major auction houses in New York, allowing them to put these treasures on the art auction market and help him sweep his wealth crazy!

Among them is the golden mask of the ancient Egyptian cat god Bastet,

Once this ancient Egyptian cultural relic from thousands of years ago appears in the antique art auction market, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

As for other antique works of art that are going to be auctioned soon but of relatively average value, Jason and several other company employees are in charge.

In the next few days, they will negotiate with major auction houses in New York and sign consignment auction agreements one after another!

Although the individual value of these antique works of art is not very high, there are a lot of them, and the total sum is amazing!

Ye Tian set a reserve price for these antique works of art. When Jason and the others negotiated with the auction house, they all negotiated and signed a consignment auction agreement based on the reserve price set by him!

In this way, there is no need to worry about any tricks that the auction house will play to deceive oneself or the company, and there is no need to worry about some guys joining forces at the auction to lower the transaction price!

If it's a big deal, it will pass the shot! The company will take back the relevant antique artworks and put them on the market again when they have the opportunity in the future, and there is no loss!

After signing the relevant entrusted auction agreements, Ye Tian and David took the staff of the major auction houses, under the strict protection of many armed security personnel, to the major vaults all over Manhattan to pick up the goods!

After proposing those top-level antique artworks and verifying their authenticity, the two parties will hand over them on the spot.

Ye Tian handed over those top-level antique works of art to the staff of the auction house in person, and completed the handover procedures on the spot, and then they escorted them back to their respective auction houses.

When Ye Tian returned home after finishing these things, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the day would be over soon.

In the following day, there were still many things to deal with, and Ye Tian still had no leisure.

Not long after arriving at the company in the morning, David rushed to the company with his assistant lawyer.

After entering the office and chatting casually, David got to the point.

"Steven, when are we going to the Metropolitan Museum? Meeting with the Bishop of Kent and the others and handing over to them Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation?

To be honest, if it were me, I would be reluctant to give those two top artworks to the Vatican. They are Raphael and Michelangelo. "

As he spoke, a pained expression flashed across David's face.

Although Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" do not belong to him at all, he still feels distressed and very reluctant!

"Don't worry, David, I just contacted Kent, he is accompanying the Pope to visit the Masonic Cathedral in Philadelphia, and meeting with the enthusiastic believers in Philadelphia.

After the meeting, he will bring the relevant personnel to Manhattan. When they arrive here, it will be twelve o'clock anyway. By then, it will not be too late for us to go to the Metropolitan Museum.

How can I be willing to give Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" to the Vatican! That is the top art work, how many pieces are there in the world?

But compared to the good blessings that Betty received, those two top artworks are not worth mentioning, and I believe that I will definitely gain a lot from my trip to Italy at a later date!

Maybe I can find the works of Raphael and Michelangelo, or even Leonardo da Vinci again in a certain city in Italy, or in a certain ancient church or somewhere in an ancient building! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed, and he didn't care about the two top artworks that were about to be lost.

After the words fell, David immediately nodded excitedly and said:

"I believe in this, everyone knows that God will always stand with you, a lucky guy, and will always take care of you, and he will never see other people in his eyes!

If you can discover the paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo during this trip to Italy, it would be great, and if you can discover the paintings of Da Vinci, it will be even more perfect!

I am very much looking forward to the arrival of that day. It is entirely conceivable that when you discover the outstanding works of the three masters of Renaissance art again, what a huge sensation it will cause! "

"I am also very much looking forward to it. If I can find a work by Da Vinci, it will be perfect. In this way, I have collected the paintings of the three masters of Renaissance art, which is also a feat!

Because of this, the first stop of this trip to Italy, I will arrange in Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance movement, then Milan, the fashion capital, and then Rome"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded and said, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, and there was also a bit of yearning.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian changed the topic.

"David, not only do we have to hand over the two outstanding paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo to the Vatican today, but we also have other things to deal with, so I asked you to come here early.

There will be several guests coming to the company to discuss some matters with me. You need to be present as my personal lawyer to witness and record the content of the talks between the two parties! "

"No problem, this is our responsibility. Who is the other party? What is the content of the meeting? Tell me first, so I can be mentally prepared!"

David nodded slightly, and asked a little curiously.

"Okay, let me tell you something"

Ye Tian nodded and said, now he is going to explain.

At this moment, there was a sudden 'bang bang bang' knock on the door, interrupting Ye Tian's conversation.

Immediately afterwards, Jason opened the door and walked into the office.

"Steven, here comes the representative of the Consulate General of Honduras in New York, the Deputy Consul and the Cultural Counselor, a legal adviser, and two security personnel of the Consulate General.

When entering the company, Mattis and the others stopped the two security personnel and asked them to wait in the lounge outside the company's office area, and a guy was watching.

The other vice-consuls, cultural counselors, etc., Mattis also conducted a security check, and they were not found to be carrying weapons. I have brought them to the conference room."

Hearing this briefing, Ye Tian immediately stood up from the sofa, smiled and said to David and Jason:

"Let's go, let's meet these diplomats from Honduras and see why they are looking for me, it is so urgent!"

"Diplomats from the Consulate General of Honduras in New York? Could it be that they came for the golden scepter head of the six-pointed star and the legendary Golden City?"

David said excitedly, his eyes shining brightly.

"Bingo! You guessed it, David, these Hondurans must be here for the Golden City, otherwise what would they do to me"

With that said, Ye Tian walked towards the door of the office.

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