Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1678 Kill each other

No one was in the rest of the rooms on the third floor, so Ye Tian knew it clearly, so he didn't go in to check.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the entrance of the stairs and started to feel along the stairs to the second floor. His footsteps were as light as a cat, without making any sound.

In fact, the two scumbags who were arguing with each other in the living room on the first floor, although they deliberately suppressed their voices, still provided Ye Tian with a perfect cover.

The focus of all of them is on the bastards on the opposite side, and no one pays attention to the situation on the stairs, let alone the stairs to check.

As for the mafia scum at the window on the second floor, his main task is to keep an eye on the street outside, and he has no time to pay attention to the situation on the stairs.

Soon, Ye Tian went down to the second floor, touched the door of the room where the mafia scum was hidden, and stopped at the side of the open door.

Without any hesitation, he turned on the perspective again and looked into the room.

At the same time, he also reached out and pulled out the saber that he had just captured and killed the gypsy scumbag.

He was going to continue to use this saber, sneak into this room quietly, kill the mafia scum in it, and send him to hell.

As far as the eye can see, the wall in front of him is immediately seen through, and the situation in the room is immediately presented in Ye Tian's eyes, which is very clear.

The mafia scum who hid in the window, through the gap between the curtains, still stared at the empty street outside, which was considered a more conscientious one.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian stepped out immediately and quietly walked into this dark room, like a ghost flying against the floor.

For the mafia scum next to the window, the room was pitch dark and visibility was extremely poor. Even if someone came in, he couldn't tell whether it was a friend or an enemy for a while!

But for Ye Tian, ​​everything in this room is very clear, and it is no different from that in the daytime.

Just like the gypsy before, when the mafia scum who was hiding by the window felt a murderous aura, the saber in Ye Tian's hand was already on this guy's neck.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian cut the guy's throat mercilessly, so that he didn't even have time to let out a scream, and went to hell to report.

in the dark,

Hot blood spurted out from the throat cut by the saber and from the aorta, completely dyeing the wall in front of him and the flamboyant curtain!

After succeeding, Ye Tian rubbed the sharp saber on the mafia scum, wiped off the blood, and then inserted it into the scabbard.

Next, he slowly put the corpse of this mafia scum on the floor, and then took the SG551 assault rifle and many magazines in this guy's hand, ready to use it as a backup weapon.

After doing this, he walked into the bathroom in this room, took a cup from it, and took a full glass of tap water.

When he came out of the bathroom, he didn't immediately walk out of the house price to attack the two scumbags in the living room downstairs and send those scumbags to hell.

Holding the water glass in one hand and the AUG assault rifle in the other, he came to the only table in the room, and then gently moved the table to expose the power socket at the back.

Immediately afterwards, he brought a chair from the side, and used the back of the chair and the water cup to set up a simple mechanism, allowing the tap water in the cup to flow down the wall and slowly flow to the power socket.

After arranging the mechanism and seeing that the water was about to soak the power socket, Ye Tiantian left the room and walked silently to the stairs.

During this period, he has gently opened the safety of the AUG assault rifle in his hand, ready to fire at any time.

Those scumbags in the living room downstairs were still arguing, and they were getting more and more intense, and the air was full of gunpowder!

Although I don't understand Italian, but from the analysis of the scumbags' tone, the two sides have reached the point of tension between the two sides, and there may be a conflict at any time. Perhaps what is lacking is an opportunity and a little spark!

And this is what Ye Tian wants to see the most, and he is also very happy to provide an opportunity for both parties to get together, and he is very happy to ignite!

Hearing the fierce quarrel coming from downstairs, a cold smile appeared on his face immediately.

Idiots, get ready to go to hell, no one wants to escape!

While speaking, Ye Tian has quietly walked to the stairs.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of 'Zizzi' from the room behind him. It was extremely harsh in the dark environment.

Apparently, that simple mechanism had worked, and the water had flowed into the electrical outlet.

Almost at the same time as the sound of the electric current, several lights in the living room on the first floor began to flicker frantically, and then went out, and the private clubhouse suddenly fell into complete darkness.

"What's going on? Why is there a sudden power outage? Antonio, you bastards did it, right? What are you trying to do?"

"We didn't do it, Roman, are your ears deaf? You can't hear anything, I just heard the electric sound of 'Ziz'.

The sound came from the stairs. It should be a short circuit somewhere upstairs, which caused the trip. Just send someone to the basement to turn on the switch! "

There was a burst of exclamations in the living room, every voice was full of nervousness and even fear, and everyone was instantly alert and ready to fight at any time.

The targets of their vigilance are the guys on the opposite side. Everyone has always been a competitor. Who knows if the guys on the opposite side are planning to steal the black, dare to be cautious?

Fortunately, there is a guy with a clear mind here, who instantly guessed the general reason for the light off and gave the most correct solution.

But, will Ye Tian give them this chance? Will it turn the lights in the living room on again? There is no possibility at all.

At the moment when the lights in the living room went out and the exclamation sounded, he had already slipped down the wooden stairs, quickly descended to the first floor, and hid behind those gypsy scumbags.

At this time, in the living room on the first floor, because all the windows have been sealed and no light can be seen, after the lights suddenly went out, the place fell into endless darkness, and I couldn't see my fingers or anything!

But in Ye Tian's eyes, this place is no different from the bright sun during the day. He can see every scum here, see their every move, and even see the fear in their hearts!

Before Antonio's voice could fall, or before they sent someone to the basement to turn on the switch, Ye Tian had already opened fire.

The muzzle of the assault rifle in his hand directly locked Antonio and the other two leaders of the Casamonica family, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

“Bang Bang Bang“

The deafening sound of gunfire suddenly sounded, startling everyone in the living room.

The flames ejected from the muzzle of the AUG assault rifle directly tore apart the darkness that could not be seen, and also illuminated the faces of grim and fearful faces.

Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, several bullets rushed out of the muzzle of the AUG assault rifle at high speed, passed through the gaps of those gypsy scumbags, and directly took Antonio and the other two mafia leaders on the opposite side!

In the next instant, the scorching hot 5.56mm rifle bullets hit the target accurately and penetrated into the bodies of the three mafia leaders like a broken bamboo.


The shrill screams sounded frantically. In this dark environment, it sounded extremely frightening and extremely frightening, as if the god of death was beside him.

Ye Tian did not immediately kill Antonio and the other two mafia leaders, but chose to inflict heavy damage on these three scumbags and let them release the most painful screams.

This is exactly his purpose. Only in this way can this place become more chaotic, and everyone will fall into endless fear, and then go completely crazy!

His purpose was achieved, and the effect was quite perfect.

Before the screams fell, Antonio's frantic roar came out.

"I know, you damned gypsy scumbags are always liars and thieves, and have no credibility at all.

Guys, we shouldn't trust these bastards, shoot me at once, kill all these bloody liars, and send these gypsy scum to hell! "

Before Antonio's voice fell, the rest of the mafia members had already pulled out their hands to grab, or picked up their long spears, and started shooting frantically at the opposite side.

“Bang Bang Bang“

The gunshots sounded like a hurricane, resounding through the entire street, throughout Florence, and even throughout Italy!

The guys in the gypsy gang were not slow to respond. Almost at the same time that many members of the mafia opened fire violently, they also raised their firearms and started shooting frantically.

In an instant, the living room on the first floor of this private clubhouse turned into a battlefield where bullets flew, a veritable hell!

"Ah-! Ah-!"

The screams continued one after another, and each sound was extremely painful, full of fear and despair.

In just one round, many people on both sides were shot and screamed in pain.

Some unlucky guys didn't even have a chance to scream, and they were instantly smashed into a sieve by a storm of bullets and went directly to hell to report.

The creator of this bloody killing, Ye Tian, ​​had already rushed up the stairs at this time to clear the traces he left behind!

After completing the first wave of attacks, the moment Antonio and the others were just shot, he used the cover of darkness to quickly rush to the entrance of the stairs, and then completely disappeared from the living room on the first floor.

In this way, he avoided the bullets flying around in the living room on the first floor, and he didn't have to worry about being injured by stray bullets.

When the living room on the first floor had completely turned into hell, he had already entered the room on the second floor and began to remove traces and forged the scene of the exchange of fire.

The mafia scum who had his throat cut off took a few more bullets sadly, and Ye Tian quickly dispelled the simple trap he made with a chair and a water cup.

Immediately afterwards, he carried the SG551 assault rifle of the mafia scumbag, and quickly rushed up to the third floor to go to the room on the third floor to forge the scene.

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