Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1728 Bloody Storm

As soon as he got out of the police car with a civilian license plate, Ye Tian raised the G36C short assault rifle in his hand and fired a burst without even taking aim.

"bang bang bang"

At the sound of the gunshot, three 5.56mm rifle bullets flew out at high speed immediately, and rushed towards a rampaging black SUV not far in front like lightning.

In the next instant, three high-speed rifle bullets passed through the damaged rear window of the SUV, penetrated the headrest of the driver's seat, and slammed into the head of the driver in front.

Without any suspense, the unlucky driver's head was completely blasted by three deformed rifle bullets, and the entire face was blown apart, making it impossible to see the facial features clearly.


The SUV, out of control, slammed into the rear of another car ahead, slamming that car into a burning vehicle, followed by another vicious crash.

After repeated collisions, two puffs of black smoke followed, and the two cars were scrapped at the same time.

The few scumbags sitting in those two cars had no choice but to abandon the car and flee, planning to change to another two cars, or run wildly, rushing out of this damned and desperate hell.

However, they didn't even have the chance to escape, that was just wishful thinking.

As soon as those scumbags opened the car door and rushed out of the two scrapped cars, a violent and precise blow followed and fell on them.

"bang bang bang"

Amidst the sudden rain of gunfire, a wave of scalding rifle bullets flew towards him at high speed, carrying endless breath of death.

Ye Tian and several security personnel under his command opened fire at the same time, instantly smashing those scumbags who had just rushed out of the car into sieves, and even made them dance a dance of death on the spot.

A few more lives were ruthlessly harvested, and a few more scum were sent to hell by Ye Tian and the others!


Crazy exclamations sounded again on the live broadcast end, as well as crying one after another.

Although everyone has seen many extremely cruel and bloody killing scenes today, even more than the sum of the previous decades, everyone was still shocked by the live broadcast in front of them again.

On the live broadcast end, many people's emotions have completely collapsed, and they burst into tears, unable to hold on any longer, and even have no strength to stand up.

In order to increase the ratings, TV stations in some places directly transfer the live broadcast on the Internet to gain attention!

But when the broadcast reached here, they could no longer continue.

In order to avoid panic among the ChéngRén group and huge social and psychological problems, these TV stations had to cut off the signal and interrupt the live broadcast.

Even so, some staff members of the TV station have completely collapsed!

On the highway, the killing continued.

After easily killing the scum in the two cars, Ye Tian and the others immediately spread out in a skirmish formation, covering each other, and using the cover of the scattered vehicles on the road, they kept rushing forward and continued to kill!

The gunmen in the two helicopters in mid-air were also condescending and fired non-stop, attacking the frantically fleeing vehicles and the running scum on the highway below.

The main targets of their attacks are the vehicles and scum that run the farthest and escape the fastest, the purpose is to block those scum and send them all to hell.

Under the attack of the gunmen in the two helicopters, the cars that rushed to the front were hit by the rain of bullets from the sky one after another, and then black smoke rose, completely scrapped, and lay across the road.

Many scumbags who were running wild were also hit by bullets that fell from the sky.

They died directly on the way to escape, and most of them were killed by headshots. The death conditions were miserable!

As for the armed security personnel who pretended to be tourists, drove in the traffic, and followed all the way, they hadn't shot yet.

They just parked their vehicles in a staggered manner in the middle of the road, blocking the back road, then pulled out the key, and hid their bodies, ready to attack at any time.

If those fleeing scum and vehicles rushed close, they would open fire and send those scum to hell.

For now, the chances don't seem great, and it seems that they don't need to make a move.

"Go to hell, Steven, I'm going to kill you evil devil"

In a burst of furious roars of extreme anger and despair, the two running Eastern Europeans suddenly turned around and started shooting at Ye Tian and the others crazily, a bit desperate.

"Bang bang bang"

A wave of bullets hit, but they all hit the black smoke billowing in disorder, and even Ye Tian and the others didn't touch a single hair.

Before the voices of those two guys fell, Ye Tian and the others launched a ruthless counterattack.

Amidst the torrential gunfire, a dense rain of bullets, wrapped in an endless breath of death, rushed towards the two Eastern European scumbags at high speed.

In the next instant, those two Eastern European scumbags were sent flying by this wave of bullets, and directly smashed into the vehicle behind, causing a rain of blood in the air!

Their bodies were instantly smashed into sieves by random gunshots, and their heads were smashed to pieces. They were completely dead when they flew in the air, and they went to hell to report!

Ye Tian and the others flashed out from their respective hiding places again, and continued to charge forward quickly. No one even looked at the result of the attack just now.

Does the result still need to ask? Those two Eastern European scumbags will definitely die, there is absolutely no second possibility!

The reason why everyone is so confident is that they believe in their own marksmanship, but they believe in Ye Tian's marksmanship even more.

Every security personnel involved in the attack knew very well that at this distance, that guy Steven is an omnipotent God, who can completely kill and kill, and it is absolutely impossible to shoot in vain!

"Bang bang bang"

The G36C in Ye Tian's hand sprayed out dazzling flames again, and several rifle bullets flew out at high speed, hitting the two guys at the edge of the forest under the roadbed.

Those two guys saw that there was no possibility of escaping on the road, and their vehicles had already been reimbursed, and they had no means of escape. They couldn't just run wildly on the road, or they would be killed sooner or later!

So they rushed down the roadbed, tried to rush into the forest not far away, and then escaped from the forest, so they might be able to escape this desperate and extremely bloody hell!

I have to say that their decision is very wise and their response is very quick. This is indeed a good way to escape!

But it's a pity that what they met today was Ye Tian, ​​and they were doomed to die!

The forest was just a few meters ahead, and these two guys were about to rush in. There was even a look of joy in their eyes, which was the ecstasy of seeing the hope of survival!

The despair and fear that had been shrouding their hearts before had begun to dissipate rapidly, and the dawn of life was just around the corner.

At this moment, a few scalding rifle bullets flew from the side and rear, ruthlessly pierced into their heads and backs, and directly sent them flying.

When their bodies fell from the sky in a rain of blood, they just lay on the edge of the forest, within reach!

But at this time, they were already completely dead, and there was no possibility of rushing into that bleak forest anymore. It became a dream that they could never reach!

The deafening gunshots kept ringing, without interruption, as dense as a storm, resounding throughout the entire highway, and also resounding throughout this Italy!

The bloody killing was still going on, one life after another ended in Ye Tian's hands, and they passed through the last period of life in endless despair and fear.

At this time, the expressway has become the cruelest and bloodiest battlefield in the world. Bullets are flying, corpses are strewn across the field, and blood is flowing across the oars. The scene is horrible.

Continuous gunshots, shrill screams, crazy car crashes, exploding vehicles, and puffs of black smoke rising into the sky, as well as blood and corpses everywhere!

All of these together constitute this hell on earth.

And Ye Tian and the others are gods of death walking in this hell on earth, harvesting lives crazily!

There were fewer and fewer vehicles running rampant on the highway, and there were no more running scumbags. They were all shot down by Ye Tian and the others with guns, and sent to hell.

Of course, there are also luckier and quicker guys here.

They managed to escape those life-threatening bullets, but they could only hide behind some vehicles, lingering.


The last car that was on the rampage was hit by a few bullets that fell from the sky and the engine was hit, black smoke was emitted directly, and then it slammed into another car on the side of the road, making a loud noise!

As for the scumbags in that car, just as they opened the door and rushed out, they were shot into a sieve by Ye Tian and the others, and they died instantly!

At this moment, a hysterical roar suddenly sounded at the scene.

"Steven, we have hostages in our hands, let us go, or we will kill the hostages, and everyone will die together!"

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