Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1657 From the Academy of Fine Arts in the Renaissance

"Steven, someone followed up from behind, obviously with malicious intentions"

Cole's voice came from the invisible earphones and reached Ye Tian's ears.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had already left Michelangelo Square, and were heading to the Florence Academy of Fine Arts in the old city by car.

After taking down the classical oil painting by Botticelli, Ye Tian didn't make any more moves. He just went to look at the remaining booths, then turned and left.

With the bloody lessons learned before them, the remaining stall owners of the antique stalls, how dare they do business with him! One by one is like treating a scourge, so guard against it!

However, how did these guys know that Ye Tian had grasped the situation at their booth in an instant, more thoroughly than they themselves.

Bowie, Ye Tian's long-prepared follower, has also come to Michelangelo Square, and is secretly sweeping all the valuable antique artworks that are neglected or seriously underestimated by people!

Like those at the famous antiques markets of Saint-Ouen in Paris, Notting Hill in London, and Place de la Sarea in Nice.

From the moment Ye Tian stepped into Michelangelo Square, those antique dealers who did business here were doomed to be looted and ransacked. It was impossible to avoid it!

Hearing the situation reported by Cole, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth immediately.

"Let the guys be more vigilant, just in case, can you see who the other party is?"

"There are several groups of stalkers behind, some on scooters, some driving, scattered in the traffic behind, these guys have all appeared in Michelangelo Square just now.

Among them was the unlucky stall owner. This guy was obviously unwilling, so he drove up to follow, and then there were a few thieves, including Italians, Gypsies, and Arabs! "

Cole's voice came again, quickly reporting the situation.

"Obviously, these guys are all here for Botticelli's classical oil painting, and the painting's valuation of 80 million euros has completely driven these idiots crazy and lost their minds.

Although these guys are just thieves, there are some dangerous guys hidden behind Baobuqi, gypsy gangsters or mafia or something. After all, this is Italy, the lair of the mafia.


We must be careful, let all the guys be vigilant, and be ready to fight at any time. If someone rushes up to rob without knowing their life or death, everyone must not be polite.

By the way, since we have free bodyguards, don’t let those Italian policemen who are following you idle, inform them of the situation later, and see how those Italian policemen respond.”

Ye Tian said with a sneer, and the arrangement was completed in a blink of an eye.

"Understood, Steven, I'll notify the Italian police behind me right away, just leave the security to us, don't worry, if those idiots insist on coming up to seek death, then we'll send them to hell!"

Cole responded decisively, with a murderous look in his words.

While speaking, the convoy passed the bridge over the Arno River and entered the old city of Florence.

As soon as they entered the old city, there was a sudden sound of emergency braking behind the convoy, which was very sharp and piercing, which startled the people on the street.

The two Alfa Romeos that were following behind the convoy suddenly braked suddenly and quickly slammed their bodies sideways. The fronts of the two cars collided and stopped in the middle of the road, completely sealing off the street.

It was the Italian police in plain clothes who were driving the two Alfa Romeos, and the two cars also had civilian license plates.

They had already received Cole's report on the situation, and then quickly asked their immediate superiors for instructions. After receiving the instructions, they made the move to block the road!

Seeing the unexpected situation ahead, the other vehicles and motorcycles following the two Alfa Romeos had to brake urgently and stop in a haphazard manner in the middle of the road.

All of a sudden, the sound of brakes on this ancient street became extremely lively, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

Fortunately, the streets in the old city of Florence are very narrow, and the speed of the vehicles is relatively slow. Although there was no warning of emergency braking, it did not cause too many accidents, only some vehicles rear-ended!

Before the piercing sound of emergency brakes fell, there was a sudden sound of sirens from several nearby streets. It was obvious that many police cars were quickly gathering here.

All the people on this street were dumbfounded in an instant, and they froze in place, looking back and forth, left and right, not understanding what happened, everyone's eyes were full of horror!

Immediately afterwards, they saw such a scene.

The two Alfa Romeos that were parked horizontally in the middle of the street and sealed off the street suddenly opened the front and rear doors, and a few burly men rushed out from the car. Their movements were neat and well-trained!

These guys were all holding firearms, pistols, or short assault rifles. As if they were facing a big enemy, they raised their guns as soon as they got out of the car, and rushed towards several cars and motorcycles behind them.

"We are the Florence police. The people in the car listen, come out with their heads in their hands, and lie on the front of the car. Don't make any unnecessary movements, or you will bear the consequences!"

The stern warning sounded, resounding through the entire street, and also detonated this ancient street.

In an instant, the street was in complete chaos.

The people who reacted began to flee in all directions, one by one holding their heads, bowing their waists, screaming in horror, and crawling towards the hiding place they thought was safe.

At this time, they hated their parents for giving them two missing legs, and they couldn't run fast enough.

Looking at Ye Tian's convoy, they had already sped away and disappeared at the intersection not far ahead.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian and his team to arrive at the gate of Florence Academy of Fine Arts.

Just turning onto the street where the Florence Academy of Fine Arts is located, Ye Tian and the others saw a large group of people gathered at the gate of the Academy of Fine Arts, looking eagerly at the convoy from a long distance away.

Without exception, these guys are all excited and expectant in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly, and there was a bit of complacency in his eyes.

Obviously, relevant people from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts have received news that Ye Tian has found a portrait of Botticelli, and plans to bring it to study with them!

If it's just a Botticelli painting, even if it's priceless, these guys from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts would not pay so much attention to it, let alone run to the entrance of the academy to greet it.

The Florence Academy of Fine Arts itself houses works by Botticelli, as well as immortal masterpieces by Michelangelo, David, paintings by Raphael, and works by other top artists.

For the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, top-notch antique artworks have long been commonplace, and it is impossible to mobilize many teachers for it.

The reason why they came out to welcome them was that they heard that this classical oil painting was very special. It not only reflected Botticelli's own process of learning oil painting, but also reflected the initial development of oil painting in Italy.

After learning this, these fellows from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts came to the gate of the academy like chicken blood, expecting Ye Tian and the others to arrive as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy had reached the gate of the Academy of Fine Arts and stopped end to end.

As soon as the convoy came to a complete stop, Cole and the others immediately got out of the car, spread out quickly, pulled up a cordon, and watched the surrounding situation vigilantly.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian took Betty and opened the car door, and appeared in front of those guys from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts.

At the same time, two Caucasian men in their fifties and sixties walked up quickly, and greeted them warmly with bright smiles on their faces.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, welcome to the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, nice to meet you, I'm Mario, the dean of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Mario, I am also very glad to meet you. I have heard about you for a long time, and the Florence Academy of Fine Arts is even more famous. I have wanted to visit here for a long time."

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party, and said a few polite words.

Immediately afterwards, the other person also introduced himself. That person is also a senior member of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts and a famous painter.

After getting to know each other and exchanging polite greetings, Mario immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, we have received word that you found a Botticelli portrait in Piazzale Michelangelo, a painting that has never been seen before, where is that oil painting now?

And we also heard that this oil painting is extremely important, it reflects the process of Botticelli's learning of oil painting creation, and also reflects the initial development of oil painting in Italy! is this real? "

Ye Tian nodded slightly with a smile on his face, and said in a very positive tone:

"Of course it is true. The portrait of Botticelli is on the car. You can see it later. After you study it carefully, you will understand how important that painting is!"

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the Mercedes bulletproof SUV behind him.

At this moment, there was a sudden piercing gunshot in the distance, which instantly shattered the tranquility of this ancient city.

"bang bang bang"

The gunshots came from not far behind, just the block the convoy had just passed.

The moment he heard the gunshot, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian's mouth, and it was fleeting!

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