Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1671 0 Flower Cathedral

After dealing with many media reporters, Ye Tian and the others left the Florence Police Station by car and headed straight for the Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore.

Before and after their convoy, there are three police cars with flashing police lights, responsible for opening the road and protecting them, so as to avoid accidents from happening again, thus destroying Florence, the capital of art.

There are several policemen with live ammunition sitting in each police car, and each of them is on high alert at all times, as if facing a big enemy.

Of course, those media reporters who feared that the world would not be chaotic also drove up one after another. Everyone was extremely excited, and even maliciously expected another fierce fight.

As soon as the convoy left the Florence Police Station, Ye Tian immediately said through the invisible headset:

"Cole, find a restaurant near the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers. It's lunch time. Let's have lunch first, and then visit the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers."

"Understood, Steven"

Cole's voice came from the earphones and responded.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and called Kenny who was far away in New York.

The phone was connected in an instant, and Kenny's voice came over immediately.

"Steven, have you left the Florence Police Station?"

"We have already left the police station and are on our way to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers. Let me tell you what I asked you to investigate. Did you gain anything?"

"Okay, Steven, based on the names of the two gypsy gunmen you provided, we have already found out the gypsy gang to which the two scumbags belong, as well as the main strongholds of that gang.

Through the names and mobile phone numbers of those two scumbags, we traced the vines and successfully found the boss of the gypsy gang, as well as the mobile phone numbers, names and addresses of all other members.

We monitored the mobile phone of the gypsy gang boss, and learned through the monitoring that the Florence police have launched operations and raided several strongholds of the gang, but found nothing.

The gypsy gang had received the news a long time ago, and they all hid in a secret hiding place, which the Florence police did not know, not too far from the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

Later, I will send you all the information about that gypsy gang, so that you can find out what to do, send the scum to hell, or use the hands of the police to get rid of the scum.

The same was true for the outer legion of the Casamonica family, which was also raided by the Florence police. Several venues were swept up, but those mafia scumbags were not caught.

By monitoring the mobile phone signals of those mafia scumbags, we learned that those guys have sent a request for help to the Roman family and reported the latest situation here in detail.

But whether Rome will send people to Florence to support this outlying legion is temporarily unknown. The mobile phone number in Rome cannot be monitored, and it has obviously been modified to anti-monitoring.

The remaining scumbags of the Florentine Outer Legion are also hiding at this time. We are using the mobile phone numbers of those scumbags to determine their locations one by one, and we have found something.

It may not be long before we can find all those scumbags and locate them one by one. By then, the life and death of those mafia scumbags will depend on your thoughts."

"Good job, Kenny, continue to monitor those mafia scumbags and that gypsy gangster, keep an eye on every move of those scumbags, and let me know if you find anything"

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, with fierce murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Ten minutes later, the convoy drove near the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers and stopped at the entrance of an Italian restaurant.

At this time, the vicinity of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers was empty, with few pedestrians and tourists to be seen, and it seemed very deserted.

At a glance, what everyone sees the most is the Florence police patrolling with live ammunition. Each of them is on high alert, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

In addition to the police, the most people on the street are media reporters. These guys are very excited, holding up their cameras and video cameras to shoot non-stop.

After the convoy stopped and it was confirmed that the scene was safe, Ye Tian took Betty out of the car, and walked into this Italian restaurant under the guard of Cole and the others.

Following them, Anderson and Taylor also walked into this Italian restaurant, ready to have lunch.

By the time the group of them walked out of the Italian restaurant, it was already past two thirty in the afternoon.

After leaving the restaurant, Ye Tian and the others did not take a car, but chose to walk, laughing and chatting, while walking towards the Basilica of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers, looking like other tourists.

However, in the eyes of everyone else on the street, especially in the eyes of those heavily armed Florence police, they can be said to be the most dangerous and cruel tourists, who has ever seen it!

At this time, the light rain was still falling, and the weather became cooler.

There were still few pedestrians and tourists in the square in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers and the surrounding area, and there were police officers and reporters from major news media everywhere.

These media reporters have already learned that Ye Tian and the others will come here for a visit, so they come here to sit and wait, maybe they can get an explosive news.

Those media reporters who came all the way from the police station took advantage of Ye Tian and his group having lunch, and took a good position in the Basilica of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers early, waiting for Ye Tian and his group to arrive!

Walking to the edge of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers, seeing the deserted scene in the square in front of the Cathedral, Ye Tian immediately joked:

"Guys, it seems that we are going to enjoy VIP treatment. This afternoon, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers, the fourth largest cathedral in the world, will be opened exclusively for us. Such an opportunity is really precious!"

As they said that, the group of them had already walked up to the square in front of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, and then stopped, raised their heads and began to admire this landmark building in Florence and the most beautiful church in the world.

In this world, there are many majestic and majestic churches, such as Cologne Cathedral in Germany, St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican, Milan Cathedral in Milan and so on.

However, there is no other church as beautiful and charming as the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers, the only one in the world.

This beautiful church, which is veneered with white, red and green granite, fully interprets the classicism, elegance and freedom advocated by the Renaissance era, which is unparalleled!

And this is why it is called the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers.

The original site of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers is the Church of Santa Reparata built in the fourth century.

In 1296, Cosimo di Giovanni de Medici funded the construction of a new church, which took 175 years to finally complete, named the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers.

The architect who designed and presided over the construction of this famous church was Bruneneschi, a talented architect. He imitated the Roman Pantheon and designed and built the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

This is the perfect combination of classical art and science. When it was first published, it caused a huge sensation, and the Pope at the time was also amazed, calling it "mythical".

Today, the huge dome of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers is still a great miracle in the history of architecture, breathtaking and even jaw-dropping!

Even the great Michelangelo, after imitating it to design St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, sighed with regret that "it can be built bigger than it, but it can't be more beautiful than it".

The most incredible thing is that Bruneneschi completed the design without drawing a sketch or writing down a set of calculation data, as if the entire dome had been built in his mind.

As the designer of this great building, Bruneneschi was buried here after his death, and his tomb is under the church.

On the square in front of the church, his statue points to the magnificent dome of the church, as if proudly introducing his masterpiece to the world.

Inside the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is the dome painting "Doomsday Judgment" drawn by Vasari, and the mural "Monument to Giovanni Aguto" on the wall of the hall.

In addition, there is "Dante and the Divine Comedy" painted to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Dante's birth in the church, and various other reliefs abound.

Climbing the 463 steps on the north side of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, you can reach the top of the dome of the church, where you can overlook the beautiful street view of the old city of Florence.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were standing on the square in front of the church, admiring this extremely beautiful and famous church, everyone's eyes were full of fascination.

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