Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1726 They Are a Group of Devils

The killing continued, one after another was ruthlessly terminated, and fell into the depths of hell one after another.

Under the ruthless and efficient killing by Ye Tian and Cole, most of the scum on the east and west sides of the intersection have been killed and reported to hell.

Those scumbags who survived by chance were almost all injured with varying degrees of severity, bleeding profusely, and they had no time to bandage to stop the bleeding, and they did not have this skill.

For these scumbags, death is imminent, just a few minutes earlier and a few minutes later.

In comparison, the various gangsters who followed Ye Tian and the others all the way and were fighting fiercely with the police and cultural relics military police on the road north of the intersection were in a much better situation.

Although the fight between them and the police was very lively, the strength of the two sides was not much different, and there was no helicopter suppressing in the air, and there was no long-range threat from snipers, so the casualties were not too great!

However, the almost one-sided bloody killings that are taking place on the east and west sides of the intersection have already made these gangsters terrified and even completely desperate!

Looking at the situation on the other side of the intersection, these scumbags knew very well that the decision to follow and try to rob that bastard Steven was absolutely stupid and had completely failed!

Want to rob Steven that bastard, snatch the priceless "Lisa Gherardini" from that bastard? It is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, there is no possibility of success at all!

Not only that, but whether I can escape this extremely bloody killing field today, whether I can escape the crazy pursuit of that bastard Steven and his men, is extremely slim!

Thinking of this, some scumbags couldn't help but start to think secretly, and retreated timidly, ready to turn around and escape from here!

Life is so beautiful, no one wants to die!

Even the scum who does all kinds of evil is no exception! They even cherish their rotten life more than ordinary people!

However, these scumbags never imagined that the highway behind them had already been completely blocked, and there were still many assault rifles waiting for them behind them.

The ones who silently sealed off these scumbags were, of course, those armed security personnel who pretended to be ordinary tourists and drove in the traffic, and they were all Ye Tian's subordinates.

If these scumbags continue to fight the police, when Ye Tian and Cole are free, they will kill these guys one by one!

In that case, the security personnel following behind will not plan to show up and continue to hide in the dark!

In case these scumbags get timid and are about to turn around and run away, the armed security personnel following behind will have to jump out, block the back of these scumbags, and wipe them out!

In fact, before these scumbags on the north side of the intersection took action, they drove around and fled.

Those scumbags on the east and west sides of the intersection, under the tremendous pressure of suffocation and madness, and in the face of the approaching death, they were the first to collapse!

"Fuck U! Steven, you are a complete devil, I will kill you bastard, avenge all dead brothers, go to hell!"

Accompanied by a hysterical and desperate roar, a bloody scum suddenly jumped out from behind an Alfa Romeo.

At the same time as he suddenly jumped out, he had already raised the automatic rifle in his hand, and started pouring bullets towards the container truck crazily, pouring out the fear deep in his heart, and full of anger.

Obviously, this scumbag thought that Ye Tian was still hiding there, using the cover of the container truck to secretly attack himself and the others.

However, how did he know that there was no sign of Ye Tian in the container truck.

After killing several scumbags with continuous fire,

He immediately shifted his position, came to a burning SUV, and blocked himself with the help of the SUV's body.

So, when that idiot crazily poured bullets on the container truck, Ye Tian also quickly flashed out from behind the burning SUV, and instantly locked the idiot at a distance of more than ten meters with his gun.

"Go to hell! You idiot, go to hell!"

With that said, he ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang"

Amid the clear rhythmic bursts of rifle fire, three 5.56mm bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle at high speed, aiming straight at the idiot not far ahead.

In the next moment, that idiot's head was directly blasted by several rifle bullets, and the high-speed rotating and deformed bullets blasted a big hole in the back of his head, blood and brains flew together!

His body was sent flying by several rifle bullets, smashed hard on the hood of a burning car behind, and burst into flames.

The death of this idiot was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Seeing that another companion was shot dead, the remaining scumbags on the west side of the road could no longer bear the tremendous pressure of imminent death, and their spirits collapsed!

"Guys, run! Here's what hell is all about, death is all that's left!"

I don't know that that idiot shouted, instantly destroyed the last nerve of all the scumbags present, and made all the scumbags lose their fighting spirit.

The next moment, the lingering scum on the east and west sides of the intersection, regardless of whether they were injured or not, whether they were seriously injured or lightly injured, all came out of their hiding places and began to flee for their lives!

Some of these fleeing scumbags ran wildly along the east-west highway, and some rushed directly off the roadbed, trying to rush into the woods and wilderness on both sides of the highway.

At this moment, they only have one thought in their minds, that is to escape from this hellish and cruel intersection as soon as possible, stay away from those devils from the depths of hell, and escape to heaven!

Obviously, they thought too much.

To them, life is already a priceless treasure, and they simply cannot bear it!

From the moment they decided to ambush Ye Tian here, their fate was already doomed, they would definitely die here, even if God came in person, they couldn't save them!

"Chasing! Send these scumbags to hell, leave no one behind!"

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, and issued the order to hunt down.

Before the words fell, he quickly flashed out of the hiding place, and strode out with a G36C assault rifle in his hand, like a lion chasing its prey, full of murderous looks!

During the chase, the G36C short assault rifle kept spraying flames and hot bullets, killing wildly.

Looking at the scum in front of them, they were hit by bullets flying at high speed from behind one by one, as if their legs or waist were suddenly broken, and they fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, blood gushed out from their heads or the back of their hearts, quickly staining the ground beneath them red.

The light in their eyes, as well as their infinite nostalgia and desire for life, accompanied by endless regret and fear, quickly dissipated, and then became a dead silence, without any sound!

After chasing him less than ten meters away, Ye Tian emptied the bullets in the G36C assault rifle in his hand, and the sound of hanging up the machine rang out immediately.

But he didn't change the clips, that would be too time-consuming, especially in this rapidly changing killing field where you can live and die!

He flicked the emptied G36C assault rifle behind him, and quickly pulled out the CZ83 pistol in the chest holster of the bulletproof vest, and continued to chase and kill!

There are only four scumbags running desperately in front, and they are all within 20 meters. This CZ83 pistol is enough to finish those scumbags and send them to hell!

"Bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the crisp shooting sound of CZ83, a few pistol bullets flew out at high speed, and went straight to the scum in front of them who were running away in a hurry and whose backs were completely exposed to Ye Tian's gun.

Without any suspense, those few pistol bullets hit the target extremely accurately, spun at high speed and penetrated into the backs and backs of the heads of those scumbags, bringing out a series of blood sprays!

Immediately afterwards, another wave of bullets struck, instantly killing those scumbags and sending them into the depths of hell!

On the west side of the crossroads, Cole and the others spread out in skirmish formation, covering each other, hunched over, and charged forward quickly, harvesting lives all the way.

Those idiots running wild along the highway, and the scum who rushed off the embankment and tried to rush into the woods and fields, fell under the gun one by one, and died worthless!

"My God! This is a carnage, it's crazy, it's bloody!"

“Devil! Steven and these bastards are definitely the devil from hell, I swear to God!”

Many people on the live broadcast end were screaming crazily, holding their heads in their hands, eyes full of fear, and many people were even trembling!

But more people didn't dare to watch this cruel killing scene anymore, they had already covered their eyes, or turned their heads to the back!

Even those guys in the Italian Prime Minister's Office at Palazzo Chigi in Rome were completely stunned by the live broadcast in front of them, their eyes full of fear and trembling!

"What is the origin of Steven and these bastards? Could it be the devil?"

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