Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1680 Crazy Sacrifice

A while later, Ye Tian had come to the alley where the black scooter was parked, and straddled the motorcycle, and was about to drive away.

Although the gunfire had stopped, the nearby streets were still empty without a single person, and this narrow alley was no exception.

The constant sound of sirens in the night sky seemed to remind everyone that the matter had not subsided, and it was best not to go out at this time, as the streets outside were still very dangerous.

After stepping on the motorcycle, Ye Tian immediately took out the invisible wireless headset, opened it and stuffed it into his ear, and started talking to Cole.

"Cole, you can set off and return to the Medici Villa Hotel according to the established route. It is best to slow down a little. I will rush to meet you as soon as possible."

"Understood, Steven, I'll see you later"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, full of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian started the black scooter, sped forward, and went straight to the Medici Villa Hotel along the winding alleys in the old city.

He had just driven less than fifty meters away on a scooter when a series of violent explosions suddenly came from behind him.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the whole of Florence seemed to be trembling.

There is no doubt that it was the two boxes of grenades that exploded, which made such a huge commotion.

In a few minutes, a large number of bullets in that private club will explode one after another, and by then, the scene will become even more lively.

Even if the Florence police arrived on that street in time, they wouldn't even think about rushing into the private club immediately to collect evidence.

When all the bullets are detonated and there is no danger, everything in the private club, including the dozens of corpses, is probably burned to ashes, so where can we find any evidence.

This is also good, the Florence police can also save a cremation fee.

For all of this, Ye Tian had already expected it, and this was exactly the purpose of setting fire to him.

He didn't stop the car and turn his head to look at the sky that was reddened by the flames behind him, but walked away, and quickly disappeared at the end of this dark and secluded alley.

the development of things,

As he expected.

The first batch of Florence police who rushed to the scene of the firefight were completely dumbfounded and horrified when they saw the burning ancient building!

At first, they wanted to get close to the historic building with guns to see what was going on inside. Those bastards were fighting here!

If the people inside are all dead, then the flames must be extinguished immediately, the evidence should be preserved as much as possible, and this ancient building with a history of more than 200 years should be saved by the way.

However, before they could take action, there were violent explosions from inside the historic building, and they were one after another, each time getting more violent.

The huge shock wave generated by the explosion directly knocked these policemen down on the icy street, and also shattered the windows and doors of all the houses on this street, making everyone dizzy.

After getting up from the wet ground, these policemen immediately scrambled and fled to the distance in a panic, lest they slow down a step and be killed by flying shrapnel, that would be too wronged!

They had just fled here, and a large number of rifle and pistol bullets, as well as shotgun bullets in the private clubhouse, also began to explode under the scorching fire.

In an instant, this street became a battlefield of bullets flying everywhere. Countless bullets shot out from that private clubhouse, ravaging the entire street crazily!

Especially the area in front of and behind the door of the private club has directly turned into a dead zone, and anything that breaks into it cannot survive!

The huge explosion that happened on this street has already shocked the whole of Florence and the whole of Italy.

And the instigator of all this, Ye Tian, ​​was riding a scooter through the dark alleys, getting closer and closer to the Medici Villa Hotel.

At the Florence Police Department, the frenzied roar of the chief of police came down the phone and continued to explode in the ears of the police officer on duty.

"Are those damned bastards exchanging fire in the old city? This is Florence, the capital of art, and it's not his battlefield. Check it out for me immediately, and I must dig out those bastards.

Could it be that Steven's gang of bastards are fighting with the scum of the Casamonica family? This possibility is very high, that bastard Steven is notoriously crazy, there is nothing he dare not do"

After the director's voice fell, the police officer on duty immediately continued:

"A large number of police officers have arrived at the scene and sealed off the block. After confirming that the scene is safe, the investigation will be launched immediately, and I believe there will be results soon.

It’s not clear who the two sides of the exchange of fire are, but it shouldn’t be Steven’s bastards, they’ve been under surveillance, and they’re on their way back to the Medici Hotel.”

"If it wasn't Steven's bastards, then who would it be? Who is so crazy to treat Florence as a battlefield? Except for that bastard Steven, I really can't think of anyone else.

I'm still a little worried about that bastard Steven. I'll ask the guys at the Medici Villa Hotel to check to see if that bastard Steven is in the convoy. Seeing is believing! "

"Understood, leave this matter to us, I will let the guys verify the situation by themselves"

As the order came out, Ye Tian and his convoy had just arrived near the entrance of the Medici Villa Hotel when they were stopped by two Alfa Romeo police cars rushing diagonally.

After the convoy came to a complete stop, several Florence policemen immediately opened the doors and came out, and walked towards the convoy quickly, all of them with serious expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

It was Cole, Anderson, and two armed security personnel who came forward to negotiate with them.

After the meeting to explain their purpose, Anderson and Cole led the two police officers to the side of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUV that Ye Tian and Betty were riding in.

Immediately afterwards, Cole knocked lightly on the rear door and said through the intercom:

"Steven, here are two Florence police officers who want to meet you and learn something from you. Do you want to see them?"

Before the words were finished, the window glass of the car was lowered, and Ye Tian's face appeared immediately, with a bright smile on his face.

"Mr. two police officers, it's so late that you are still guarding here and escorting us. You are so dedicated. I am very grateful for your protection.

I don't know what you need to know from me? I am very curious, if I know and can speak, then I must know everything and say everything.

Now that I have met you, I would also like to ask, what happened to the gust of gunshots just now and the subsequent violent explosions? "

The moment they saw Ye Tian, ​​the two Florence policemen immediately let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

When You Qi saw that he was still wearing the daytime casual clothes and his hair was dry, the doubts in the hearts of the two policemen immediately dissipated completely, and there was no doubt anymore.

Afterwards, they dealt with Ye Tian casually, took their leave and left, and returned to the car to report to their immediate superiors.

Ye Tian and his convoy continued to move forward, and stopped at the entrance of the Medici Villa Hotel, connecting end to end, forming a solid line of defense.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took Betty out of the car, and walked into the Medici Villa Hotel under the guard of Cole and the others.

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