"Steven, did you find something? Can you tell me?"

Giovanni asked suspiciously, and looked at the ruins of the Senate, which was close at hand.

The same was true for his subordinates, who were scanning the surrounding ruins, trying to find something.

But it is a pity that they do not have eyes that can see through everything, and they are doomed to be in vain.

From their point of view, the surrounding area is a piece of ruins, once very important in the history of Rome, but now it is nothing more than a ruin.

"You think too much, Giovanni, this is the 'Eternal City' Rome, long before I set off to Italy, I had this idea to explore the treasures in the city of Rome, you know, I am a professional treasure hunter.

Now that I am in Rome, I certainly don't want to miss this opportunity, and my luck has always been good, and I am very confident that I will find something in Rome, so I put forward this cooperation proposal.

In my opinion, this is a win-win thing. It can not only discover some treasures buried in Rome's history, solve some historical mysteries, but also take the opportunity to make a lot of publicity and attract more tourists to Rome! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, denying Giovanni's conjecture and not forgetting to continue bewitching.

Of course he would not admit that he found something in the ancient Roman ruins in front of him and in other places in the city of Rome.

Giovanni took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then shook his head slightly and said:

"Cooperate with your brave and fearless exploration company to jointly explore treasures in the city of Rome. Such an important matter cannot be decided by our Italian cultural relics gendarme.

In the future, I will feed back your thoughts to the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Historical Heritage Protection Committee. Whether to cooperate with you is up to them and the parliament to decide.”

"Well then, Giovanni, I look forward to hearing the good news. I hope we can have the opportunity to jointly explore the treasure and give the world a huge surprise."

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed, without showing any flaws.

Afterwards, Giovanni and the others bid farewell and left here with a lot of doubts and confusion.

As soon as these guys left, Anderson asked excitedly in a low voice:


Did you find something in the ruins? Treasure or valuable antique artwork, where was it found? "

Not only him, but the rest of the people at the scene were very concerned about the answer to this question. Everyone looked at Ye Tian with excited expressions and full of anticipation.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"We have been together, if I found any treasures or top-level antique works of art, it is impossible for you not to know, so the answer is obvious, and there are no surprising discoveries.

The reason why I propose to jointly explore the treasures in the city of Rome is based on my judgment that an ancient city like Rome, which is full of ruins, must have hidden treasures."

Hearing these words, Betty and Anderson couldn't help but nodded slightly, they didn't disagree, and they didn't continue to ask.

But deep down in their hearts, each of them had a vague feeling that this guy Steven must have discovered something, and he would definitely not be aimless.

After chatting for a few words, everyone ended this topic, and focused on the present, and continued to visit the ruins of the ancient Roman Senate, which is very close at hand.

The Senate, the political organ of ancient Rome, first appeared in the royal government era. As a national advisory body, it was composed of wealthy and noble elders of the clan, that is, the Council of Elders, which is considered to be the prototype of the modern parliamentary system.

During the Roman Republic, the Senate consisted of former governors and representatives of other great slave owners.

Its power is huge, it holds the right to rule, has the real power to approve and approve laws, approve the elected top officials, manage finances, diplomacy, military affairs, and implement major religious measures.

In the period of the ancient Roman Empire, the political power was increasingly concentrated on the emperor, and the Senate lost its original political status, but it was still the political pillar of the aristocratic rule.

It is precisely because of the prominent status and power possessed by the Senate that the building of the Senate can occupy a place in the ancient Roman Forum, and it is in the most important position.

Compared with other historical sites on the 'Ancient Roman Forum', the Senate has a relatively long history, so the building is relatively well preserved.

Although two thousand years have passed, there is still a basically complete Romanesque building on the site of the Senate.

From the appearance of the building, this Romanesque building is inconspicuous and quite dilapidated, revealing a vicissitudes of history.

In front of the Romanesque building of the Senate, there is a modern awning, and under the shed is a huge black marble, which is very conspicuous.

Not far from this Romanesque building, on the opposite side of the Roman Forum, there is a more magnificent Senate building, the Palace of the Elders.

It was a Roman Republic building rebuilt by Michelangelo in 1538. It is now the seat of the Roman city government and one of the political centers of Rome.

After a quick scan of the scene, Ye Tian began to carefully visit and appreciate the buildings and ruins on the site of the Senate, the first being the ancient Romanesque building.

Although this Romanesque building looks relatively complete, it has long been crumbling, and tourists are not allowed to enter it to visit, but can only stand outside the guardrail.

As for the ruined walls and the situation under the awning, there is no such problem. It is unobstructed and can be seen clearly at a glance.

After standing outside the metal guardrail and watching for a while, Ye Tian began to explain, so that Betty and the others could have a better tour and learn more about it.

"At the beginning of the birth of the Roman Republic, the institution of the Senate had already appeared. According to tradition, the Senate was created by Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome, as an advisory council.

The location of the black marble in front of the ruins of the Senate is said to be a holy place, where the tomb of Romulus, the founder of Rome, is buried.

At first, the Senate only consisted of one hundred heads of Roman families. They were called patriarchs, and later the term aristocrats evolved. The elders of the Senate were appointed for life, and at first they had little power,..."

While explaining, Ye Tian didn't forget to see through, and secretly explored the interior of the khaki-colored building in front of him, as well as the black marble and the situation deep underground in the ruins.

As far as he could see, Ye Tian saw through the khaki-colored Roman-style building not far ahead in an instant, and the situation inside the building immediately appeared, which was extremely clear.

On the walls and roof of the building, there are many ancient Roman-style decorations carved. Some sculptures that were originally placed inside have long since disappeared, leaving only some marble bases.

In the hall on the first floor, there are rows of seats made of bricks and stones that look like steps. It is obviously a meeting place. Apart from that, there is nothing else, it is empty.

As for hidden secret compartments, secret rooms and the like, Ye Tian didn't find out.

Even if there are secret compartments and secret rooms here, it is not up to him to discover what is hidden inside, let alone today!

Over the past two hundred years, countless archaeologists and historians must have entered this place to investigate and explore inside, and those guys are not blind!

After quickly seeing through the Romanesque building, Ye Tian immediately shifted his gaze to the ground of the building, and began to explore the situation deep underground.

Under the ground of this site, there are some things buried, including some rusty ancient weapons, bronze vessels, pottery, coins and other items, as well as the remains of one or two sculptures.

Although these things are old antiques and have certain value, they can't impress Ye Tian and make him feel pleasantly surprised.

After seeing through the Romanesque building and the surrounding ruins, Ye Tian looked at the piece of black marble under the awning and the so-called Holy Land of Rome.

It can be seen that on that piece of marble, some ancient Latin and ancient Roman-style decorations, as well as some patterns, are carved.

Although he didn't know ancient Latin, Ye Tian made an accurate judgment in an instant through the traces of carvings, those ancient Roman-style decorations and patterns.

More than 2,000 years ago, those words and patterns were engraved on the black marble, which obviously came from the hands of the ancient Romans, and they were not faked by later generations.

This also shows that as early as more than 2,000 years ago, this piece of black marble was probably transported to the Roman Forum, and it has been placed here since then until today.

However, the history of the characters and patterns on the marble is hundreds of years later than the time of Romulus and the history of the founding of Rome, which is obviously quite different.

Could it be that after Romulus died hundreds of years, the Romans moved this piece of black marble from other places and put it here in memory of him?

Perhaps there is another possibility, this is just a trick played by those old foxes in the Senate, using Romulus' huge prestige to elevate the status of the Senate and gain more power for himself!

No matter how this black marble came from, what kind of story is hidden behind it.

After a long history of more than two thousand years, it has been endowed with a layer of sacred color, deified and admired by all Romans, the original origin is irrelevant!

Under the perspective, this piece of sacred black marble was immediately seen through by Ye Tian. Inside it was a dense stone, and there was no hidden secret!

But in the depths of the black marble underground, that is, the so-called holy land, Ye Tian really saw a tomb made of bricks, stones and concrete, which surprised him endlessly.

The area of ​​the tomb is not too big, and it is quite old, but there is no coffin in the tomb, only a few quite good sculptures, standing in several corners of the tomb.

In addition, on the walls and top of the tomb, there are many exquisite patterns and patterns carved in the style of ancient Rome.

Especially the mural carved on marble in the middle of the top of the tomb made him almost exclaim with excitement. Fortunately, his ability to control his emotions was very good, so he didn't reveal his secrets.

It is a pattern of a female wolf feeding two human babies. The carving skills are very sophisticated and lifelike, obviously from the hands of ancient Roman sculptors.

The appearance of this marble mural fits perfectly with the legend that this is the tomb of Romulus, the founder of Rome.

According to legend, the founder of Rome, Romulus, and his twin brother, Remus, were raised by a she-wolf.

Because of this legend, the city emblem of Rome throughout the ages has been a picture of a she-wolf raising a baby, and the she-wolf has also become one of the totems of Rome.

Based on this alone, it is absolutely certain that this is the tomb of Romulus, the founder of Rome.

It doesn't matter if it's a real cemetery or a trick of the Senate!

Because this is just a symbol, it doesn't seem to be particularly important whether there is Romulus's coffin and his bones in the tomb.

Of course, if there are Romulus' coffin and bones here, it will be more convincing.

But it's a pity that this is an empty tomb. God knows where the coffin inside flew to, maybe it never was!

After thoroughly seeing through the entire tomb, Ye Tian was very sure.

This is definitely the biggest discovery since arriving in Rome. Once it is born, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and this place will become a real Roman holy place in an instant!

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