Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1735 Blackmailing the Mafia

In two or three steps, Giovanni and the special police leader came up close, and there was also a senior police officer in a black police uniform, about fifty years old.

Without exception, the expressions of the three Italians were very serious, with anger and confusion in their eyes.

After meeting and saying hello, Giovanni introduced the identity of the strange police officer.

"Steven, this is the deputy director of the Rome Police Department, Enrique, who is mainly responsible for the fight against the organized crime department. To be precise, he leads the anti-mafia department"

"Good morning, Mr. Enrique, I'm Steven, nice to meet you"

Ye Tian greeted with a smile and shook hands with each other.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm Enrique, I work in the Rome Police Department, I'm also very happy to meet you, welcome to Rome"

Enrique said politely, the performance was decent.

After a few pleasantries, Giovanni got to the point and asked solemnly:

"Steven, may I ask, what happened to you after you entered the Vatican last night? Especially at midnight, have you or any of your subordinates left the Vatican?"

Hearing Giovanni's question, everyone at the scene couldn't help being a little surprised. They didn't understand why he asked such a question, and what was his purpose?

Even Betty was at a loss and didn't know why at this time.

Ye Tian also showed a surprised expression, pretending to be puzzled and said:

"Giovanni, I don't quite understand. What's the purpose of your question? Did something happen last night? It made you police suspect us!

Since you ask this question, in order to clear up the suspicion, I can briefly talk about what happened last night, so as to avoid any doubts in your mind, which is beneficial to both of us.

After entering the Vatican last night, we took advantage of the night to enjoy the beautiful night view of the Vatican, and then checked into the room that the Vatican had arranged for us.

Then we attended the welcome dinner personally arranged by His Majesty the Pope. After the dinner, we went back to the guest room to rest without any entertainment or going out.

Leonardo was present at all of the above activities. He can prove that other personal lawyers like me, as well as several important people in the Vatican, can provide proof.

Besides, you have deployed so many policemen and cultural relics around the Vatican, they should be very clear about whether my security personnel and I leave here."

As soon as the words fell, Leonardo and Anderson stood up one after another and made proofs that were beyond doubt.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and the three senior Italian police officers couldn't help being speechless, not knowing what to say.

After a short pause, Enrique said:

"Steven, a fire broke out in the city of Rome last night, burning down a historic building built in the late nineteenth century, and many people died in that fire, do you know?"

"I know, I got up this morning and watched the news. Is there any problem with this? Rome is the largest city in Italy. Fires in such a big city should be common. What's so strange?"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and asked pretending to be surprised, but a smile flashed deep in his eyes.

Enrique took a deep look at him, then said solemnly:

"Rome, like other big cities, often has fires and other accidents. If it's just an ordinary fire, it's really not worth making a fuss about, but last night's fire was not ordinary.

The building that caught fire was the branch of the Palermo Benano family in Rome. The people who were burned to death in that building were all members of the Palermo Benano family, and there were a large number of them.

The Benano family is a Mafia family from Sicily,

It is also one of the largest and most powerful mafia families in Italy, and the Rome branch is a very important branch of their family.

According to our investigation, among the robbers who ambushed your convoy on the expressway during the day and were eventually wiped out by you, there are likely to be many members of the Benano family.

The ambush at the crossroads was most likely done by an outlying legion of the Benano family. Not long after the daytime battle ended, you just arrived in Rome when the bizarre fire broke out.

What's even more bizarre is that the place where the fire happened happened to be the location of the Rome branch of the Benano family, and none of the mafia members in that building escaped and were all burned to death.

In such a violent fire, I never believe that no one will be awakened. Even pigs will struggle when they die, unless they have already been subdued and can only wait to die with their eyes open."

Having said that, Enrique stopped talking and stared at Ye Tian closely to see what reaction he would give.

Although the following words were not uttered, everyone at the scene could hear the meaning of Enrique's words.

Did you start the violent fire last night? Mafia scum in that historical building, did you guy sneak in uniforms one by one and burn them all in the fire?

During the day, you were ambushed on the highway, fought frantically, and arrived in Rome at night. In the blink of an eye, such a violent fire broke out, completely destroying the Rome branch of the Benano family.

Revenge doesn't last overnight! So much like you bastard, can we not suspect you?

After the words fell, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian.

People who had just met him and were not familiar with him were still full of doubts, but a smile flashed in the eyes of Betty and Anderson, and they knew it all!

While Leonardo was puzzled, he was also somewhat frightened.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that this guy Steven had asked about the Vatican's underground secret passage last night.

Could it be that Steven left the Vatican through a secret passage last night, went to Rome to kill the mafia scum, set a fire to destroy the corpses, and then sneaked back to the Vatican.

All of this was done under the cover of night without anyone noticing, without anyone noticing, not even his wife!

If this is the case, this guy is really terrible. He can come and go freely in the Vatican, which is not leaking, let alone other places.

Thinking of this, Leonardo was immediately frightened into a cold sweat, even though it is winter, the temperature is very low!

At the same time, he has secretly decided that he must carefully check every secret passage underground in the Vatican to completely eliminate all hidden dangers, so as not to be taken advantage of by others!

But Leonardo didn't know that Ye Tian had already wiped away the traces of entering and leaving the secret passage, and he chose an ancient secret passage that no one knew about, and the people in the Vatican also knew nothing about it!

When he left the guest room in the middle of the night, he not only changed his appearance completely, but also cleverly avoided all the surveillance cameras, making it impossible to trace him!

When he arrived at the historic building in the city of Rome on the scooter he brought with him, all the mafia scum in that building had fallen asleep, and they all slept like dead pigs.

There was no suspense about what happened next.

Without firing a single shot or alarming anyone, he subdued those mafia scumbags silently, and then burned those scumbags into coke!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, and then showed a suddenly realized expression.

"The scum who set up an ambush at the crossroads turned out to be the outer legion of the Benano family in Palermo. I know this mafia family, but I have nothing against them. What a disaster!

Don't even think about it, those mafia scumbags must be looking for money, trying to rob that masterpiece of Da Vinci, "Lisa Gherardini", come and go without indecent assault, I will respond !

However, the fire last night really had nothing to do with me. Maybe it was God who couldn't understand those scumbags and wanted to help the world clean up some garbage, so there was a fire that burned those mafia scumbags to death.

I have no sympathy for the death of those mafia scumbags, but I feel a little pity for the burned down historic building of the 19th century, it should not be buried with those scumbags"

Hearing his words, Betty and Anderson almost couldn't laugh out loud, and it was hard to hold back.

However, Enrique and Giovanni's expressions changed drastically, and their expressions suddenly became more solemn, and there was even a bit of regret in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Giovanni continued to say:

"Steven, we hope that you will exercise restraint and not cause trouble, let alone the Bernard family in Palermo and the Casamonica family in Rome.

This is Rome, the eternal city, with countless famous and extremely precious historical buildings, attracting countless tourists from all over the world to visit here every year.

Whether it's you, or those mafia families, or other gangster organizations, we will never allow anyone to turn Rome into a battlefield full of bullets and blood.

According to reliable [UU Reading 00ks] news, as soon as you arrived in Rome yesterday, the Casamonica family entered a state of high alert. After the fire last night, the alert level was even higher.

The current southeast of Rome is full of turmoil, and the eyes and ears of the Casamonica family are everywhere. You'd better not enter there rashly, as it will inevitably lead to conflicts.

There was news from Palermo. As soon as the news of the fire reached Palermo last night, the Benano family immediately entered a state of preparation, and all the outer legions were recovering.

You are here to discuss cooperation with the Vatican and jointly explore treasures, not to fight here. I hope you will restrain yourself and don't go to war with the two major mafia families at the same time.

Our Italian police are willing to mediate in the middle to ease the conflicts between you and try to avoid the outbreak of war. The Mafia Eleven-member Committee also revealed the same meaning.

Steven, I hope you can accept this suggestion, ease the conflict with the Casamonica family and the Benano family, and turn your attention to exploring the treasure."

Ye Tian looked at the three police officers in front of him, then said with a sneer:

"Easing up the conflict with the two major mafia families? It's not impossible, it depends on their performance. We did not initiate the two incidents before and after. We are the victims!

If they can show enough sincerity, I can accept the mediation, shake hands and make peace, and from then on, we can go our own way. If their sincerity is not enough, then we can say something else."


There was a gasp of air at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words, and looked at him dumbfounded.

Steven, this guy is really crazy. It's clear that he wants to blackmail two major mafia families, which is unheard of!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian took the initiative to end the conversation, led Betty and turned around towards the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica, and Anderson and the others followed immediately.

Looking at Ye Tian's leaving back, Enrique asked in a low voice:

"Giovanni, do you believe what Steven said just now? The fire last night and the mafia scum who were burned to death really had nothing to do with him?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Giovanni immediately gritted his teeth and said:

"Believe it! I don't believe a word, not only the fire last night, the massacre in Florence on a rainy night before, and the subsequent fire, all have something to do with this bastard Steven!

This is a bastard who has no taboos and will exact revenge. He is cruel to the extreme. Unfortunately, although I suspect that he personally created these two crazy killings, there is no evidence! "

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already entered St. Peter's Basilica, and disappeared from Giovanni's and his group's sight.

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