Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1802 The Dangerous Powder Keg

"Steven, you can get out of the car, the scene is safe"

Hearing Cole's notification, Ye Tian immediately reached out to open the car door, walked out of the bulletproof SUV with David, and landed on the square in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Almost everyone in the square looked at this side, and countless eyes were on Ye Tian.

Because of different positions, people look at him in different ways, some are curious and full of expectation, and some are full of fear and vigilance.

Many media reporters who followed the convoy ran towards Ye Tian's position with their legs spread apart, each carrying a camera or a camcorder, as if they had been slapped with chicken blood.

Unfortunately, before they could take a few steps, they were stopped by the well-prepared Israeli military police, unable to approach them at all.

Those tourists who happened to be visiting near the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the musi forest who came for pilgrimage, all looked at this side curiously and talked in a low voice.

"Wow! It's Steven. I didn't expect them to come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Could it be that the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried in the Al-Aqsa Mosque?"

"If this is the case, then you will be in serious trouble. Don't forget that Steven is cooperating with the Holy See of the Vatican to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, while the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a holy place for both Islam and Judaism.

According to the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, the Al-Aqsa Mosque will always belong to Musi Lin, but the Israeli army has completely surrounded the Al-Aqsa Mosque, coveting this holy place all the time.

Under such a complicated situation, it is almost impossible for the joint exploration team of Steven and the Vatican to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque to explore the treasure, unless they use the force of the Israeli army to force their way in.

That is very likely to trigger the third Palestinian uprising, and even a larger religious war. The second Palestinian uprising in 2000 was caused by Sharon's forced entry into the Al-Aqsa Mosque! "

While many tourists and pilgrims in the square were discussing in low voices, they were also worried. Some tourists even felt that the place had become very dangerous, so they prepared to leave for safety.

The fact is also true, this place has indeed become a huge powder keg, as long as a spark is dropped, it may be completely detonated, triggering a fierce conflict.

With the arrival of the joint exploration team and a large number of Israeli military police, many Palestinian youths scattered around the square,

They all began to gather at the gate of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

These guys are all sturdy and sharp-eyed. They march in groups of three or four, covering each other. They look very organized, and they are obviously a group of well-trained soldiers.

Although they don't have weapons in their hands, they still pose a certain threat, which cannot be ignored!

In addition to these Palestinian youths, other guys from different backgrounds, such as Armenians, members of the Priory of the Martyrdom, members of the Portuguese Jesuits, etc., also took action.

Most of them started to move towards the entrance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and some of the leaders greeted Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian noticed all these changes in the square in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

However, he turned a blind eye to it, with a bright smile on his face all the time, and he couldn't see any emotional changes.

While speaking, the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo had come over and joined Ye Tian and the others.

When he came close, the Bishop of Kent immediately smiled wryly and said in a low voice:

"I didn't expect so many people to come here upon hearing the news, and all of them came here with bad intentions. The situation is too complicated and dangerous. Today we may have to make an empty trip and we will not be able to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque smoothly." !"

"Don't worry, Bishop of Kent, soldiers will block you, water will cover you! The situation at the scene is indeed very complicated and dangerous, and it may lead to violent conflicts if you are not careful.

However, I believe that we will be able to find a way to crack it. Even if we can't enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque today, it doesn't matter, just come here for a visit!

Let's not talk about that, let's go and meet those guys with ulterior motives. To be honest, I am still very interested in some of them, such as the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain!

According to legend, they are loyal fans of the Merovingian dynasty, and they developed on the basis of the Templar Knights. From them, perhaps we can find some clues to the treasure! "

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, and pointed to those guys with different backgrounds in front of him.

After speaking, he stepped out and walked to the gate of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the first place.

The Bishop of Kent and the others looked at each other, followed closely behind, their eyes still full of worry.

Cole and the others and several members of the Swiss Guard quickly dispersed, and in a blink of an eye a solid mobile defense line was built around Ye Tian and the others, protecting them as they walked towards the gate of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

As for the Israeli military police who followed, they were all separated from the line of defense and could only guard the outside.

After a few steps forward, Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel led a group of people walking quickly from the side, and joined Ye Tian and the others.

Ye Tian and the others basically knew these guys, they were all familiar faces who had appeared at the airport before.

There are the director of the National Museum of Israel, several religious leaders of Judaism and Christianity, several senior officials of the Antiquities Administration, and so on.

There were only two people who were born face to face. They were two Arab members of the Israeli Knesset, and they were also the main persons in charge of communicating with the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

After meeting with Ye Tian and the others, Joshua first introduced the two Arab councilors, and then said in a low voice with a dignified expression:

"Mr. Steven, you have also seen that today's situation is very complicated, and many unexpected people have come. I hope you can maintain rationality and restraint, and don't break out conflicts with anyone.

Once a conflict breaks out, in a highly sensitive place like the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it is likely to lead to an unmanageable situation. To put it seriously, there is a certain possibility of triggering a war.

If you can’t enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque today, you don’t have to force it, and you don’t have to feel sorry, just withdraw to the hotel temporarily and come back tomorrow, tomorrow will be a different situation here.”

Ye Tian turned to look at the senior Israeli official, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Minister Joshua, we came to Jerusalem to find treasure clues, not to fight anyone. This is the holy city of the Three Religions, with a long history, and we don't have the heart to destroy it.

If no one takes the initiative to attack, we will definitely not cause trouble and deliberately provoke wars, but for our own safety, we will not give up the right of legitimate defense, and no one can deprive us of this right.

As for whether it is possible to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque to find clues to the treasure, it depends on the situation. We will not force it, and we can come back another day. If there is plenty of time, I am very happy to stay in Jerusalem for a few more days! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Joshua's tense nerves not only did not relax, but became even more tense, and his heart immediately rose to his throat.

The right to self-defense? Stop talking nonsense!

You gang of ruthless guys, didn’t you kill all the heads under the guise of self-defense that time, sent all the idiots who dared to attack you to hell, and turned all the places you passed into battlefields.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had come to the vicinity of a large number of media reporters stopped by the Israeli military police, and were about to walk past these guys.

Faced with such a good opportunity, these battle-tested uncrowned kings would not let it go. Someone immediately seized the opportunity and started asking questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, Bishop of Kent. I am a reporter from the Christian Monitor. The first stop you came to Jerusalem was the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Does that mean that the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried here?"

"Mr Steven, Bishop of Kent, good morning, I am a reporter from The Times of London, if the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, how will you carry out the search operation?

According to the resolution of the United Nations, the Al-Aqsa Mosque will always belong to and be managed by Musi Forest, but what you are looking for is the treasure of the Crusader knights, and it is said that there are Christian relics in it.

Can you successfully enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque? I personally doubt this, unless you have reached some kind of agreement with the Al-Aqsa Mosque, can you explain it to everyone here? "

Hearing the questions from these media reporters, Ye Tian couldn't help cursing secretly:

"Bullshit uncrowned king, these guys are just a bunch of bastards who fear the world will not be chaotic! Everyone should be dragged out and shot to death, and sentenced to death!"

Not only Ye Tian, ​​the Bishop of Kent, and Israel's Deputy Minister of Culture Joshua and his team, heard the questions from these media reporters, and they all hated the questions, but they were helpless!

Ye Tian, ​​who was walking forward, suddenly stopped, and then turned to look at the excited media reporters.

David, Bishop of Kent, and others who were walking side by side with him also had to stop and stand where they were, to see how Ye Tian would deal with those media reporters who were the best at stirring things up.

On the other side of the gate of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a large number of Palestinian youths, or soldiers of the Palestinian security forces, have gathered several human walls at the gate of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Without exception, the eyes of these guys are all very firm, unshakable, without the slightest fear, staring at Ye Tian's side covetously, many people's eyes are flashing with hatred.

Obviously, they are ready to die, even dedicate their lives, just to protect the holy place in their hearts, the Al-Aqsa Mosque!

Not far in front of them is a human wall made up of Armenians. Although it looks loose, every guy in the human wall is not a good person.

Each of them has a firm belief and the awareness to dedicate themselves to the belief, otherwise they would not appear here or on this occasion.

A little further on, there were members of the Priory of the Mount Martyrdom, the Portuguese Jesuits, and other sects and religious groups, as well as religious organizations.

These guys have already stopped, watching Ye Tian's situation from a distance, and waiting for them to come.

As for the ordinary tourists and musi forest pilgrims in the square, they had already sensed that something was wrong and the atmosphere was tense, and they all walked to both sides of the square for safety.

The same goes for Ye Tian's security personnel who pretended to be tourists and mixed in the crowd. They also quickly walked to both sides of the square, continuing to mix in the crowd, keeping a secret vigilance.

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