Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1740 Raphael's Studio

Before I knew it, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

After visiting several exhibition halls one after another, Ye Tian and the others came to one of the most important and famous exhibition halls of the Vatican Museum, the Raphael Studio, and prepared to visit a series of top-level artworks displayed here.

At this time, Antonio had already left. After all, he was the curator of the Vatican Museum, and he had a lot of business to deal with, so it was impossible to accompany Ye Tian and the others for a long time.

In addition to Antonio, several other senior officials of the Vatican Museum also left one after another, for similar reasons.

But Leonardo, two priests, several museum administrators, and two security personnel were still there, and they continued to accompany Ye Tian and the others on their tour, which meant supervision.

The Vatican Museum is full of priceless top antique artworks, and most of them have special religious significance. How dare they let Ye Tian and the others visit by themselves!

Even if Ye Tian is a super rich man, a top expert in the appraisal of antique works of art, and knows how to protect antique works of art, the museum cannot be completely at ease.

After Antonio and the others left, Ye Tian took over the duties of explaining in an all-round way. While admiring the antique artworks displayed in various exhibition halls, he introduced and explained to Betty and the others.

If he encounters an antique artwork that he is not familiar with or does not know very well, the guide who follows will come forward and explain.

As before, Ye Tian started to introduce the exhibition hall when he entered Raphael's studio, and his clear voice echoed in the entire exhibition hall and reached the ears of everyone present.

"This is the famous Raphael studio. I won't introduce Raphael, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, here. Everyone knows him very well and has appreciated many of his works.

In 1508, the Roman Catholic Church launched a large-scale art construction. Raphael, who had already gained fame at the age of only 25, came to Rome proudly and accepted the commission of the Pope as a master of art.

The Raphael studio in front of you is a room that Pope Julius II commissioned Raphael to decorate. It consists of four consecutive rooms and is located on the second floor of the Pope's Palace in the Vatican.

From 1508 to 1524, it took Raphael and his students a total of 16 years to complete all the decoration work and create this magnificent art palace.

As we all know, Raphael died in 1520. From entering the Holy See at the age of 25 until his death at the age of 37, the most glorious twelve years of Raphael's life were all dedicated to this place.

Here is a faithful record of Raphael's most brilliant artistic career. He left many great works of art here, and those great works of art also made this studio.

There is no doubt that the Raphael Studio is a treasure of the painting category of the Vatican Museum. The collection of Raphael paintings here is the largest and most essential in the world, which is unparalleled"

Following Ye Tian's cadenced explanation, Betty and Anderson were looking at the exhibition hall they were in and admiring the many top artworks displayed in this exhibition hall.

Without exception, each of them was completely shocked by this magnificent exhibition hall, and was completely attracted by those famous top artworks, with an expression of fascination.

Leonardo, who was standing a little behind, and the rest of the Vatican people showed some admiration in their eyes, and they were all convinced by Ye Tian's wonderful explanation.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to smile and said loudly:

"Raphael's studio has a total of four rooms. If we introduce them in the order of Raphael's paintings, they should be in the signature hall, Eliodoro hall, fire alarm hall, and Constantine hall.

However, if the introduction is based on the architectural pattern and the order of the visiting spaces,

They should be arranged in such a way that first the Hall of Constantine, next the Hall of Eliodoro, the Hall of Signatures, and the Hall of Fire and Alarm.

Where we are now, is the Constantine Hall, which used to be the pope's reception room. The Constantine Hall was designed by Raphael himself, but he only completed a draft and died before it was completed.

As the name suggests, this room is to commemorate Constantine the Great. The four murals in the hall mainly show Constantine, the emperor of the Roman Empire, who has a high status in the eyes of Christians.

In 312 AD, on the eve of the decisive battle at the Milvi Bridge with Maxentius for the throne, Constantine declared that he had seen the epiphany of Christ, which was a symbol of the legality of Christianity recognized by the Roman Empire.

After winning the Battle of the Milvi Bridge, Constantine fulfilled his promise and promulgated the famous "Milan Pardon", which enabled Christianity to come from the ground to the ground, and since then it has spread rapidly and grown stronger.

Raphael used four murals to express this theme, which are "The Baptism of Constantine", "The Appearance of the Cross to Constantine", "Battle of the Milvi Bridge", and "Constantine's Gift".

Because of Raphael's untimely death, most of these murals were drawn by his students Romano, Penny and others based on Raphael's drafts. In this regard, it is somewhat regrettable.

Nevertheless, the grand and harmonious layout of these murals and the noble and elegant characterization still reveal the imprint of Raphael everywhere. Let’s start to appreciate it from the "Battle of Milvie Bridge" on the left.

After speaking, Ye Tian and Betty came to stand a few meters away from the left wall of the room, and began to admire this majestic classicist mural, "The Battle of Millville Bridge".

The Battle of Milvi Bridge was a famous battle that took place in 312 AD, between Constantine and Maxentius.

With the victory of this battle, Constantine abolished the co-rule of the four emperors and became the only monarch of the Roman Empire, which also marked the beginning of Constantine's conversion to Christianity.

Since then, Christianity has come from the ground to the ground. With the strong support of the Roman Empire, it began to develop rapidly, and soon spread throughout the entire Western world.

After visiting this magnificent and magnificent mural, Ye Tian and the others came to the next mural, "The Cross Appears to Constantine", and began to appreciate this famous mural.

Next came "Constantine's Baptism", and finally "Constantine's Gift". Ye Tian and the others carefully appreciated each mural.

At the same time, Ye Tian gave a wonderful explanation for each of the murals here, in order to deepen Betty's understanding and better appreciate these top artworks.

After appreciating the four murals in the Constantine Hall and several Renaissance sculptures displayed in this hall, Ye Tian and the others moved on and walked into the next room.

The next room is the Elliott Roo, a dizzying sanctuary of art.

On the ceiling of this hall, there are four ceiling paintings painted by Raphael, which are based on four stories in the Old Testament of the Bible.

They are [UU Reading 00ks] Noah left the ark, Abraham wanted to sacrifice Isaac, burned bushes in front of Moses, and Jacob dreamed of the ladder to heaven.

There are several frescoes painted on the walls of the hall, all of which were made by Raphael, each of which is a priceless top-level artwork, radiating brilliance and incomparable brilliance in the history of art!

The four murals are "Eliodoro Captured in the Temple of Jerusalem", "Saint Peter's Escape from Prison", "Mass at Bolsena", and "Leo V Repelling Attila the Hun" .

Among them, "Eliodoro Captured in the Temple of Jerusalem" is the most famous, and the main purpose is to convey the meaning of the inviolability of the church property. The name of the Elliottoro Hall comes from this famous mural!

The other three murals, "Bolsena's Mass", "St. Peter's Escape from Prison", and "Leo V Repelling Attila the Hun King", mainly express the spiritual and secular power of the church under the blessing of God.

Interestingly, in "Eliodoro Captured in the Temple of Jerusalem", the figure of the client Pope Julius II appeared, which looked like a rigid placement advertisement!

And in "Bolsena's Mass", the client Pope Julius II appeared again, and it was very conspicuous, and Raphael himself turned into a member of the Swiss Guard, looking out of the picture!

This kind of creative technique can often be seen in other works of Raphael, and Raphael developed it to the extreme, which had a great influence on many painters at that time and later generations.

After entering the Elliott Roo Hall, Ye Tian quickly scanned the panorama, and then brought Betty to the mural "St. Peter's Escape from Prison" and began to admire the famous mural.

At the same time, his professional explanation started again, which was still so wonderful.

"St. Peter's Escape from Prison" is a very special mural, painted by Raphael himself, and it is a very famous light source work in the history of Western art.

The content of the mural is that St. Peter, the chief disciple of Jesus, was imprisoned for preaching, and God sent an angel to rescue him. The painting depicts this famous story.

As we all know, St. Peter is the first pope of Christianity. If he is saved, it means that all popes in the future will be blessed by God, which has a very special meaning.

In the middle of the mural, St. Peter is sleeping soundly. At this moment, the angel comes quietly, trying to wake him up. The angel radiates a strong light, illuminating everything.

The armor of the soldiers at the gate of the prison also reflected a bright light. On the left side of the mural, the warden found that St. Peter had been rescued, so he immediately woke up the soldiers and asked them to hunt them down.

In the area to the left of the mural, the light source comes from the moon in the sky. It is cold and dark, and the warden holds a torch in his hand, which is another light source in this famous mural.

The reason why this mural by Raphael is classic is that these special light sources are constantly interspersed in the dark prison, which greatly enhances the sense of space and perspective,..."

While explaining, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, and began to explore this famous fresco and this wall.

Wherever he could see, this mural and the wall that carried it were instantly seen through by Ye Tian, ​​and there were no more secrets to speak of.

On this mural, Ye Tian discovered several little secrets left by Raphael, some of which had already been discovered and made public, while some were discovered for the first time and were not yet known.

Among them are the secret signatures left by Raphael, and some tricks he played, which are harmless and hidden in various positions of the paintings.

Unlike Da Vinci, Raphael rarely played such esoteric and puzzling games as mysterious characters and Fibonacci sequence.

The secrets he left on the paintings seem more like real games, a little ridicule and emotional adjustment in the process of his artistic creation!

Apart from these little secrets, through perspective, Ye Tian seemed to see Raphael who was standing in front of this wall with a paintbrush in his hand, displaying his astounding talent to the fullest, as if he had seen the great era where the stars were shining!

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