Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1718 Giving a helping hand

Leaving Vincenzo Monte Avenue, Ye Tian and his group walked towards the Sforza Castle not far away, preparing to visit this majestic castle built in the middle of the fifteenth century.

This ancient castle with a long history is itself a precious antique artwork. It is one of the most important buildings in the city of Milan and a witness to the vicissitudes of Milan's history.

In this castle, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, the last sculpture left by the master Michelangelo, the Pieta of Rondanini, is displayed.

It was an unfinished sculpture, or an incomplete work. Michelangelo only carved out a rough outline, and unfortunately passed away.

However, this incomplete sculpture is recognized as the work of Michelangelo's spiritual will, and it is also his farewell to his favorite art!

In the history of Western art, the "Pieta of Rondanini" has a very important position, and it is also the treasure of the town house of Sforza Castle.

The reason why Ye Tian came to visit Sforza Castle was mainly for this immortal sculpture, and by the way, he would check this ancient castle again to see if he could find anything.

A group of them strolled along an ancient street that intersected with Via Vincenzo Monte, talking, laughing and chatting, while admiring the scenery on both sides of the street, very relaxed and comfortable.

The many Milan policemen who followed them had their teeth itching with hatred and their eyes burning, but they had no choice but to follow them closely and maintain a high degree of vigilance.

The battle at the Four Seasons Hotel was over. When the Milan special police arrived at the stairwell where the exchange of fire took place, they were shocked by the bloody and tragic scene in the stairwell.

While Ye Tian and the others were away, the six art thieves who sneaked into the Four Seasons Hotel and tried to steal "Lisa Gherardini" were all laid to the ground, four dead and two seriously injured.

The two guys who were seriously injured were also exhaling more air than inhaling, with bullet holes all over their bodies, bleeding continuously, and it seemed that they would not live for long.

Those who killed those art thieves were naturally Ye Tian's subordinates, the armed security personnel who stayed behind in the Four Seasons Hotel.

In the stairwell where the exchange of fire took place, several walls and gates were battered and horribly battered by random gunshots. The ground in the stairwell was covered with blood. It looked like a battlefield!

The Milan policemen who saw this scene at that time all gasped and were terrified.

At the same time, these Milan policemen also had a clear and specific understanding of Ye Tian's strength, knowing that they had seriously underestimated the ferocity and viciousness of these American bastards.

Although the scene of the firefight was very tragic, and the Milan special police who rushed to the scene were itchy with hatred, but they had nothing to do with the armed security personnel who had just finished the killing!

There is no other reason. When the Milan special police arrived at the scene, the gunfire had already stopped, and there were two famous Milan lawyers waiting for them at the scene, firmly in control of the initiative.

What's even more hateful is that the two Milan lawyers have posted the video of the exchange of fire that just happened on the Internet, and it spread all over the world in a blink of an eye.

In this way, even if the Milan police wanted to use this exchange of fire to make a fuss, there was no possibility. They could only curse Ye Tian crazily in secret, and then clean up the mess at the Four Seasons Hotel.

When the news reached Vincenzo Monte Street, the Milanese police who were following Ye Tian and the others, couldn't they feel annoyed?

Each of them wished they could rush forward and beat Ye Tian up to relieve the hatred in their hearts, but unfortunately they couldn't and didn't dare to do so!

The many media reporters who followed Ye Tian before had already run away at this time, and they all rushed to the Four Seasons Hotel to report on the firefight!

And those petitioners and protesters,

Almost astigmatism is almost gone, only two or three kittens are left, and they are still holding on feebly.

These guys were frightened by the firefight at the Four Seasons Hotel, lest the same thing happen before their eyes, and they would fall into the battlefield of bullets flying all over them.

For them, petitions and protests are nothing more than impulsive acts of courage, just joining in the fun, and it would be too bad luck and too stupid to be in a desperate situation for this!

The dispersal of these guys behind them is of course a good thing for Ye Tian and the others, so they are somewhat more relaxed.

While speaking, they had already reached the end of the street, and the dark brown city walls of Sforza Castle, as well as the towering towers, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Seeing the ancient castle not far ahead, everyone couldn't help but stop, ready to appreciate it.

At this moment, a terrified shout suddenly came from the front.

"Catch the thief, someone snatched the bag!"

The voice came from the square in front of the Sforzesco Castle, and it was spoken in Mandarin with a dialect accent, which sounded quite friendly.

Before the words were finished, two guys suddenly ran over from the Sforza Castle, one black and one Italian, both in their twenties.

The black kid running in front was carrying a backpack in his hand, which was bulging and seemed to contain a lot of things.

The guy in the back had nothing in his hand, but one of his hands was pressed to his waist. There seemed to be a hidden weapon there, either a pistol or a dagger!

These two guys were running fast one after the other, their faces full of hostility and nervous expressions, they were a little panicked, and there was a little excitement in their eyes!

A dozen meters behind these two guys, followed by three Chinese people, ranging in age from their twenties to their thirties, shouting loudly while chasing them hard.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood that the two guys in front were robbers who robbed the bags of Chinese tourists in the square in front of the Sforzesco Castle, and they were fleeing wildly at the moment!

There should be something more important in the bag they snatched, so the three Chinese people in the back chased it all the way regardless of the danger!

So desperate, the two idiots in front rushed directly to the street where Ye Tian and the others were, trying to escape from here and get rid of the pursuers!

The moment he understood the situation, Ye Tian said decisively and loudly:

"Cole, stop those two robbing scumbags, be careful, they probably have guns on them, if they dare to attack with guns, send them to hell"

While issuing the order loudly, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective to see through the two scumbags.

Those two scumbags were indeed carrying pistols and a sharp dagger each. They were obviously not ordinary thieves, but armed robbers!

The bag they snatched contained a few passports of Chinese tourists, a considerable amount of euros, and some documents. No wonder the three Chinese people behind were chasing after them!

After all, this is a foreign country. If you lose your passport, it will be a very troublesome thing, not to mention that there are many important documents in that bag.

As a Chinese, seeing this situation, of course, cannot stand idly by.

"Understood, Steven, leave this to us and see how we deal with those two scumbags"

Cole replied in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

He and the four security personnel in front immediately dispersed in combat formation, quickly went up to the two panicked scumbags, and shouted sharply:

"Listen, the robbers in front stopped immediately, put down the backpack in their hands, and lay on the ground with their heads in their hands. Don't make any unnecessary movements, or you will bear the consequences!"

There was no suspense about what happened next.

Hearing the shout, the two scumbags immediately looked towards this side in horror.

At a glance, they saw Cole and several other security personnel approaching in an arc, and everyone was murderous and murderous!

What's more, they saw Ye Tian not far away with a sneer on his face. That face is so familiar, everyone in Milan now knows it!

After finding out that it was Ye Tian and the others who were blocking the way, he slammed into hell. The eyes of those two scumbags suddenly went dark, and their hearts sank directly into the bottomless abyss. The whole person was completely enveloped in despair!

But they were still reluctant to give up the backpacks they had already snatched, and wanted to make a struggle to see if they could escape here quickly!

After a moment of daze, the two scumbags quickly woke up.

The Italian scum in the back grabbed the handle of the pistol stuck in his waist in a blink of an eye, and was about to draw his gun and shoot to fight his way out!

At this moment, he suddenly saw that those burly men in front seemed to be able to perform magic tricks, and each of them had an extra short assault rifle in their hands.

Four or five black muzzles pointing directly at his side, exuding an endless breath of death, it is frightening!

Faced with this situation, how dare that Italian scumbag pull out the pistol at his waist? It would be tantamount to seeking his own death!

In an instant, the two scumbags froze in place, with their hands raised high, not daring to move, looking at Cole and the others in fear, and at the black muzzles of the guns.

"Throw away the backpack in your hand, lie on the ground with your head in your hands, don't make any extra movements"

Cole yelled again, and led the rest of the security personnel to quickly approach the two scumbags!

Following Cole's shout, the two scumbags woke up from extreme fear.

Immediately afterwards, they quickly threw away the snatched backpack, knelt down slowly with their heads in their hands, and then lay down on the icy street, shivering there, almost fainting from fear!

It wasn't until this moment that the Milan policemen in plainclothes came up to them, with a look of shame on their faces, ready to clean up the mess!

The three Chinese who had been chasing after the two robbers also rushed to the scene at this moment.

But they didn't dare to get too close, but stood a few meters away, looking at the scene in front of them in horror, with a bit of excitement in their expressions!

"Steven, it's fixed, but it's just two stupid robbers"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, and he made a safe gesture to Ye Tian.

"Search the body to prevent hidden dangers, and then hand over these two scumbags to the Milan police. This is their job, and we can't do it for them!"

After speaking, Ye Tian walked up to Cole, reached out to pick up the backpack thrown on the ground, and walked towards the three Chinese tourists.

When he got closer, he handed the black backpack to one of the Chinese tourists, and said in Mandarin with a smile:

"Bro, I'm Ye Tian. Nice to meet you in Milan. Check your backpack to see if you lost anything. If something is missing, you can ask those two scumbags to get it back."

"Okay, Ye Tian, ​​thank you so much"

The three Chinese tourists responded in unison, their faces full of joy, and even a little excited.

Immediately afterwards, they opened the backpack and began to examine the contents.

Soon, a middle-aged man at the head raised his head and said happily:

"Everything in the bag is there. Passport, cash, and contracts are all there. Fortunately, these things are not lost, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

"Brothers, you must be cautious when traveling in European countries. The law and order here is far worse than in China. There are as many thieves and robbers, and many of them carry weapons with them.

Because we Chinese like to carry cash on our bodies, many thieves and robbers in Europe have already been eyeing our wallets, so no matter where you go, be careful! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, reminding these compatriots.

Hearing his words, and seeing the pistols and daggers recovered from those two scumbags, the three buddies couldn't help but feel scared for a while, and their backs felt cold.

"Isn't it? It's so messy here, and they are blatantly robbing in the street, and these scumbags are all carrying pistols, which is far from the Milan I imagined!"

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian asked curiously:

"Listen to your accent, you should be from the northwest, why are you traveling to Milan this season? The winter in Milan is not very comfortable, and it is not a suitable season for traveling!"

"That's right, we are from Qinghai in the northwest, and we came to Italy to participate in a wine expo. After the work, we came to Milan for a trip. Who knew that such a stupid thing would happen!"

The buddy at the head said with a wry smile, still terrified.

"Qinghai wine? Could it be highland barley wine?"

"That's right, it's highland barley wine. We are from Tianyoude highland barley winery. Tianyoude highland barley wine is a light-flavored liquor that is brewed three times from Qinghai highland barley. It has a unique taste and a mellow fragrance.

These came to Italy for exhibition, we brought some highland barley wine, how about I send you a few bottles, so you can have a taste? It can be regarded as a little sympathy from us, I know you are staying at the Four Seasons Hotel! "

"Brother, I'm afraid it won't work this time, something just happened at the Four Seasons Hotel, you'd better not go there, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

We will leave Milan in two days and go to other cities in Italy to do business. When I return to China, I will have the opportunity to taste your highland barley wine again! "

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian bid farewell to these buddies from China, and took Betty and the others to the Sforza Castle not far away.

Before leaving, he gave these three buddies the phone number of a lawyer in Milan under him. If they need it, they can contact that lawyer in Milan!

Of course, this was also done for the Milan police on the scene, lest those guys play any tricks.

As for the two unlucky robbers, they had already been handcuffed by the Milan police in plain clothes. What awaited them was a stinky beating and cold bars!

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