Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1737 Palace of Art

It wasn't until around one o'clock in the noon that Ye Tian and the others finished their visit to St. Peter's Basilica, and walked out of the church with unfinished thoughts.

In this way, they still took a quick look at the flowers in some places, and failed to visit them carefully.

As in the past, during the tour, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective again, thoroughly seeing the inside and outside of St. Peter's Basilica, as well as the depths of the underground.

Under the perspective, he saw the entire St. Peter's Basilica thoroughly, without letting go of any corner.

All the secrets hidden here, whether in the dome, in the walls, or deep underground, whether they are known or unknown, are all clearly presented in his eyes, without any omission!

These secrets involve a wide range of fields, covering art, religion, politics, economy, history, military, architecture and other aspects!

It even involves some unspeakable secrets, such as the privacy of some important figures in the history of the Vatican and so on.

There are many surprising new discoveries among them. Once disclosed, they will definitely cause a huge sensation and rewrite part of Western history.

However, St. Peter's Basilica does not belong to Ye Tian, ​​and in the foreseeable future, he will never be the master here, and he will not be able to possess those hidden secrets.

Especially those top-notch antique works of art that are priceless but have been sleeping deep underground for hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, he can't disclose his series of major discoveries, he can only appreciate in secret and hide these secrets deep in his heart.

Of course, if the Vatican intends to unite themselves and jointly explore every corner of the Vatican, these secrets can be made public, but that possibility is very small!

After leaving St. Peter's Basilica, everyone went to have lunch.

As a tourist attraction that receives countless tourists and pilgrims every day, there are many restaurants and hotels in and around the Vatican for tourists to rest and eat.

Ye Tian and the others didn't leave the Vatican to eat outside. Instead, under the leadership of Leonardo, they ate at an internal restaurant that only catered to the priests and staff of the Vatican. The dishes were not bad!

After lunch, everyone returned to their residences to rest for a while to restore their mental and physical strength.

At around 2:30 in the afternoon, Ye Tian and the others left the guest room again. Led by Leonardo and several priests, they walked through the garden to the Vatican Museum on the north side of St. Peter's Basilica, preparing to visit there.

The Vatican Museum is one of the earliest museums in the world, having its prototype as early as the fifth century AD.

It was not until the beginning of the sixteenth century that the museum and St. Peter's Basilica were expanded at the same time that this world-famous museum was truly established.

The establishment of this famous museum was partly due to a major archaeological discovery.

In January 1506, in a vineyard near the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Rome, people unearthed a famous statue from the ancient Greek period, "The Statue of Laocoon and His Sons".

After the statue was unearthed, it immediately caused a sensation in Rome at that time, and people rushed to watch and appreciate the great sculpture art of ancient Greece!

When Pope Julius II heard the news, he immediately sent Michelangelo and another top artist to check the excavation results.

Subsequently, under the recommendation of Michelangelo and Michelangelo, the Pope made a decisive decision, bought the statue from the owner of the vineyard, transported it back to the Vatican, and soon put it on public exhibition.

It was on this occasion that the Vatican Museum was officially established and has a history of more than 500 years.

The Vatican Museums are huge,

The total area is about 5.5 hectares, which is equivalent to 1/13 of the Forbidden City. However, due to the spatial differences between Eastern and Western buildings, its exhibition area is similar to that of the Forbidden City.

The exhibition space in the museum is six kilometers in length. Not to mention visiting here, it takes a lot of time and energy to just walk around.

This famous museum has twelve exhibition halls and five art galleries, including the famous Sistine Chapel.

The antique works of art collected in this museum bring together countless relics of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the essence of Renaissance art, and most of them are priceless treasures.

In terms of the quantity and quality of the collection of antique works of art, the Vatican Museums are not inferior to those other top museums, such as the British Museum and the Louvre, even better!

In Europe, the Vatican Museums rank quite high, ranking third or fourth among a famous art palace, and the same is true in the world.

It is also one of the most expensive famous museums in Western Europe, and the opening hours are very short. It closes early at 1:30 noon, and there is only one free opening day on the Sunday at the end of the month.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Tian and the others. As guests invited by the Vatican and future collaborators, they once again enjoyed the privilege.

Of course, this privilege is also related to two priceless treasures.

Those are the two paintings that Ye Tian presented to the Vatican before, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", in exchange for the Pope to go to Boston to preside over the wedding and send blessings!

When those two priceless treasures returned to the Vatican Museum, they caused a huge sensation in Rome, the whole of Italy, and even the whole world, attracting countless attentions.

As the two paintings were exhibited publicly again after more than two hundred years, countless art lovers flocked to the Vatican Museum to appreciate the two top works of art.

By the way, Ye Tian also earned a lot of goodwill in Italy and Rome, and the people here are generally grateful to him.

In view of this, no one raised any objection to Ye Tian and the others enjoying the privilege of being able to enter the museum after the museum is closed.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had already arrived at the tourist entrance of the Vatican Museum, and joined several high-level people of the Vatican Museum who were waiting here.

As soon as everyone stood still, the curator of the Vatican Museum stepped forward and said enthusiastically:

"Good afternoon, Steven, Betty, and welcome to the Vatican Museums. On behalf of the museum staff, I would like to thank you again for your generosity and wish you a wonderful afternoon here"

"Good afternoon, Antonio, it's nice to see you again, you're very welcome, the two paintings by Raphael and Michelangelo originally belonged to the Vatican, and we just borrowed flowers to present Buddha.

I have been admiring the Vatican Museum and the priceless treasures in the museum for a long time. I have wanted to visit here for a long time. Today I finally got my wish. I am very much looking forward to the next visit.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, and shook hands with the curator of the Vatican Museum, behaving very decently.

After being polite and exchanging a few pleasantries, Antonio led Ye Tian and the others into the Vatican Museum and started the tour, admiring the many priceless treasures displayed in this museum.

After entering the Vatican Museum, the first exhibition hall Ye Tian and the others visited was the Gregorian Egyptian Museum, referred to as the Egyptian Museum.

The entrance of this pavilion is not big, and it looks very historical. There are many small pavilions inside, displaying precious cultural relics from various periods of ancient Egypt.

The most striking of these is a mummy with a history of more than 3,000 years. It is the mummy of a woman. It is quite well preserved. It is a famous and must-see collection in the Egyptian Museum.

Moreover, the coffin lid of this female mummy is opened, and it is completely presented in front of all tourists, which looks somewhat gloomy.

Then there's the King of the Mummies, the standing statue of Anubis.

Anubis is the patron saint of souls in the ancient Egyptian theological system, and often appears in the murals of the pharaoh's cemetery in the image of a jackal, as well as on other funerary objects.

Ye Tian was not very interested in the precious cultural relics in this exhibition hall, so he didn't stay for too long.

After taking a quick look at the cultural relics on display here, they quickly left this exhibition hall and walked to the next one.

Ye Tian has seen a lot of ancient Egyptian cultural relics in the Metropolitan Museum, the British Museum, and the Louvre, and he has long lost his curiosity.

More importantly, the spiritual power in his eyes is instinctively repulsive to these thousands of years ago corpses and many funeral objects, and he doesn't like the strong dead air emanating from these cultural relics.

After leaving the Egyptian Pavilion, a group of them, led by Antonio and Leonardo, entered the Bio Clemente Museum.

This is one of the most famous exhibition halls of the Vatican Museum. It mainly focuses on sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome, including the three treasures of the Vatican Museum sculpture category!

They are, "Statue of Laocoon and His Sons", "Remnant Body", and "Apollo the Sun God on the Watchtower".

In addition to these three treasures of the town hall, there are also many world-famous sculptures on display here, each of which is priceless and unique.

In any other museum, these sculptures are treasure-level collections, but they are in the Vatican Museum, so they can only be inferior to others!

As soon as they entered the exhibition hall, Ye Tian and the others were completely attracted by the many exquisite sculptures in the hall, and everyone stopped in unison to appreciate them.

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