Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1640 Who Is The Future Horse King

A few minutes later, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the entrance of the arena.

They found a place by the guardrail and stood still, laughing and chatting while waiting for Jueying to enter the arena and embark on the journey of Ma Sheng's first competition.

Coincidentally, Allen and his entourage stood next to Ye Tian and the others, separated only by a Kentucky horse owner and his wife.

Obviously, Alan is still brooding over what Ye Tian said just now.

As soon as he stood still beside the guardrail, he turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said in a provocative tone:

"Steven, I really want to see your pony named Jue Ying, see if it is qualified to surpass its great-grandfather, the great Secretariat, I hope you won't disappoint me.

You will also see my 'Bay Angel' later, it will compete with Juying, and I am very sure that the champion of this year's Breeders' Cup New Horse Turf Competition must be 'Bay Angel'"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this super rich man from Los Angeles, then smiled and said:

"Alan, self-confidence is a valuable quality, but blind self-confidence is not so good. I still say what I just said, your "Bay Angel" is very unfortunate, and he is doomed to be a loser today.

When I see Jue Ying later, I hope you can still maintain this confidence, don't be discouraged, and let your "Bay Angel" and jockey show their best condition, that will be interesting"


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, Betty and the others all laughed, and everyone was full of confidence.

Looking at Alan and the few people around him, they were all flushed with anger, their eyes were burning, and they were gnashing their teeth and staring at Ye Tian, ​​wishing they could rush up and fight to the death.

The other horse owners who were also staying at the guardrail, waiting for their respective horse races, couldn't look any better, rolling their eyes angrily and biting their teeth!

The Kentucky horse owner standing in the middle turned to look at Ye Tian and Alan respectively, and said indignantly:

"Gentlemen, there are not only your two horses participating in the Breeders' Cup New Horse Grass Competition today, there are many other horses, and every horse is very strong.

According to what you said, the winner of the New Horse Grass Race is either one or the other, and you have already booked it. The other horses can only accompany the runners. Are you too confident? "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Kentucky horse owner, and then jokingly said:

"Derek, I've heard that your pony named 'Flying Wing' is from a northern dancer. It's very good. It has won many prizes in some competitions in Kentucky, and its results are outstanding!

However, like Allen's 'Bay Angel', it is not yet qualified to challenge 'Jue Ying'. If it performs well, it may be able to compete with the 'Bay Angel' for the runner-up. That is the limit! "


There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and almost everyone around laughed.

Of course, this does not include Alan and Derek, and other horse owners.

"Steven, as rumored, you are a complete jerk"

Derek cursed through gritted teeth, so angry that smoke was coming out of his nose.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed.

The podium ceremony for the first event of the day, the Breeders' Cup Marathon, is finally over.

The "Star of Alabama", who won the marathon championship, wore a championship wreath woven with flowers around his neck, and left the field under the guidance of the trainer.

When leaving the arena, there were many happy people around the champion horse.

Among them are the horse owner and his family holding the championship trophy, the jockey and trainer, as well as several other shareholders of the horse, and many media reporters.

Mainly from news outlets in Alabama.

After the 'Star of Alabama' left the field, many horses participating in the Breeders' Cup New Horse Grass Competition began to enter the field one after another.

In previous Breeders' Cups, the mile-long New Horse Turf Race is a very important race, even second only to the finale Breeders' Cup Classic Race.

There is no other reason why the New Horse Grass Race is so important and attracts countless attentions, because this is often the birthplace of future horse kings.

Since the Breeders Cup was held in 1984, there have been many champion horses in the New Horse Competition, especially the champion new horses in each session, almost all have achieved very good records and won countless prizes!

Because of this, the Breeders' Cup New Horse Competition has attracted much attention. Both horse owners and horse racing enthusiasts attach great importance to this competition!

For the horse owner, if his horse can win the new horse race, in addition to the prize money of one million US dollars, it will definitely double its value, become a blockbuster, and its future will be bright from now on.

For horse racing enthusiasts, this is an excellent opportunity to witness miracles and discover superstars, maybe they can witness the birth of a great horse racing with their own eyes.

In addition, the final result of the new horse race can also provide a reference for watching horse races in the next few years, so that you can be targeted when betting!

With the departure of the 'Alabama Star', the entrance of the arena became more lively. Everyone turned their heads to look at the entrance passage, waiting for the two-year-old purebred ponies to enter the arena.

"Tap Tat Tat"

A crisp sound of horseshoes came with the wind and reached the ears of everyone present.

It was the sound of horseshoes stepping on the concrete floor, like metal clashing, full of rhythm, very beautiful and intoxicating.

"Here comes the first racehorse."

There were cheers and warm applause at the entrance of the arena.

Everyone is applauding, welcoming these two-year-old thoroughbred ponies who are about to set foot on the Keeneland Racecourse track and officially start their racing career, cheer them on, and send them blessings!

Before the applause fell, the protagonists of this new horse competition began to appear on the stage.

Under the guidance of two race staff members riding horses, a two-year-old maroon racehorse was led by a trainer and carried its jockey on its back. [UU Reading 00ks] first appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This two-year-old thoroughbred racehorse is about 1.63 meters tall, with a strong physique, long and powerful limbs, fighting spirit in his eyes, and no stage fright at all.

From this point, it can be seen that this racehorse should have participated in many competitions, or have done targeted training, so he can be so calm.

Walking around, this two-year-old thoroughbred racehorse is like a surging maroon silk, with a charming luster radiating from its whole body.

As soon as the pony appeared, Derek and the others standing beside Ye Tian cheered.

"Look, the Flying Wing has come out. It looks great. It will definitely win today's game and win the Singapore-Macau Grass Competition."

"There is no doubt that the champion of the new horse race is already in the bag of 'Flying Wing', and other horses can only follow behind to eat dirt and mud!"

While cheering and applauding, Derek didn't forget to look at Ye Tian and Alan, with extremely proud expressions and the provocative meaning in his eyes was undisguised.

However, Ye Tian shook his head lightly, his eyes were full of disdain, and the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing his expression, Derek's teeth itch with hatred, but there is nothing he can do.

As for Allen on the other side, he was a little more reserved, just nodded with a smile.

While speaking, Fei Yi had already entered the arena and walked past everyone's eyes.

When passing by Derek's position, Flying Wing's trainer deliberately pulled the reins and paused here for Derek to communicate with his horse and jockey.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feiyi's jockey took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were full of fear, envy, and even jealousy!

Needless to say, this jockey has already seen Jue Ying, that's why he behaved like this.

Following Flying Wing, a chestnut thoroughbred racehorse, led by the trainer, walked into the arena unhurriedly and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

As before, the scene once again burst into warm applause and cheers.

This sorrel pony belonged to an Arab prince, but those Arabs did not come to the entrance of the arena, but stayed in the box, watching this side through the live TV screen.

Immediately afterwards, another black racehorse from Canada was led by the trainer into the arena.

The fourth one to debut was Allen's "Bay Angel".

This is a purebred pony with a purplish red body, white badges on its head and four hooves, smooth lines, and a height of about 1.64 meters.

It is not only tall, but also has a strong physique and perfect proportions. When it walks towards the arena, it always holds its head high, and its eyes are full of fighting spirit and excitement.

Look at its muscles, which are constantly surging under the silky maroon fur, and seem to contain endless energy, just wait for the bell to ring, and then release it completely!

As soon as the 'Bay Angels' appeared, there was thunderous applause and cheers at the entrance of the arena. Many people were so excited that they gave their own applause to the 'Gulf Angels'.

Many media reporters waiting at the entrance of the arena pointed their cameras and video cameras at the 'Bay Angels', shooting wildly!

Obviously, the 'Bay Angel' has a very high popularity and has attracted a lot of attention. It is the biggest favorite to win the Singapore-Macau Grass Competition!

While applauding and cheering, Allen deliberately turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​with an extremely proud expression and a provocative look in his eyes.

Ye Tian smiled, clapped his hands lightly, and gave his own applause to the 'Bay Angel'.

However, while applauding, he shook his head slightly at Allen, and his intention could not be more clear.

"What a damned bastard, let's see how long you can be arrogant, it's disgusting!"

Allen gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, then turned his head and looked at his racehorse.

Like Derek, he is also going to communicate with the "Gulf Angels" and tell the jockey that he will win the New Horse Grass Race today no matter what.

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