Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1635 Escaped a catastrophe

It was lunch time, but Ye Tian and the others did not return to the nearby hotel for dinner.

The group of them found a random restaurant on Sarea Square, and then sat in the open-air dining area, enjoying a simple lunch while enjoying the scenery, chatting and laughing.

It has been nearly four hours since arriving at Saleya Square in the morning, yet Ye Tian and the others only visited two-thirds of the stalls in the antique market!

In other words, there is still a third of the antique stalls that have not been patronized, which is why they continue to remain in Sarea Square.

At this time, the Scottish buckler of the beautiful prince Charlie was placed at Ye Tian's feet, attracting countless envious, jealous, or greedy eyes.

Beside each of Taylor and Cole, there is a large or small trolley suitcase, each of which is bulging and full of things.

Those boxes contained the harvest of Ye Tian's frenzied sweep of the antique market in Sarea Square, and every piece of antique art in it was worth a lot of money!

As for Bowie, who worked closely with Ye Tian and secretly swept Sarea Square, he was not in the square at this time!

He returned to the hotel not far away again to store his harvest. The huge suitcase he was dragging in his hand was once again filled with antique artworks.

And that guy, Fraxis, also left Sarea Square.

After Ye Tian helped him identify the three antique works of art, he handed over the booth to a friend next to him to take care of him, and he left immediately with the three valuable antique weapons.

As an antique dealer who makes a living in Sarea Square, he knows the security situation here too well, staying here for a second will be extremely dangerous, and it is the best policy to do so!

The combined value of those three antique weapons is nearly 10 million euros, and it will definitely attract countless coveted eyes. If they are not in order, someone will take risks and prepare to rob!

When leaving Sarea Square, Fracis accepted Ye Tian's suggestion.

He asked the Nice police to send someone to protect him, escort him to the Sotheby's auction house in Nice, and put the three antique weapons up for auction!

Moreover, Ye Tian personally called his old friend from Sotheby's Auction House in France to get the auction house ready and send security personnel to meet him along the way!

In this way, the thoughts of some guys are completely cut off, so that those guys have no time to plan and prepare for the robbery, and can only sigh in despair!

Within a few minutes of sitting in the open-air dining area of ​​this restaurant and having a few drinks, the waiter brought everyone's lunch.

Since we are in Nice, we naturally want to taste the unique food of Nice, so that the trip is worthwhile.

On the table in front of Ye Tian are (pizza made with onion and anchovy sauce), (pancakes made with chickpea flour), bouillabaisse, and a salad of Nicoise.

All of these are famous local delicacies in Nice. Ye Tian and Betty have eaten them before, and they quite like them, and the taste is not bad!

On the tables next to Cole and the others, there are basically these delicacies.

In addition to these, there is also a sandwich called 'Pan-bagnat', which is made of French bread with onions, boiled eggs, tuna fish, olives, etc. It is also a local delicacy.

In addition, there are some unique local drinks in Nice, which are also very good to drink and have a unique taste.

as always,

When the waiter brought these delicacies to the table, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective as usual, quickly seeing through all the delicacies, not missing a single dish!


The reason why he did this was to prevent someone from tampering with it, or adding some disgusting condiments, such as saliva and the like.

This kind of thing has been encountered several times before, so I have to be careful!

Fortunately, it's not bad this time, Ye Tian didn't find anything that shouldn't be in these delicacies, so you can enjoy them with confidence!

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

"Let's get started. After enjoying this delicious lunch and taking a break, we can continue to visit the antique market. I believe that there are more surprises waiting for us"

With that said, Ye Tian picked up the knife and fork and prepared to start.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from the side, interrupting his movements.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven. Excuse me. I have something I want to talk to you about. Are you free?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately put down the knife and fork in his hand, and turned his head to look over.

The speaker was a white man in his fifties or sixties. He was tall, a little fat, and his face was flushed. Judging from his clothes, he should be a rich man who came to Nice for vacation, and he was worth a lot of money!

Beside this white man, there is a white woman in her forties who still has charm, who should be the partner of this white man.

Behind them are two tall bodyguards who look a little nervous, staring at Ye Tian and Cole who are always on guard.

Ye Tian took a quick look at these people, and secretly turned on the perspective, had a thorough look at these people, and instantly grasped their identities.

Although the two bodyguards behind were carrying pistols, Ye Tian knew that these people were not threatening, they were not his enemies, and they should have something to discuss with him.

After withdrawing his gaze and ending the perspective, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Sir, we don't seem to know each other. I wonder if you have anything to talk to me about? I'm curious. Please sit down, both of you, and we can chat while having coffee"

After saying that, Ye Tian stood up, reached out and made a gesture of please sit down, and Betty also got up and nodded to the other party.

The white man immediately stepped forward, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and introduced himself.

"Steven, nice to meet you. I've known you for a long time. My name is Byron. I'm from Edinburgh, Scotland. This is my wife Grace. We came to Nice for vacation, and we happened to meet you here."

"Hello, Byron and Grace, I'm glad to meet you too. Nice is a beautiful resort. It seems that you are enjoying the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean Sea. The results of sunbathing are good!"

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party and made a small joke.

After the two parties got to know each other, Byron and Grace sat down. Ye Tian immediately called the waiter and ordered two cups of coffee for them.

After joking and chatting a few words, Byron got to the point and explained his purpose of coming.

"Steven, we have just witnessed how you found this Scottish buckler of the beautiful Prince Charlie, and gave an accurate appraisal conclusion and valuation, which is very wonderful and breathtaking.

As you said, this is a priceless national treasure antique and a well-deserved Scottish national treasure. We are from Edinburgh, and our ancestors are somewhat related to the Stuart dynasty.

The reason why I came to bother you is because of the Scottish Buckler of Prince Charlie. I want to buy this special national treasure antique from you and bring it back to Edinburgh, Scotland.

As for the price of this Scottish buckler, according to the valuation you gave just now, it is 15 million euros. I wonder if you are willing to sell it? We can trade now if you want"

After finishing speaking, Byron stared closely at Ye Tian's face, his eyes full of anticipation, expecting to hear the most wanted answer.

"Sure enough! My buddies guessed that you are here for the Scottish buckler of the beautiful Prince Charlie."

Ye Tian said to himself, but he didn't give an answer right away.

He pretended to think for a while, then smiled and said:

"Byron, I have no intention of collecting this Scottish buckler specially made by the beautiful Prince Charles, and I am willing to sell it to you so that you can bring this Scottish national treasure back to Edinburgh.

However, if we trade in France, the price of this Scottish buckler will not be 15 million euros, but 18 million euros.

If you are willing to wait a little longer until I bring this top-notch antique back to New York before we trade it, then the transaction price will be 15 million euros.

You also know that France has a high tax burden on artworks. I will have to pay a lot of taxes if I complete the transaction in France. If I trade in New York, I can avoid a lot of taxes.

The price I paid for this round shield was 6,500 euros, and when I left France, I only had to pay a customs tax on this basis, and I could leave with it!

This customs tax is negligible and negligible. If I trade this antique in France, the taxable price will be 15 million euros. There is a world of difference between the two! "

Hearing this, Byron and Grace were immediately dumbfounded, and they both stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

After a while, the two of them just woke up.

"This guy is too cunning and calculating! He is a thousand-year-old fox. No wonder he is so successful and makes a lot of money. He really lives up to his reputation!"

Byron secretly complained wildly, and then fell into deep thought.

Perhaps because of his urgency, perhaps because he had enough money in his pocket, or perhaps because he was worried about long nights and dreams, Byron quickly made a decision.

"Okay, Steven, 18 million euros, I accept the price, we will complete this antique transaction in Nice, the sooner the better"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden commotion from the antique market.

Ye Tian stopped talking immediately, turned his head to look at the antique market, not understanding what happened there.

I saw the stall owners of many stalls at the antique market, suddenly started to pack their things, and seemed to be preparing to pack up and leave Sarea Square.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling very surprised.

"It's still early, there's still half a day left. Why did these stall owners suddenly close their stalls? Could something have happened?"

Just when he was puzzled, Byron suddenly interjected:

"When I came over there just now, I heard several antique dealers discussing that they were going to close their stalls in advance, lest you loot the entire antique market, just like you did in Saint-Ouen, Paris!"


Everyone at the scene laughed and turned to look at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian also laughed, and shrugged helplessly.

have to! The remaining one-third of the stalls in the Sarea Square Antique Bazaar escaped unharmed, and the goal of looting it all cannot be accomplished!

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