Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1775 Smash the Italians unconscious with money

Soon it was evening, the night fell and the lights came on.

The Vatican, which had been noisy all day, finally quieted down.

Countless tourists and art lovers from all over the world were invited out of the square, returned to their respective hotels to rest, and waited to come back tomorrow.

However, many news media reporters did not leave.

They are still persistently guarding the side of Rome, waiting for Ye Tian to appear, so that they can conduct an interview as soon as possible.

It's a pity that they are destined to wait in vain tonight, Ye Tian doesn't plan to come out to enjoy the night view of the Vatican or Rome.

At this time, he was in the living room of the suite where he was staying, discussing with David and Cole about jointly exploring the treasure of the Knights Templar, and making some corresponding arrangements.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Jason, who had been out in disguise for a day and was in charge of inquiring about news, also returned to the Vatican.

After this guy came back, he went to his guest room to remove his disguise, and then came to Ye Tian's room.

After meeting and chatting for a few minutes, Jason began to report what he found out.

"Steven, we have basically found out the situation of the six historical buildings you listed. The three historical buildings near Trajan's Square are all privately owned, and there should be no problem with the acquisition.

As long as the money is in place, the current owners of the three historic buildings will have no resistance, and will readily transfer those old buildings that have been in disrepair and move them to modern residences with better conditions.

The baroque-style building near Piazza Venezia is also in the same situation. It is privately owned and there is no big problem in acquiring it, but the two Renaissance-style buildings are a bit troublesome.

Those two buildings are across the street from the National Museum of the Palazzo Venezia, and they are ancillary buildings of the museum. It may be a bit difficult to acquire them, and you must be very careful not to show your feet! "

Hearing this notification, Ye Tian immediately fell into deep thought.

After a while, he smiled confidently and said:

"As long as the money is in place, I believe there is nothing that cannot be taken down, not to mention the annex building of the Palazzo Venezia Museum, even the Palazzo Chigi, as long as necessary, I can spend money to get the Italian Prime Minister to move!"


There was a burst of laughter,

Everyone in the living room laughed.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"However, for the sake of insurance, we still have to be cautious. If the Italians see the flaws, all previous efforts will be wasted. I don't want to see that happen.

The real estate certificate from Milan will come down soon, and when those guys come to Rome, Jason, you can start the real estate acquisition operation, first acquire the four private properties.

After the private properties are settled, they will purchase the two ancillary buildings of the Palazzo Venezia. Even if they spend money, they must take those properties. I don’t believe that the Italians can resist the temptation.”

"Understood, Steven, I know what to do, just don't worry, we will be able to stun those Italians with money and successfully win all the target properties"

Jason said excitedly, even a little impatiently.

In the following time, the few of them continued to discuss the acquisition of those target properties and jointly explore the treasures of the Knights Templar.

At this time, the sky outside was getting darker and darker, and the night completely engulfed the entire Rome.


The next day was another sunny day, and the weather was pretty good.

Although it is already winter, the temperature in Rome, which has a Mediterranean climate, is not too low. It is suitable for visiting and experiencing the history and customs of this ancient city.

Near nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others had already left the residence, ready to visit the city of Rome.

Their destination today is several famous museums in Rome.

In those museums, there are exhibits of antique works of art in various historical periods from ancient Greece and Rome to modern times, among which there are many priceless top-level goods, which are worth admiring.

Soon, Ye Tian and his group came to St. Peter's Square, talking and laughing as they walked towards the exit of the square.

Just like the previous two days, there were still two long queues lined up in St. Peter's Square, which could not be seen at a glance, winding from the entrance of the Vatican Museum, passing through St. Peter's Square, and extending to Rome.

Needless to say, the people in these two lines are all art lovers and ordinary tourists from all over the world, and they all come for "Lisa Gherardini".

After a day of fermenting yesterday, coupled with the vigorous publicity of Ferrero, the sensational effect caused by "Lisa Gherardini" has become bigger and bigger, and more and more art lovers and tourists have heard the news!

When the auction just ended the night before and the news came out on the Internet, many people thought that the transaction price of "Lisa Gherardini" at 3 billion euros was too exaggerated, and its value was seriously overestimated!

But after a full day, people's views have completely changed.

When people see "Lisa Gherardini" occupying the headlines of all media, seeing the huge sensational effect it brings, and seeing the grand scene in St. Peter's Square, no one will doubt its value !

On the contrary, many people now think that the transaction price of 3 billion euros is a bit low, and Maria and Ferrero have taken a huge advantage.

Regarding this point, it can be seen from the skyrocketing of Maria's personal wealth in the past two days and the stock price of Ferrero company, which is the best proof.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​and he doesn't bother to care about them anymore.

Others, however, don't think so, especially those art lovers from all over the world and countless ordinary Italians.

No, just when Ye Tian and his group entered St. Peter's Square and passed the two lines on the square, someone in the crowd said loudly:

"Steven, thank you for keeping "Lisa Gherardini" in Italy. It is a national treasure of Italy, and it should be kept here instead of being taken to other places! You did it very well!"

"Indeed, Steven, I heard that you requested to extend the public exhibition period. All of us should thank you, so that everyone can enjoy this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, and it will not be a waste of time!"

Ye Tian glanced at the two long lines, and then jokingly said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, especially all Italians, you really should thank me, not to mention anything else, the more than 600 million euros I contributed to the Italian government in taxes alone deserves your thanks.

If you really want to thank me, can you launch a nationwide petition and ask the Italian government to return the tax of more than 600 million euros to me? I would appreciate any help then! "


There was a burst of laughter immediately in the square, resounding throughout the square.

Among the laughter, there were also many voices of heckling and racking Yangzi.

"Don't dream, Steven, you want the Italian government to refund the huge value-added tax on art and make them spit out the fat that they ate in their mouths. How is that possible?"

"Only more than 600 million euros in value-added tax on art! In our opinion, it is still too little, and a value-added tax of 3 billion euros should be levied, which is reasonable! Anyway, "Lisa Gherardini" was picked up for nothing by you!"

As these words full of envy, jealousy and hatred came out, there were bursts of responses and bursts of laughter immediately. The scene was extremely lively!

While joking with these art lovers and ordinary tourists in the square, Ye Tian took Betty and the others for a stroll, walking towards the exit of the square.

Not far ahead, a group of media reporters heard the news and came straight to Ye Tian with long guns and short cannons. They all looked like 100-meter champions, and they were extremely excited.

However, these uncrowned kings were stopped by Cole and the Vatican police patrolling the square, and could only stay outside the cordon and not approach them.

After being stopped, these media reporters who came running wildly started to ask questions loudly before they could catch their breath.

"Good morning, Steven, "Lisa Gherardini" was sold at an astonishing price of three billion euros, which shocked the whole world and created a fabulous art auction record!

As the discoverer and former owner of "Lisa Gherardini", can you comment on the auction price, whether the price of three billion euros is expensive or cheap? "

"Good morning, Steven, I am the Rome correspondent of The New York Times, first of all congratulations, you have made a fortune, three billion euros, what a huge fortune that is!

"Lisa Gherardini" has been successfully auctioned. Has the joint treasure hunt between you and the Vatican begun? Can you tell us about the situation? "

Ye Tian glanced at these panting and expectant media reporters, then smiled and said loudly:

"The auction price of 3 billion euros for "Lisa Gherardini" sounds amazing, but it is within my expectation, because "Lisa Gherardini" is indeed a priceless treasure.

Looking at it today, the price of 3 billion euros is even a bit low. Maria undoubtedly took a big advantage, but I am very satisfied with the auction price and do not regret it.

When it comes to the joint exploration of treasures between me and the Vatican, it is inconvenient to disclose it to the public for the time being. What I can tell you is that the two sides are negotiating and it is estimated that a cooperation agreement will be reached soon.

Once an agreement is reached to jointly explore the treasure, we will hold a press conference. Please wait patiently for a few days. Well, that's it for today. We are leaving the square. See you soon! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian stepped out with Betty, and walked out of the square under the protection of Cole and the others, ignoring the media reporters who asked questions loudly.

Not far from the edge of the square, his heavy convoy had slowly approached and stopped end to end at the exit of St. Peter's Square!

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