Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1715 The Secret Hidden on the Wall

Ye Tian's professional explanation continued, and his clear voice echoed in the dark hall and kept reaching the ears of everyone present.

"The central focus of this oil painting is on the bright forehead of Jesus. Unlike other paintings of the same name, there is no sacred halo above Jesus' head, which is obviously intentional by Leonardo da Vinci.

However, he cleverly used the bright light from the three rear windows and the peaceful exterior to give Jesus a very natural aura, which can be called a pioneering work.

Another focal point in the painting is the traitor Judas, who is fourth from the left. When he heard what Jesus said, he immediately fell into panic, with a face full of horror and anxiety.

His body leaned back involuntarily, and his elbow knocked down the salt shaker on the dining table, but he still held the money bag tightly in his hand, and he never relaxed for a moment, which shows how greedy he is.

The handsome man on Jesus' right hand is St. John. In other paintings of the same name, St. John usually leans on Jesus' arms to show Jesus' love for him.

But under Leonardo da Vinci's brush, St. John's body is leaning to the other side, as if listening to what Simon Peter said, with a rather focused expression, which is another special place.

There is also a saying that this handsome figure is not St. John, but Mary Magdalene, who is the companion of Jesus in "The Da Vinci Code".

There is a V-shaped gap between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. According to Dan Brown's interpretation, this gap implies the Holy Grail. Of course, the credibility of this statement is not high! ..."

Along with Ye Tian's explanation, the eyes of everyone at the scene moved accordingly, walking around this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, admiring every detail.

Even Camillo and the two guides, who were very familiar with this mural, were completely attracted by Ye Tian's professional explanation, and had a new understanding of this mural.

In the process of explaining, Ye Tian had already secretly turned on the perspective, exploring the secrets hidden on the mural and behind it.

As far as he could see, the Da Vinci masterpiece a few meters in front of him was immediately clear to him, and there was no secret at all.

Even the ancient wall carrying this mural was seen through by him at a glance, and he directly saw the situation behind the wall.

On the "Last Supper" in front of him, Ye Tian saw oil paints and pigments from different eras, as well as layer upon layer of overlapping brushstrokes, radiating dazzling light of different shades.

Obviously, this is the trace left by painters of all ages on this mural. They tried their best to preserve this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci and let it continue to bloom with bright and charming artistic charm.

If not, this painting of "The Last Supper" would have fallen apart and vanished into thin air!

Judging from the intensity of the light, these oil paints and brushstrokes have appeared on this mural for more than five hundred years!

Among them, there have been seven large-scale restorations, leaving large traces of restoration, from seven different eras, the most recent being in 1977.

As for small-scale and partial repairs, there are countless, and the earliest repair traces can even be traced back to around 1520.

In other words, not long after Leonardo Da Vinci died, the restoration of "The Last Supper" had already begun, and it has continued for more than 500 years since then.

The reason for this situation is that Da Vinci used the creation technique of oil painting instead of the creation technique of mural painting when creating "The Last Supper".

On the surface of this painting, Ye Tian hardly saw the brushstrokes left by Da Vinci, as well as the oil paints and pigments he used at that time, these things had already been covered underneath.

Of course, all painters of later generations restored it on the basis of Da Vinci, and they were extremely careful when restoring, basically retaining the style of the original work.

In addition to these traces of restoration, Ye Tian also saw many scars on this world-famous mural.

Some of them were left by the monks of the monastery. They built a door on this wall and directly destroyed the legs of Jesus and the three disciples on the mural, which was the biggest damage to this mural.

There are also many pits of different sizes made by stones on the murals, mainly distributed near the heads of Jesus and the twelve disciples, densely packed.

After Napoleon led his army into Italy and occupied Milan, he used the Venciano restaurant as a stable to feed his war horses.

His soldiers had nothing to do, so they used small stones to throw the heads of Jesus and the twelve disciples in the painting, to see who threw them more accurately, and enjoyed it!

In addition, the bombing during World War II also caused some damage to this famous mural, and some cracks caused by the vibration can be seen inside the wall.

Then there are the traces left by the erosion of time, color loss, paint cracks, etc. The whole mural is covered with dense and small cracks, which is shocking!

Under the perspective, Ye Tian's line of sight easily penetrates the surface of the painting, through the layers of paint and oil paint, and through the brushstrokes left by many painters, he can see more than five hundred years ago at a glance.

At this moment, he seemed to see Da Vinci standing a few meters ahead, in front of the wall, on the scaffolding, holding a paint tray in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, concentrating on painting.

Leonardo Da Vinci created the "Last Supper" before him, the best masterpiece of all great paintings, the keystone of European art!

Ye Tian saw many things through Da Vinci's magic paintbrush.

He saw the sadness and pain in Jesus' eyes, and the calmness in the face of death. He also saw the panic and anxiety of Judas, and the anger and suspicion of other disciples!

Of course, he also saw Leonardo da Vinci's unparalleled artistic talent, the birth process of this great work of art, and the arrival of a new era in the history of art!

Like Da Vinci's other famous works [UU Reading 00kxs], there are also many secrets hidden in the mural of "The Last Supper"!

First of all, there is a small hole in the center of the mural, which is the vanishing point of the whole mural, just on the right temple of Jesus, and the position is very hidden.

Then there are two unknown images of hidden characters, located on top of the draft and covered by the original, that is, a picture-in-picture, which is a hobby of Leonardo da Vinci.

Of the two hidden figures, one is the appearance of a Templar knight, a little to the right of the picture, and in the middle of the picture is the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms, with a clear outline.

The distant mountains in the original work as the background, combined with these two hidden characters, seem to have become the crowns of the two of them.

Obviously, this is not an accidental coincidence, but da Vinci deliberately did it, and it is a secret he hides in this mural.

But no one knows what the meaning of this secret is and what it is related to. Ye Tian is also confused. Perhaps only Da Vinci himself can give an accurate explanation.

The mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers that appeared in Da Vinci's works such as "Mona Lisa", "Our Lady of the Rocks" and "The Adoration of the Magi" appeared again in my eyes.

Of course, this is another batch of new mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers, which are distributed in different positions in the painting, such as the skirt of Jesus, which are very hidden and almost impossible to detect!

Although modern technology is very advanced and can provide the most thorough scan of "The Last Supper", the preservation of this mural is a problem, and it cannot stand the toss at all.

In this case, the secrets hidden in the murals may never be discovered by people, and will remain silent forever, only Ye Tian knows it!

In addition to the mysterious characters and the Fibonacci sequence, Ye Tian also discovered Da Vinci's initials, the capital 'LV', hidden in the gap between Jesus and St. John.

It appears that da Vinci also wanted a place at the famous dining table, which is why he hid his initials in the largest void in the frame!

As for the identity of St. John, whether he is St. John or Mary Magdalene, Ye Tian has not found an accurate answer, and is still at a loss!

Whether the V-shaped gap between St. John and Jesus implies the Holy Grail, he also did not find enough evidence to prove this statement.

In addition, he also found some mysterious signs, symbols and images with unknown meanings, so he had to write them down one by one and study them later!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian has seen through all the secrets hidden in the mural of "The Last Supper" and firmly remembered it in his heart.

However, he did not withdraw his gaze and end the perspective!

His gaze swept to the ground again, and he began to explore the situation deep underground to see if there were any secrets hidden underground.

It's a pity that although he found a secret passage seven or eight meters deep underground, that secret passage has long been abandoned, and the inside is empty, as if it has been cleared by someone!

The section of the secret passage located directly below the wall where "The Last Supper" is located is even more tightly blocked, filled with bricks and rubble, without a single gap!

Obviously, the priests of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie discovered this secret passage long ago, and directly chose to bury it in order to protect the "Last Supper" above it.

After exploring the situation deep underground, Ye Tian then retracted his gaze and ended his perspective.

At this time, his explanation also came to an end.

"..."The Last Supper" not only marks the highest peak of Da Vinci's artistic achievements, but also marks the maturity and greatness of Renaissance art creation.

This painting achieves the correctness of sketch expression and the accuracy of observation of things, so that people can really feel facing a corner of the real world.

In terms of composition, this painting has also made great achievements. The combination of characters forms a beautiful pattern, and the picture has a relaxed and natural balance and harmony.

More importantly, Da Vinci creatively made the creation of the sacrament theme return to the original cultural meaning of the historical origin, thus endowing the work with vitality and historical significance.”

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