Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1684 Blowing away the cold spring breeze

The first time they entered the exhibition hall, Ye Tian and the others saw the last master of the Florentine school of painting, the peak work of Sandro Botticelli's mature period, "Spring".

The size of this egg tempera painting is astonishing. It is over two meters high and over three meters wide. It is hung on a display wall facing the entrance of the exhibition hall. It is extremely eye-catching, and it is hard not to see it.

The moment Ye Tian saw this famous painting, he couldn't help but stop in his tracks. He stood a little way from the entrance of the exhibition hall, admiring this masterpiece of Botticelli from a distance.

Betty and Anderson were the same, they were completely shocked by this huge top-level artwork, and they were also completely attracted by this masterpiece.

After appreciating the painting quietly for a while, Ye Tian said:

"Let's go there and enjoy this masterpiece of Botticelli. It's still a bit far away here. It's not very clear, and many details are unclear."

Following his words, Betty and the others were startled awake.

"Okay, dear, let's go and admire this painting, it's really huge, and it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Betty nodded with emotion and said, still obsessed.

Afterwards, the group of them walked over to the painting. As for the other top artworks also displayed in this exhibition hall, they have no time to take care of them for the time being!

During the march, Ye Tian explained with a smile:

"Spring" is an egg tempera painting created around 1481 by the art master Sandro Botticelli, based on an allegorical poem by the famous Renaissance poet, Boliciano.

This painting is related to a political marriage of the Medici family. It is a commissioned painting that the Medici family asked Botticelli to create. Therefore, the theme of "Spring" is naturally chosen as love.

But this is a political marriage, and there is no beauty in love, so when Botticelli created this painting, he contacted a story in Boccaccio's "Ten Days Talk", which is very relevant.

In the history of art, this is a well-known top artwork with extremely important status and milestone significance, because Botticelli brought hope and spring to the artists at that time.

Botticelli used his brush to depict an eternal spring. In the early Renaissance under religious rule, "Spring" was like a warm spring breeze, blowing away the cold of winter.

The appearance of this masterpiece created a great precedent for the artists at that time, and this spring breeze brought an era dominated by gods to an era dominated by people.

When people appreciate this painting, they will feel a spring breeze blowing against their faces, which makes people feel refreshed. It is the spring breeze of the Renaissance, full of the taste of humanism"

While talking, Ye Tian and his group had come to this masterpiece of Botticelli, stopped about five meters in front of the painting, and began to appreciate this top-notch painting again.

At this time, every detail of the famous painting presented before their eyes was extremely clear and moving, and the feeling of taking them was even stronger and fascinating.

What this painting depicts is an early spring morning.

In a picturesque citrus grove, the dignified and charming God of love and beauty, Venus, is in the center, waiting for the grand ceremony for the coming of spring with a peaceful and elegant expression.

On the right side of Venus, there are three moving goddesses of beauty and wisdom. They are dressed in gauze skirts as thin as onion wings, bathed in the warm sunshine of early spring, dancing hand in hand, with graceful posture and exquisite curves!

The Goddess of 'Beauty' is shining with pearls in the ornaments of the world, the Goddess of 'Youth' is shy and turned her back, and the Goddess of 'Happiness' is twisting her waist happily, they will bring life and joy to the world.

Standing next to the three goddesses of Grace is the messenger of the gods—Mercury in red and with a saber. He is waving his scepter to disperse the winter clouds.

To the left of Venus are the gods of flowers, spring and wind.

Wearing a wreath on her head and wearing a costume, Frona, the goddess of flowers, is approaching with graceful and elegant steps, scattering flowers to the earth, symbolizing the coming of the natural season of "spring returns to the earth, ten thousand trees contend for prosperity".

Right above Venus's head is the flying Cupid, the little god of love, blindfolded and shooting his golden arrow of love, symbolizing pure love.

The style of the whole painting is elegant and flexible, the colors are bright and brilliant, the lines are light and smooth, revealing a delicate and peaceful poetic taste, which is fascinating.

The images of the gods shown in this painting are rejoicing because of the arrival of spring. This is a compliment to human nature and a concrete manifestation of people-oriented, with extraordinary beauty!

However, in those solemn and confident images of the gods, it seems to be able to see a kind of nameless sadness buried deep in the painter's heart.

Ye Tian and the others were completely shocked and attracted by this masterpiece of Botticelli, and they stood quietly in front of the painting and admired it.

Without exception, each of them looked fascinated, and everyone was immersed in the beautiful artistic conception created by this painting.

After a long time, Ye Tian just woke up, and then said in a low voice with emotion:

"Wow! This painting is so beautiful, it is unrivaled. It is truly the treasure of the Uffizi Gallery and the most outstanding work of early Renaissance art. It deserves its name!"

With his emotion, Betty and Anderson all came to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene, one after another, endlessly.

"This "Spring" is absolutely beautiful. Of all the paintings I have ever seen, this painting is definitely one of the most beautiful, almost without equal"

"I like the handsome and elegant painting style of the art master Botticelli, and I prefer the spring depicted by him. It is so charming. It is not wrong to say that he is the prelude of Raphael!"

After feeling a lot, Betty immediately turned to look at Ye Tian and said:

"My dear, let me explain this painting carefully to everyone. I want to know more about this extremely beautiful artwork, and everyone else must do the same!"

Before the words fell, Anderson and the others echoed one after another. Everyone at the scene turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes full of expectation.

Ye Tian gently shook Betty's hand, then scanned the scene, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, let me explain to you this Botticelli's "Spring", to be honest, I like this painting very much, and I really want to own it, but unfortunately the Uffizi Gallery does not sell it.

Let’s start with painting techniques. Most of the paintings we see now are oil paintings. This painting, created in the early Renaissance, is an egg tempera painting with very distinctive characteristics.

Around 1481, oil painting techniques became popular in Flanders, but in Italy and Florence, it was still a new thing, and not many people dared to try it.

When creating this painting, Botticelli adopted the traditional egg white painting method, which in turn strengthens the gorgeous decorative effect on the screen, which is also more conducive to expressing his light and elegant painting style.

Since the egg white will form a hard layer of color after drying, it is a transparent color, so in this painting we can feel the pure and transparent effect that is close to watercolor painting.

In the history of art, there are many works depicting spring, but none can compare with Botticelli's "Spring", which perfectly shows the beauty of spring.

In this painting, Botticelli adopted a flat decoration method, arranging the gods in Greek legends in appropriate positions, and arranged them sequentially from left to right without overlapping or interspersing.

There are a total of nine people on the screen. According to their different roles in the painting, Botticelli arranged appropriate movements for them. The goddess Venus is located a little later than the others,..."

With Ye Tian's explanation, Betty and the others had a deeper understanding of this painting, and were once again immersed in the wonderful artistic conception of this painting, with an obsessive look on their faces!

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