Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1814 Mediterranean Islands

At noon the next day, Jerusalem Atalot International Airport.

Ye Tian and his group stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in the terminal building, watching an American Airlines charter plane take off on the runway in the distance, roared into the sky, and flew straight to the northwest.

The American Airlines charter plane that flew directly to New York did not carry passengers to New York, but the antique artworks that Ye Tian swept from Jerusalem, each of which was very valuable.

Of course, it does not include the seven-branched bronze candlestick cast by King Herod the Great and the gold pendant that King Herod gave to Miriam, the love of his life, these two Jewish sacred objects.

In the private auction last night, these two Jewish sacred artifacts were successfully auctioned, and the transaction price made Ye Tian very satisfied.

It was a Jewish super-rich man from New York who beat all competitors and successfully photographed these two Jewish sacred objects.

What Ye Tian got was not a large sum of green dollars, but Belmont Park, the largest and most famous horse racing park in the eastern United States, which was located in Queens, New York, which he had been thinking about for a long time!

When Jason and the others came forward to acquire this horse racing park, Ye Tian offered an upper limit of 2.5 billion US dollars, but the negotiation failed, and the real estate acquisition was temporarily put on hold.

After finalizing the antique art deal last night, now Ye Tian only needs to pay 1.5 billion US dollars to take over Belmont Park.

That is to say, the price of those two Jewish holy artifacts, at least not less than one billion dollars, is a very astonishing price.

After the deal was concluded through a video call last night, under the witness of everyone at the scene, Ye Tian quickly signed an electronic version of the artwork transaction contract with the other party.

Immediately afterwards, he handed over the two Jewish sacred objects to the Israeli government for safekeeping. As for how the New York Jewish super-rich man disposes of the two sacred objects, it has nothing to do with him!

Soon after the transaction was completed here, Betty, who was far away in New York, quickly built a team of lawyers, accountants, and professional managers, and went directly to Queens to take over Belmont Park overnight.

By eleven o'clock this morning, the receiving work of Belmont Park had been basically completed, and it finally became Ye Tian's private property.

When the weather gets warmer next spring, the world-famous horse racing park will welcome the most powerful king in the history of thoroughbred horse racing, Jue Ying!

Next, it will become the focus of attention of all horse racing fans around the world.

Continuously bringing endless wealth to Ye Tian!

It wasn't until the American Airlines charter plane flew out of sight that Ye Tian withdrew his gaze, turned around and stretched out his right hand to Joshua who was standing beside him, and said with a smile:

"Joshua, it's time for us to leave. Although we didn't find the treasure of the Knights Templar during this trip to Jerusalem, it's a bit regretful, but we had a very pleasant time and had a good harvest.

Here, I would like to thank you for your hospitality and the security protection you provided us during this period. I like the ancient city of Jerusalem very much, and I will definitely come here again when I have time in the future! "

Hearing his words, Joshua and all the Israelis at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly!

You certainly had a great time! Wouldn't it be nice if you greedy bastard almost ransacked Jerusalem?

After frantically looting so many valuable antique works of art, you bastard is still not satisfied and wants to come to Jerusalem again. You are really greedy to the extreme!

If possible, you bastard, you'd better never come to Jerusalem again, don't come forever, go as far as you can, which city can withstand the crazy looting of you bastard one after another!

Of course, these were all Joshua's psychological activities, and it was impossible to resort to them.

As a representative of the Israeli government, in public, the basic decency and politeness must be maintained, otherwise it will be too unmannered!

Joshua took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then shook hands with him, gritted his back molars, and squeezed out a stiff smile.

"Steven, that's what we should do, no need to thank you, I hope your next exploration journey will go smoothly, and you will find the treasure of the Knights Templar and the religious relics in the treasure as soon as possible.

If you have a chance in the future, you are welcome to visit Jerusalem again, but I hope you are only here to visit, not to come to Jerusalem to loot valuable antique works of art! "


There was hearty laughter at the scene, and Ye Tian and Bishop Kent all laughed.

A group of Israelites headed by Joshua, although they also had smiles on their faces, it was uglier than crying!

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian and the bishop of Kent left and walked towards the VIP passage of the private jet not far away, and soon disappeared out of Joshua's field of vision.

About half an hour later, Ye Tian's Bombardier Global Express 8000, and the Gulfstream G650 that the Bishop of Kent was riding on took off one after another, roaring into the sky, and flew directly to Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean.

At the same time, at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport dozens of kilometers away, Bowie also left Israel and flew back to New York with a large number of antique artworks that swept in yesterday!


Cyprus is an island country located at the junction of Europe and Asia. It is located in the eastern Mediterranean and belongs to Asia geographically, but it is a part of Europe culturally and politically.

This is a country with beautiful scenery and a long history. Humans lived on the island nine thousand years ago. According to legend, it is also the hometown of Venus, the goddess of love.

Because it is located at the hub of the Mediterranean Sea entering West Asia, Cyprus has had ill-fated fate since ancient times. It is a place that must be contested by military strategists.

In recorded history, in 1500 BC, the ancient Greeks had immigrated to Cyprus and lived here, and the island was also deeply influenced by Greek culture.

Since then, it has been ruled by the Assyrian Empire, Ancient Egypt, the Persian Empire, the Ancient Roman Empire, and the Byzantine Empire successively, with frequent regime changes.

At the end of the twelfth century AD, the Knights Templar and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, who were defeated by Saladin's army and evacuated from Jerusalem, withdrew to Cyprus and continued to fight based here.

At the end of the thirteenth century, after the failure of the Siege of Acre, the remaining members of the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller retreated to Cyprus again, where they rested for a long time before returning to France.

But who would have thought that when the Knights Templar returned to France with exhausted and bruised bodies, what greeted them was not applause and flowers, but catastrophe and endless killings!

Although the Knights Templar owns thousands of castles and huge wealth in France and is the biggest creditor in France, they still cannot protect themselves!

In order to renege on his debts and devour the huge wealth of the Knights Templar, King Philip IV of France weaved a charge of "heretics" and began to frantically exterminate and massacre the Knights Templar.

When the members of the Knights Templar were almost slaughtered, Philip IV discovered that the huge wealth owned by the Knights Templar in the legend had disappeared without a trace!

As the most important base of the Knights Templar during the period from the end of the twelfth century to the end of the thirteenth century, Cyprus naturally became the place where Philip IV suspected of burying treasures.

He once sent people to go to the island to search frantically, but found nothing, so he could only return home.

Half a year later, Philip IV, who was cursed with death by Jacques de Molais, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, died accidentally during a hunt!

On the island of Cyprus, although Philip IV did not find the treasure of the Knights Templar, many people still suspect that the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried somewhere on the island, waiting for the time to see it again!

Over the past 700 years, countless professional treasure hunters and explorers have flocked to Cyprus, looking for the treasures of the Knights Templar all over the island, trying to make a fortune!

However, these guys all returned in vain, and they didn't find a hair!

Ye Tian and his joint exploration team want to find the treasure of the Knights Templar, so Cyprus is definitely not to be missed, even though it has been explored countless times by professional treasure hunters!

Less than an hour after leaving Jerusalem, the two private planes of the joint exploration team flew over Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, and then landed on the airport runway.

At the same time, the news of Ye Tian and the others' arrival in Cyprus has spread like wind throughout the entire island of Cyprus and even the whole world, attracting countless attentions.

Hearing this news, many guys who coveted the treasure of the Knights Templar immediately set off and flocked towards Cyprus!

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