Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1746 Immortal Monument

Unlike the Santa Maria Grazie Church where "The Last Supper" is located, the Sistine Chapel has been in use for hundreds of years. It is the Pope's private scripture hall, so there are not so many gates.

Moreover, the preservation of many murals in this church is also better, and the lighting conditions are better. Natural light shines directly into the interior of the church through several tall glass windows, and the viewing conditions are excellent.

As soon as they entered the Sistine Chapel, Ye Tian and the others were completely shocked by everything in front of them. Everyone stopped and stared at everything in the church in amazement. Their eyes were almost exhausted.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a paradise of mural art, magnificent and magnificent, radiating incomparably bright rays of light, making people dazzled and fascinated.

On the wall facing the entrance of the church is one of the greatest works of art of the Renaissance, "The Last Judgment", by Michelangelo.

Extending the line of sight upwards, you can see a series of huge ceiling paintings, also by Michelangelo, which is another greatest work of art in the Renaissance, "Genesis".

On the right wall of the church, there are six murals depicting the life of Jesus Christ. The "Biography of Christ" is one of the representative works by Botticelli, an early Renaissance art master.

On the left wall of the church are six murals depicting the life of Moses, the savior of Israel.

Looking at these famous murals in art history, especially Michelangelo's two masterpieces, "Genesis" and "Last Judgment", Ye Tian and the others were instantly attracted and fell into a state of obsession.

The same goes for the other tourists who entered the church with them, all standing in place, fascinated by the exquisite murals and everything in the Sistine Chapel.

After a long time, Ye Tian just woke up, and then let out a sigh of emotion.

"Wow! It's so spectacular and shocking. This is simply a paradise of mural art. It's breathtaking"

With his emotion, Betty and the others, as well as other tourists around, were all awakened.

The next moment, the scene was completely boiling, and bursts of exclamations sounded, and some devout believers even prayed in a low voice.

After some exclamation and emotion, everyone's emotions calmed down a little, and the scene quickly became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, everyone selected their own goals and began to appreciate the murals in this church.

Because of the distance and the fact that there is a marble-framed screen in the middle of the church to block the view, for a while, everyone could not appreciate "The Last Judgment", and could only appreciate the other three murals nearby!

Without exception, everyone at the scene raised their heads and necks, looked at the dome of the church, and at the "Genesis" painted on the dome, the masterpiece of the artist Michelangelo!

Ye Tian and the others were no exception. Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the dome of the church. Everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

"Genesis" is a group of giant murals created by Michelangelo from 1508 to 1512. It lasted for more than four years, and the mural area is as high as 480 square meters. It can be called a masterpiece.

The area of ​​this group of murals is so large that it completely covers the huge dome inside the church, extending from the doorway to the front wall, connecting with "The Last Judgment".

The themes on the screen are all taken from the beginning of the Bible, the story about the creation of the world until the ark of the flood.

They are "Division of Light and Darkness", "Creation of Sun, Moon, Plants", "Division of Water and Land", "Creation of Adam", "Creation of Eve", "Expelled from the Garden of Eden\

,""Noah's Sacrifice", "The Great Flood", "Noah's Drunkenness".

The whole group of murals is composed of the above nine central pictures and many decorative paintings. There are 343 figures painted in total. The scenes are grand and the characters are portrayed shockingly.

"Genesis" is divided into three parts, namely "God created the world", "The Fall of Man", and "Undeserved Sacrifice".

Each scene revolves around large, seated nude youths in various shapes, flanked by vivid witches, seers and slaves.

The entire mural is majestic and powerful, and even the strong and abnormal vault of the Sistine Chapel seems to be unable to bear its weight, as if trembling slightly.

The inside of the church was completely silent, and everyone was looking up at the exquisite murals on the ceiling, and was deeply addicted to them.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded at the scene, which woke up the drunken Ye Tian and other visitors.

"Steven, can you explain this "Genesis" to everyone? We were fortunate enough to hear your explanation in other exhibition halls before, and it can be said to be very exciting.

Most of the tourists at the scene are laymen and don’t have a deep understanding of this famous zenith painting, but you are a senior professional, and you must know more than us.”

The person who spoke was a Caucasian man in his forties, with his wife and children by his side, apparently traveling as a family.

As soon as the voice fell, someone at the scene immediately responded.

"That's right, Steven, let me explain it to everyone. As we all know, you once owned a Michelangelo oil painting, "Creation of Adam", which comes from "Genesis".

Your understanding of the famous murals of "Genesis" must be deeper and more thorough than most people. It would be great if you could explain it to everyone! "

Hearing what these two said, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian. Everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations!

In their eyes, Ye Tian is no longer that cruel and greedy bastard, but the top expert in antique art appraisal in the world today, a senior professional.

The same goes for Betty and Anderson, they all looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his explanation.

Even the guides, staff, and security personnel in the Sistine Chapel all looked at Ye Tian with curious eyes, eager to hear his professional explanation.

Ye Tian looked back at the two buddies who were talking, then scanned the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven, it's a pleasure to see you all here, and I wish you all a wonderful and enjoyable day.

As we all know, I am an atheist, and the Sistine Chapel has a very special position in the religious world. Michelangelo's "Genesis" is also very special.

Obviously, it is not suitable for me to comment on the mural of "Genesis" in this church. It may cause some unnecessary troubles, and I don't want to see that kind of thing happen.

Since everyone asks me to give an explanation, it is not easy for me to refuse. It is difficult to be kind, but I can give an explanation on this group of murals to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

But I will not comment on the content of this group of murals, I will only tell you about the artistry of this group of murals, as well as the background and related stories of Michelangelo's creation of this group of murals"

"clap clap"

There was a round of applause, short and warm.

All the tourists in the church gave Ye Tian their own applause.

While applauding one after another, everyone secretly admired it.

This guy, Steven, is exactly as in the legend. He is very cautious in doing things, leak-proof, and impeccable at all!

The applause fell quickly, and Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again.

""Genesis" is a group of ceiling paintings with an area of ​​up to 480 square meters, covering the entire dome of the Sistine Chapel, composed of nine pictures, and a total of 343 figures in the paintings.

It can be seen that each of these characters in Michelangelo's works is idealized, heroic, and Hercules, fully expressing the strength and beauty of the human body. Very similar to his sculptures!

Because this is a zenith painting, and it was completed independently by Michelangelo. When creating this group of zenith paintings, Michelangelo basically painted in a supine posture and persisted for four to five years.

So much so that within a few months after the completion of the creation of "Genesis", Michelangelo couldn't look up with his eyes, and he had to pick up and look up even to read a letter. It can be said that he was creating with his life.

It is just like this that Michelangelo completed this group of great works. What he left to future generations is immortal grandeur and rigor, richness and solemnity, and is an immortal monument of mural art.

Although Michelangelo gave people unlimited space for explanation in terms of art, people's admiration for his work spirit has also become an important aspect when examining this group of zenith paintings,..."

While explaining, Ye Tian also turned on perspective, and began to explore the group of murals on the ceiling of the church and the space above the dome, to see if he could find anything.

As far as he could see, all the details of the "Genesis" group of murals on the zenith were immediately clearly presented in his eyes, without any omission!

Even the library of the Vatican Library above the dome and the sky above the church are presented in his eyes, with a clear view.

In the murals of "Genesis", there is indeed a secret, which may be called Michelangelo's code.

It is an anatomical diagram that resembles the structure of the human brain and an anatomical diagram of the human spine, which are hidden in the two murals of "Creation of Adam" and "Division of Light and Darkness", which are very concealed.

According to historical records, Michelangelo studied human anatomy enthusiastically in his youth to improve his knowledge of the human body.

He once persuaded a vice abbot of a monastery to let him study corpses in the monastery hospital, and drew many human anatomy sketches, but later he destroyed most of the related sketch notes.

He understands human anatomy, and all the murals are arranged by Michelangelo, and he never fakes others. From this point of view, the appearance of human body anatomy in "Genesis" is not unexpected!

Although this discovery is amazing, it is of no use to Ye Tian, ​​he can only enjoy it secretly and cannot make it public.

In addition to the anatomical diagram of the human body, on the sketch at the bottom, he also found several characters and corresponding backgrounds that were not shown on the mural, which can be regarded as hidden secrets!

Like the previous discoveries, in the field of art, these discoveries are shocking enough and will definitely cause a sensation, but they are of no use to Ye Tian, ​​they can only let him know more about this group of murals.

Of course, during the perspective process, he also saw the whole process of Michelangelo's creation of this group of murals, witnessed the birth of a masterpiece, and the artist's astonishing artistic talent!

After seeing through the murals, his eyes continued upward and entered the library of the Vatican Library above the dome, which housed many ancient books from the Middle Ages.

Only a small part of these ancient books are English books, and most of the rest are Latin works, or Italian works, and there are some ancient books in French, Spanish, and other languages.

In this historic library, Ye Tian also found two hidden compartments hidden behind the bookshelves, but the inside was empty, and there was no surprising discovery!

Of course, the main reason is that he doesn't know the characters in many ancient books, even if there are any secrets hidden in those ancient books, he can't see them now!

It seems that I have to continue to study, learn various languages ​​and characters, so as not to miss some secrets and treasures that are right in front of me, that would be a pity!

While secretly thinking this way, Ye Tian also retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

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