After walking past three or four antique stalls, Ye Tian stopped again and looked at the goods on the antique stall in front of him.

Seeing his move, Betty's eyes immediately flashed a color of surprise.

She knew in her heart that Ye Tian must have discovered something, and it might be another valuable top-level antique artwork. This also shows that another antique stall owner has been ransacked.

However, what happened next made Betty feel a little stunned and confused.

After Ye Tian quickly glanced at the goods on the antique booth, he neither picked up a certain item to admire, nor asked for a price. He just nodded to the stall owner, and then left the booth.

Before this booth, he stayed for less than half a minute in total, at most it was just a quick glance.

After walking about three or four meters, Betty immediately asked curiously in a low voice:

"Darling, didn't there be any good things in that antique booth just now? When you stopped, I thought you had found something again, but who knows, you left quickly without any action"

Ye Tian turned to look at his wife, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Honey, there is of course a reason why I stopped in front of that antique booth. You guessed it right, I did find something. There are a few pretty good antique artworks in that booth.

However, the antique stall owner is also a connoisseur of goods, and the most valuable antique works of art on the stall are basically placed by his side, obviously he knows the value of those things very well.

Since the other party knows the goods, there is no need for me to inquire about the price. It will only waste time and not take advantage of it. The antique market in Sarea Square is only one day, and we have no time to waste.

In addition to the few antique works of art placed by the stall owner, I still found two antique works of art that were ignored by the stall owner in the corner of the stall, which was considered a small gain.

The market value of those two antique artworks are both within 100,000 U.S. dollars, so it's not worth wasting my time to sell them myself. If I sell them myself, it will definitely make the stall owner more vigilant.

At this time, it's time for Bowie to make his debut. He is a strange face, and the stall owner can't recognize him. Only in this way can he win those two antique works of art at the lowest price."

When saying these words, Ye Tian lowered his voice so low that only he and Betty could hear it.

As soon as the voice fell, he had already taken out his mobile phone from his pocket, and started sending messages to Bowie with flying fingers. Everything was very familiar and proficient.

Seeing his actions, Betty couldn't help laughing softly.

"Oh my god! You two guys are really cunning to the extreme. These antique dealers in Sarea Square met you, and they must have had bad luck for eight lifetimes. They cannot escape the fate of being ransacked by madness."

While speaking, Ye Tian had already sent the message quickly, and then put away the phone.

Although there were many people following him in the market, no one knew what the message he sent was.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and his group walked to the next booth and continued to sweep Sarea Square.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty minutes have passed.

Ye Tian and the others have already walked through twenty or thirty antique booths, and Cole and the others have a few more valuable antique artworks in their hands, all of which are trophies that Ye Tian personally won.

As for Bowie who followed behind, the harvest was even greater. He even bought a huge second-hand trolley case at the market to load his own harvest.

Looking at the antique artworks in Ye Tian and Cole's hands, and those guys who have been following them and paying attention to them all the time, their eyes are red with envy!

Eager to make a fortune, some guys are already ready to make a move and cut off their beards.

But what they expected there, what awaited them was not windfalls that fell from the sky, but one after another insidious and vicious traps, which were hard to guard against!

For these guys with ulterior motives, Ye Tian has been keeping an eye on them secretly, and is always ready to use traps to trap these guys hard and show them some color.

While talking, everyone came to an antique booth again.

When passing by here, Ye Tian glanced at the goods on this booth, then stopped and admired them with great interest.

He had just stopped in his tracks, and before he could take a look, the two tourists who were standing in front of the booth, as well as their companions, turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

These are two different groups of tourists, a Caucasian couple in their fifties, and the other three are Chinese from China. They communicate with each other in Sichuan dialect, and they are about 30 or 40 years old.

Obviously, these people all knew Ye Tian, ​​and they all nodded to him.

The big brother from Sichuan who was looking at a piece of blue and white porcelain was acquainted, and he greeted Ye Tian directly, showing great enthusiasm.

"Hello, Ye Tian, ​​I didn't expect to meet you, a big man here. It's such a coincidence. My name is Wang Xiaotian, and I'm from Chengdu. If you don't mind, let's get to know each other!"

With that said, this man stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with Ye Tian.

What else can Ye Tian do? I can only shake hands with this person and introduce myself, of course in Mandarin.

"Why do you mind, Brother Wang, nice to meet you, I'm Ye Tian, ​​I'm from Dongcheng, Beijing, it's really a coincidence to meet compatriots from China here."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Wang Xiaotian suddenly pointed to the blue and white porcelain he was admiring just now, and asked expectantly:

"Ye Tian, ​​you are a well-known top expert in antique art appraisal. You are good at everything. Do me a favor. How about this blue and white porcelain? Is it worth buying?"

What he was referring to was a blue-and-white flat pot with tangled branches and patterns. The shape of the vessel was fairly regular, the blue-and-white color was dark blue, with a few brown rust spots, and it seemed to have a bit of historical charm.

Ye Tian casually glanced at the blue and white flask, neither nodded nor shook his head, just smiled and said:

"Brother Wang, I'm very sorry, I don't like this piece of porcelain"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, this sentence is completely enough.

This is an antique term that only Chinese people understand. Anyone who comes from China, who has a little knowledge of antique knowledge, or who often watches treasure-appreciation programs will understand the meaning of this sentence.

There is no doubt that this blue and white flat pot with twigs and patterns is a fake, 100% fake from China!

Hearing his words, Brother Wang's eyes immediately flashed a look of disappointment, and he was also somewhat grateful.

The other people standing beside were all at a loss and didn't know what they were talking about, including the nervous antique stall owner.

Of course, the stall owner knew how his goods were. He was afraid that Ye Tian would point out the authenticity of that piece of Chinese porcelain, and let the almost cooked duck fly away from his mouth.

It's a pity that he can't understand Chinese at all, so he has no way of knowing what Ye Tian is talking about, so he can only watch helplessly, in vain!

"Thank you, Ye Tian, ​​if I hadn't met you, brother, I might have been fooled today by these dead foreigners, these liars!"

Brother Wang said with lingering fear, looking terrified.

"You're welcome, Brother Wang. The foreign antique art market is also full of fakes and scammers, no less than domestic ones. You'd better be more careful in the future."

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, and reminded him a few words.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Ye Tian ended the topic and looked at the goods on the antique booth.

At the same time, the guys behind who were about to move were approaching the antique booth while closely watching Ye Tian's every move, ready to strike at any time.

As for Brother Wang, he stepped back and whispered something to his two companions. He was also staring at Ye Tian's actions, wanting to see what he could find in this antique booth!

After roughly scanning the goods on the antique stall, Ye Tian looked up at the stall owner in his forties.

But from the corner of his eyes, he had already locked onto the guys on the side who were about to move.

"Idiots, since you don't know how to live or die, then don't blame your brothers for being cruel!"

After secretly complaining a few words, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Good morning buddy, can I see that antique baroque clock?"

As he spoke, he pointed to a baroque-style gilt-copper clock that was about 30 centimeters high and looked quite exquisite.

"Of course no problem, Mr. Steven, please do it yourself"

The antique stall owner nodded in response, but a look of contempt and anger flashed in his eyes.

It is said that you bastard is the top expert in the appraisal of antique works of art, and you have never had the experience of piercing eyes. Now it seems that it is just a rumor and a false name!

The subtle expression changes of the antique stall owner did not escape Ye Tian's eyes at all, and he saw them clearly.

However, he acted as if he hadn't seen it.

He just nodded to the stall owner with a smile on his face, and then stretched out his hands to hug the gilt copper clock, put it on the table in front of him, and pretended to admire it seriously.

In the process of appreciating it, he appropriately showed a somewhat surprised expression, which was fleeting!

This is enough, too much is too much!

The subtle changes in Ye Tian's expression did not escape the eyes of the guys next to him, and they saw it clearly.

Surprised expressions also appeared on the faces of those guys, but this time they showed their true feelings!

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