Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1693 Milan Canal Antique Market

This is the last Sunday in November, the day when Milan's largest and most famous antique fair, the Canal Antique Market, opens.

On this day, tourists from all over the world, antique dealers, art lovers, and countless collectors will gather in this antique market to shop for treasures and spend a leisurely weekend here.

The reason why Ye Tian chose to come to Milan at this time was because he had calculated the time so as not to miss the monthly antique market.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the antique market had just opened, and Ye Tian and the others appeared at the gate of the antique market.

After getting off the car, they walked along the ancient streets by the canal, enjoying the beautiful scenery, chatting and laughing, and came to this antique market with the flow of people.

As before, around Ye Tian and Betty, Cole and several other security personnel built a solid line of defense to protect them.

A few meters behind, there are several Italian policemen in plain clothes and two cultural relics gendarmes.

These guys are always on high alert, keeping a close eye on Ye Tian and the others, as well as the crowd around them, ready to respond at any time!

Among the crowd, there were several security personnel pretending to be tourists, secretly protecting Ye Tian and the others from the outside.

In addition, on both sides of the Milan Canal, there is a sniper hidden on the top floor of a historical building, condescendingly monitoring the entire canal antique market.

It has been three days since I arrived in Milan. Although nothing unexpected happened during this period, Ye Tian still dare not be negligent, let alone relax his guard!

Caution is the boat! He firmly believed in the words left by his ancestors.

In Milan at the end of November, the weather is already very cold.

But at this time, the atmosphere of the Milan Canal Antique Fair was extremely hot, full of voices, and as far as the eye could see, both sides of the canal were full of black heads.

There are as many as hundreds or thousands of stalls in the Milan Canal Antique Fair. These antique stalls are lined up along the streets on both sides of the canal, stretching for nearly one or two kilometers.

In addition to the mobile stalls gathered on the last Sunday at the end of each month, there are many antique shops and galleries in the streets on both sides of the canal, and there are also many good things in them.

Although Ye Tian and the others came very early, they came here on a pinch, but when they arrived at this antique market, it was already very lively.

Many antique dealers and tourists arrived here very early.

Strolling to the entrance of this antique market, Ye Tian and the others did not immediately start shopping for treasures, to check the goods on the nearby stalls.

The few of them came to the nearest small bridge, stood in the middle of the small bridge, enjoyed the beautiful scenery on both sides of the canal, and also took a look at the scale of this famous antique market.

"The Milan Canal was dug at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. It is a very important waterway in the city of Milan. It is said that the channel we are in now was designed by Da Vinci himself.

On both sides of the Milan Canal, there are many Renaissance-style historical buildings, only a few of which are really from the Renaissance, and most of the others were rebuilt later..."

As in the past, Ye Tian once again took on the role of explaining, introducing the history of the Milan Canal and the buildings on both sides to Betty and the others.

And, of course, the history of the antique fairs of the Milan canals.

While explaining, he also secretly turned on the perspective, and began to explore the situation of the ancient canal under his feet to see what he could find.

As far as he could see, the clear river water was instantly seen through, and the situation at the bottom of the river was clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes.

It is a pity that although this canal has a long history and flows through the core of the old city of Milan, it has been cleaned up countless times in the past few hundred years!

At the bottom of the canal, Ye Tian didn't find anything surprising. The only thing he found was something thrown into the river in the past few decades, which was of little value at all.

The same goes for the embankments on both sides of the canal. Although they still maintain their original style, they have been renovated in modern times, and nothing has been found.

After quickly seeing through this section of the canal, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, they admired the scenery on both sides of the canal for a while, and then walked down the small bridge, and officially started the operation of sweeping up this famous antique market.

The moment they walked off the small bridge, Ye Tian saw an all-too-familiar figure among the people on the other side of the river, it was that boy Bowie.

At the same time, Bowie also looked at this side, and nodded slightly at Ye Tian. His movements were very subtle and fast, and no one noticed.

The eyes of the two of them separated immediately, and then they acted separately.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to the first stall in this antique market, stopped and began to check the goods on the stall.

The stalls sell second-hand luxury goods, mainly antique handbags from luxury brands, and most of them are authentic.

Among them are women's bags of various luxury brands such as Hermès, LV, Chanel, PRADA, etc. The styles are relatively old, and the maintenance status varies, some are good and some are bad.

As is the case with most antiques markets, there are plenty of fakes here too.

Among the many authentic handbags on this booth, there are also some high imitation fake handbags, which are so perfect that it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the real ones from the fake ones!

In order to increase the confusion, some of the classic women's bags have been specially treated to look like they have been used for a while!

Buying these expensive second-hand luxury handbags is also a test of the school's eyesight. If the eyesight is not good, it is inevitable to suffer a loss and be fooled.

In the Milan Canal Antique Fair, there are many stalls selling second-hand luxury goods, and they are basically the most popular stalls. This is also a major feature of the Milan Canal Antique Fair.

Many people who come to this antique market to shop for treasures come for these second-hand luxury goods, including buyers from second-hand stores from all over the world, and tourists who like antiques or classic luxury goods.

Of course, there are also some tourists who like luxury goods but are too cash-strapped to afford the exorbitant prices of the latest models, so they can only come here to shop for treasures. Most of them are young women.

Ye Tian has no interest in these second-hand luxury handbags, but Betty is very interested.

Therefore, they stopped to check the goods on this booth.

Before them, there were already two girls in their twenties looking at these second-hand handbags on the booth, and chatting in low voices, excited.

Next to the two of them stood a boy, both in their early twenties, and looked a little young, probably not long after they left the university campus, or they were still students.

These two young men and women are both from China, and they speak Mandarin with a perfect accent, which sounds quite cordial.

And this is also one of the reasons why Ye Tian stopped in his tracks. After all, this is a foreign country, and it is also a kind of fate to meet compatriots from China.

After standing still in front of the booth, Betty immediately looked at the second-hand luxury bags.

Her focus is mainly on those classic women's bags, and she looks at them with appreciation, and she doesn't have a strong desire to buy them.

Ye Tian smiled and nodded at the two boys as a greeting.

Looking at those two guys again, their eyes were already shining with excitement, and they were about to dance.

The owner of this stall, several other nearby stall owners, and many tourists from all over the world also saw Ye Tian, ​​and everyone looked this way.

However, people's eyes are not the same.

The eyes of those stall owners were full of worry, even fear; the eyes of many tourists were full of curiosity, even full of expectation, and a little bit of worry!

Obviously, this is the master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they are all waiting to watch the excitement!

"Good morning, Ye Tian, ​​we saw on the news that you have come to Milan. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's great!"

One of the boys said excitedly, and extended his right hand to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian shook hands with this guy, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, buddies. I'm Ye Tian. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? How long have you been in Italy? We are destined to meet you here.

This is the famous Milan Canal Antique Fair. Since I came to Milan, I will definitely not miss this antique fair, so it is inevitable for us to meet here."

"Hello, Ye Tian, ​​we are also very happy to meet you, you are a legendary super genius, and you are the kind who can do anything, today we can be regarded as meeting a true god!

A few of us are from Fudan University in Shanghai. We are currently studying as graduate students and will graduate next summer. This time we took time out to travel, and we just arrived in Milan yesterday! "

Another boy chimed in, equally beaming with excitement.

At this time, the two girls also put down the second-hand handbags in their hands, and looked at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes were shining, full of curiosity, and even a bit of admiration.

Next, these guys introduced themselves, Ye Tian shook hands with each of them, and introduced Betty.

After getting to know each other and exchanging greetings, one of the girls immediately said expectantly:

"Ye Tian, ​​as we all know, you are the world's top expert in antique art appraisal, with an extremely sharp eye, can you help us look at these second-hand handbags? Give us your opinion.

We are all students at school, we don’t have much money in our pockets, and we can’t afford the latest women’s bags, so we can only buy second-hand bags, but we can’t tell the real ones from the fake ones, so we hesitate to buy them.”

After finishing speaking, these guys stared at Ye Tian closely, expecting him to give an answer.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Well, respect is worse than obedience. Since we met here, we are also destined, not to mention that if you praise me so much, if you don't help you, it won't make sense!"

Hearing this, these guys cheered immediately.

"Great! Now you don't have to worry about buying fake products"

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