Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1711 The Perfect Plan

Nothing happened overnight, and it was a new day in a blink of an eye.

Just after breakfast in the morning, a large number of volunteers and protesters who left last night because of the cold returned one after another, once again blocking the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel, and the number of people was even greater than yesterday!

The slogans, banners, and flags of different colors and sizes in their hands are also much more than yesterday, and they are more targeted, obviously they came prepared.

Of course, there are also idlers watching the excitement, tourists from all over the world and so on.

There are also reporters from major news media. These guys are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. How could they miss such a lively scene?

By around nine o'clock in the morning, two to three thousand people had gathered around the Four Seasons Hotel. Standing at the entrance of the hotel and looking at it, it could be said that the banners were unfurled, the crowds were huge, and the scene was extremely lively!

Ye Tian and the others were already used to this kind of situation outside the hotel, and they didn't bother to take care of it at all, they just raised the alert level appropriately.

Because they had to deal with a large number of antique artworks from the Milan canal antique market, Ye Tian and the others didn't intend to leave the hotel today, so they didn't have to worry about getting caught in the crowd outside.

However, the Milan police were very nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

They sent a large number of police forces to the Four Seasons Hotel to maintain order at the scene, lest the protest would be exploited and eventually turn into a riot.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, the first group of guests that Ye Tian was waiting for passed through the turbulent crowd and finally arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel.

These guests came from several top auction houses including Sotheby's and Christie's, as well as four top art insurance companies including AXA.

Among them are managers, department heads, clerical staff, lawyers, and antique art appraisal experts from major auction houses and art insurance companies, as well as many heavily armed security personnel.

A group of dozens of them walked into the Four Seasons Hotel in a mighty manner, which caused a great commotion.

Just like in Florence before, Ye Tian didn't intend to bring back those antique artworks from the Milan canal antique fair, but planned to dispose of them on the spot to save trouble!

Milan is the most prosperous city in Italy and one of the economic centers of the whole of Europe. The antique art auction market is well developed and mature enough to absorb this batch of antique art.


This does not include Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Lisa Gherardini", and a few antique works of art from China.

As for Bowie's harvest, he will bring it back to New York, and slowly sell it in the New York antique art market, and even the entire American antique art market, so as to maximize the benefits!

After the personnel from the major auction houses and art insurance companies arrived, Cole and the others immediately began to conduct identity screening to ensure that there were no people with ulterior motives mixed in, trying to fish in troubled waters.

After checking one by one, the identities of these guys are all right and trustworthy.

Afterwards, these professionals were able to enter Ye Tian's floor and start working.

In the following time, they began to identify the antique works of art from the Canal Antique Fair one by one, and then signed the consignment auction contract and the corresponding art insurance contract.

In order to avoid being calculated by others and ensure that his own interests are not infringed, Ye Tian gave an estimate for each piece of antique art and set a reasonable auction reserve price!

In the busy process, time passed quickly.

Near twelve o'clock in the morning, Jason flew to Milan with two company employees and rushed to the Four Seasons Hotel.

In addition, some super rich Italians, such as Maria and Berlusconi who were publicly named by Ye Tian, ​​their art brokers called one after another, asking about purchasing "Lisa Gherardini"!

In addition to them, there are many high-level executives of famous museums, top art dealers, and top collectors who have also called, and they are also here for "Lisa Gherardini".

Among them are many top Italian collectors and famous museums, as well as famous museums and top collectors from other parts of the world. All of them are very enthusiastic and sincere!

The birth of "Lisa Gherardini" has shocked the whole world, attracted the attention of countless people, and also attracted countless coveted eyes.

For these purchase requests, Ye Tian used the same excuse to evade them.

He told these potential buyers that the appraisal work of "Lisa Gherardini" has not been completed, and only after the appraisal work is completed, will he consider transferring this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, or public auction it!

In fact, he did it for another reason!

His purpose lies in the ancient street near Sforzesco Castle, the possible former residence of Leonardo da Vinci on that street, and the secrets hidden behind it.

If Da Vinci's former residence is really on that street and hides some secrets, then the line of Latin on the back of "Lisa Gherardini" must not be revealed in advance!

"Lisa Gherardini" can only be sold after I find out Da Vinci's former residence, or buy that ancient building, or even that street, and fully grasp the hidden secrets.

By that time, even if people knew that the street was closely related to Leonardo da Vinci and that Leonardo da Vinci's former residence was on that street, it would be too late.

The reason why Ye Tian recruited Jason and the others from New York was to do this.

The time soon came to around three o'clock in the afternoon, and the identification of many antique works of art was finally completed, and the commissioned auction contract and art insurance contract were also completed.

Next, those valuable antique works of art can be transported away.

In view of the situation outside the Four Seasons Hotel and out of safety considerations, the auction houses and the art insurance company decided to transfer the antique art by air escort after some discussions.

Soon, helicopters from several top art insurance companies flew over the Four Seasons Hotel and started the transfer work!

Ye Tian's two medium-sized helicopters were responsible for the escort.

After coordination, two police helicopters from the Milan police also joined in for escort to prevent accidents.

Some guys who were mingling in the crowd at the entrance of the hotel with evil intentions couldn't help being extremely disappointed when they saw this scene, but they had no choice but to watch.

It didn't take long for all the antique works of art that Ye Tian swept from the Milan Canal Antique Fair to be transported to the major auction houses for storage.

In the next few months, or even a year or two, these antique works of art will appear in major auctions in Italy one after another, continuously bringing huge wealth to Ye Tian.

Not all antique works of art were entrusted to the auction house. Ye Tian still had a few very good Chinese antique works of art left in his hands, which would be shipped to Beijing soon.

After the last batch of antique works of art were sent to the helicopter for transport, the staff of the auction house and art insurance company were also preparing to leave and return to their respective companies.

However, Ye Tian retained the managers of the four top art insurance companies.

After all the others left, he said to the managers of the four art insurance companies:

"Gentlemen, the reason why I keep you is that I have a big business to entrust to you. I hope that the four of you will jointly underwrite "Lisa Gherardini", with an insurance amount of 2 billion euros!"

Before the words fell, the four managers of the art insurance company jumped up from the sofa as if they were electrocuted, holding their heads and exclaiming.

"Oh my god! Did I hear you right? Steven, how many companies are you going to hand over the insurance business of "Lisa Gherardini" to?"

"Wow! With an insured amount of 2 billion euros, this is definitely a business that has never been done in the field of art insurance. It is crazy!"

Looking at these four almost crazy guys, Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said:

"You heard me right, gentlemen, I really want to hand over the insurance business of "Lisa Gherardini" to you, and it must be underwritten jointly, and at least two insurance companies must participate in it.

To put it bluntly, the reason why your four art insurance companies are required to jointly underwrite is to allow your companies to check and supervise each other, so as to better protect my interests.

The insurance amount is 2 billion euros, which is true. The reason why I set this astonishing amount is to compare the value of the "Mona Lisa". To be honest, this amount is still a bit low.

Undoubtedly, as far as a single piece of antique art is concerned, this is definitely the largest art insurance in history, unprecedented and unprecedented. Once it is announced, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

When we come to Italy and Milan this time, we still have a lot of things to do. It is impossible to keep "Lisa Gherardini" with us all the time. It would be very inconvenient and unsafe.

Out of safety considerations, I will choose your four art insurance companies to jointly underwrite this priceless treasure. Only in this way can we free up our hands and feet to do other things.

Of course, if you want to take over this lucrative business, you must meet some of my conditions. The first is to keep it secret, and you must not disclose the location of "Lisa Gherardini" to the outside world.

Secondly, you must ensure that this priceless treasure is absolutely safe, otherwise your four art insurance companies will face a sky-high claim of up to 2 billion euros, not a penny less.

Once you accept this business, I will put "Lisa Gherardini" in a portable titanium alloy safe in person, seal this priceless treasure, and hand it over to you.

Or I will deposit this da Vinci painting in a vault in front of your presence, and none of you will be able to open the safe or vault without my permission.

This masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci has been hidden for more than a hundred years. In addition to its long history of more than 500 years, it is already quite fragile. Any careless behavior may destroy it.

I can tell you clearly that this is a short-term art insurance contract, and it won't be long before I start to deal with this oil painting, or sell it, or put it at public auction.

Even so, this art insurance business is still full of promise, and it will also bring huge attention to your insurance companies. It is a golden advertising opportunity that couldn't be better! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the four art insurance managers couldn't help but fell silent.

After a while, one of the buddies said:

"Steven, I must admit that this business is extremely attractive, but the business is too big, and the few of us don't have such great decision-making power, so we must report to the highest level of the company.

Another point, if our four art insurance companies jointly underwrite the insurance, it will inevitably involve many problems, and our several companies also need to coordinate,..."

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