Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1642 The King Comes


Jueying, who came to the guardrail, snorted happily, then took a step forward, poked his huge head over the guardrail, and plunged into Ye Tian's arms.


Ye Tian laughed loudly, hugged Jueying's head with both hands, and kissed the diamond-shaped white badge in the middle of its forehead, eyes full of pampering.

At the same time, Betty, who was standing beside her, also stretched out her hands, gently stroking Jueying's head, her movements were extremely gentle, and her eyes were full of love.

Watching this scene, Sam and Owen, as well as the trainer Jacobs and the jockey Mike, couldn't help but enviously envy, and even felt a bit sour, obviously jealous!

Except for sleeping, I and Jueying get along almost day and night, accompany day and night, and take care of this little guy in every possible way, just like treating my own child!

However, in front of me, this little guy, Jueying, is always as proud as a king. It seems that being able to accompany him day and night is a kind of gift and honor!

Has it ever been so affectionate to itself? It's never happened before, if Jueying can treat herself with one-third of the affection she has for Steven, then she can wake up with a smile in her dreams!

Not only Sam and the others, but David and Cole were also very envious and envious. They wished they could take Ye Tian's place and get close to this extremely handsome purebred racehorse.

This is the future king of the horse racing world, and it is on the eve of the first official race of a fledgling and brilliant career. Such an opportunity is so rare, who would miss it?

As for the many horse owners such as Alan and Derek, as well as the many spectators and media reporters at the entrance of the arena, as well as the countless spectators in front of the live broadcast, they were completely dumbfounded at this time!

Where have they seen such a handsome, intelligent and spiritual thoroughbred racehorse, this is simply a child who is acting like a baby to his parents, there is a racehorse!

The scene that was happening in front of them was completely beyond people's cognition, so much so that their brains shut down, they froze in place, and even lost the ability to speak.

After kissing the diamond-shaped white badge in the middle of Jueying's forehead, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective secretly, and looked at the little guy in his arms!

He is going to give Jueying a thorough pre-match physical examination to make sure nothing goes wrong!

In addition, he also intends to use the aura in his eyes to sort out the muscles and bones of Jue Ying, and even every cell in his body, to replenish energy for this little guy, so that he can run on the track in a better state!

For Jueying, the aura in Ye Tian's eyes is the supreme tonic, the most effective stimulant in the world, and the kind without any side effects.

As soon as Ye Tian turned on the perspective, Jueying felt the aura that made it extremely comfortable. It snorted happily, and then rubbed against Ye Tian's arms.

Under the perspective, every part and every cell inside and outside Jueying's body is clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, without any omission, and there is no secret at all!

Just like what he saw through the perspective last night, Jueying at this time is in perfect condition and is at his peak!

Its huge 25-pound heart is beating non-stop, very strong and regular, sending blood and energy to all parts of the body, and its work efficiency is extremely efficient.

The bright red blood flows quickly through the blood vessels of different thicknesses without any hindrance, and can always reach all parts of the body at the fastest speed, sending energy and nutrients.

Look at those muscles and bones made of steel. They are powerful and extremely tough. They seem to contain endless energy, just like hot magma, ready to erupt at any time and burn everything!

Every cell inside and outside Jueying's body, the sorrel fur, the saddle on his body, the horseshoes on the soles of his four feet,

Even the riding whip in Mike's hand was thoroughly seen through by Ye Tian.

No issues, everything was perfect!

Next, as long as the bell rings and the starting gate is successfully rushed out, the winner of the Breeders' Cup New Horse Grass Competition belongs to Jueying, without any doubt.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian thoroughly examined Jueying from head to toe, and found no problems.

However, he didn't look back, but continued to see through, and continued to send spiritual energy to Jueying, making this little guy stronger and more invincible!

At the same time, he was gently stroking Jueying's big head, and whispering to this little guy.

"Jueying, when the bell rings, you can gallop to your heart's content, to conquer those opponents, to conquer the Keeneland Racecourse, to conquer all the audience, to conquer the entire horse racing world!

Go beyond your great-grandfather, the great Secretariat! Go ahead and beat all famous racehorses such as Gladiator, Ocean Cracker, American Pharoah, Cigar and more, go and beat all existing records!

Starting today, you are the king on the track, and the entire horse racing world belongs to you. Famous horses, whether underage or adult, will surrender under your hooves.

I believe you will live up to the name of Jueying. When you run, the rest of the racehorses can only follow behind and eat dirt. They can't even catch up with your shadow.

After the race starts, Betty and I will watch you from the audience, and witness you win your first championship in your life and start your brilliant horse racing career"

Seemingly having understood these words, before Ye Tian finished speaking, Jueying raised his head, and gently rubbed his head against Ye Tian's cheek with a very intimate gesture.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly raised its hooves and stood up, Yang Tian let out a neighing sound like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, as if announcing to the whole world that the king is coming!


It was this huge neighing sound that resounded throughout the Keeneland Racecourse that woke everyone up in an instant.

In the next second, the entrance to the arena, the audience seats at the Keeneland Racecourse, and all the live broadcast ends were completely boiling, like a volcanic eruption.

"God! What the hell did I see? Is that really a thoroughbred racehorse? It's so smart, so cute, like a spiritual child, just made to look like a racehorse!"

"Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes. There are such purebred racehorses in the world. There is no doubt that Jue Ying is an angel that God bestowed on this world!

I believe what Steven said now, Jueying will dominate this year's Breeders' Cup New Horse Turf Competition, and he may even become the new horse king at the age of two!

For this angel full of spirituality, anything is possible. I have to admit that Steven's luck is so good that it makes people crazy to envy! "

When there was a lot of discussion, everyone has been completely conquered by the spiritual Jueying, and has directly become its diehard fans, leaving other racehorses behind in an instant!

Even the horse owners at the entrance of the arena were shocked and conquered by Jueying's performance. They looked at Jueying with extremely hot eyes, even a little crazy.

In their eyes, Ye Tian, ​​the owner of Jueying, has completely turned into an extremely lucky bastard, a devil who robbed angels.

How much they want to take Ye Tian's place, become the master of Jue Ying, take that pure-blood racehorse full of spirituality into their pockets, and make it their own taboo!

However, each of them knew very well in their hearts that this was simply impossible.

Who ever took advantage of that bastard Steven? Not a single one, let alone such a priceless, unprecedented thoroughbred racehorse!

When Jueying fell from the sky, Ye Tian also retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, he stroked Juying a few more times, whispered some instructions, and then pushed Juying's huge head into Betty's arms, letting them make out.

Ye Tian looked up at jockey Mike, smiled and said in a low voice:

"Mike, after the race starts and the starting gate opens, don't let Jueying rush out immediately and compete with other racehorses for a favorable position inside, you might as well let those racehorses take a few steps.

After the other horses have rushed out, you can let Jueying rush out of the starting gate, and then pass directly from the outside.

If you rush out too early, if you can't pick up the speed, you will inevitably get mixed up with other racehorses, which is very likely to cause friction and collision**. We must avoid all possible accidents.

With Jueying's speed, I believe that Jueying can easily overtake other horses even if they are 100 meters away. The distance of this race is only one mile. You don't have to restrain Jueying, just let it gallop as fast as you want.

All you have to do is to stay on the horse all the time and win the New Horse Grassland Championship together with Jueying. Of course, you have to pay attention to the surrounding situation to prevent other horses and jockeys from playing dirty tricks.

Because of this, I ask you to overtake from the outside line immediately after rushing out of the starting gate. As long as Jueying rushes to the front, the other horses and jockeys will only have to eat dirt and can't do any tricks! "

After the words fell, Mike immediately nodded firmly and said:

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, I will definitely protect Jueying and win the new horse competition with it, even if you don't say it, I will follow your plan.

You are right, Jueying can easily overtake other racehorses even with a 100-meter gap. To be honest, Jueying is the fastest purebred racehorse I have ever seen, just like a flying angel.

Even those famous racehorses who are three years old and above can't match the speed of Jueying. Unfortunately, Jueying can't participate in the classic race this time, and can't compete with those famous horses! "

"Steven, isn't this too risky? For Jueying, this is the first competition after all, so he just let go and ran. Can its limbs and heart bear it? Shall we be conservative?"

Sam interjected gravely, obviously still concerned.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at him, then patted Jueying's huge head lightly, and said confidently:

"Don't worry! Sam, although I have only a handful of time with Jue Ying, I'm sure I know Jue Ying better than you, and I understand its potential!

Not to mention the one-mile-long New Horse Grass Race, even if it is a one-and-a-quarter mile classic race, I dare to let Jueying let go and win the championship.

Today's Keeneland Racecourse, and even this year's Breeders' Cup, Jueying [UU Reading 00ks] will definitely become the biggest star, become a blockbuster and reach the top, just wait and celebrate! "

What else could Sam say when he heard that? He could only nod slightly, and looked forward to the most perfect result.

Next, Ye Tian stroked Jueying a few more times. He didn't let Jacobs and Owen lead Jueying away until the tournament staff came to urge him.

Seeing Jueying leave, everyone at the scene was full of admiration, looking fascinated.

It was not until the sound of trampling horseshoes came again and the ninth racehorse entered the passage that everyone woke up.

Immediately afterwards, many spectators immediately took out their mobile phones or wallets, ready to place bets through their mobile phones, or rushed to the nearest betting point, ready to bet heavily on Jueying, betting big!

However, these guys soon discovered to their disappointment that all the major bookmakers have closed the betting window for Jue Ying, leaving no chance at all!

It was Ye Tian himself who forced the major gaming companies to close their betting windows!

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