Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1816 A small Mediterranean town in the rain

Following behind the convoy and escorting the convoy, several Cyprus police cars took immediate action after receiving the news reported by Cole.

They suddenly stepped on the brakes, parked several police cars across the highway, directly cut off the road, and stopped all the vehicles following.

That included some of the news media vehicles following interviews, vehicles driven by the Priory of the Mount and the Portuguese Jesuits, and the Teutonic Knights and the Knights Hospitallers.

There are vehicles of other denominations and religious organizations, such as the Greek Orthodox Church, etc., and then there are vehicles driven by guys from Russian gangsters and Turkish gangsters.

Of course, there are also some ordinary social vehicles. Those guys have obviously suffered a lot and can only think they are unlucky.

Following the action of these Cypriot policemen, there was immediate chaos on the highway.

"bang bang bang"

Faced with this sudden situation, many vehicles were unable to react in time and collided directly. The sound of rear-end collisions resounded continuously, resounding throughout the entire expressway.

At the same time, at the scene of the serial car accident, puffs of black smoke rose one after another, mixed with heart-wrenching screams.

Under the fierce impact, some vehicles were directly scrapped. The conditions of the people in those vehicles were naturally not much better, and there were not a few injured people.

And this highway leading to the Larnaca region was completely blocked, and all vehicles coming from the direction of Nicosia were stopped.

Looking at Ye Tian's convoy, there was no sign of slowing down at all, and they had already sped away, driving a distance of several hundred meters in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the chaotic car accident scene behind through the rearview mirror, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing, then shook his head slightly and said:

"The ignorant are so fearless! Who would have imagined that the Cyprus police would be so brave and fearless, and their actions would be so straightforward, stopping all the vehicles in one fell swoop!

I hope that their minds are still clear at this time, and they must not break out with the ghosts and monsters behind, trying to arrest or even kill those guys, otherwise, they will definitely die! "

"Hahaha! Those Cypriot policemen were obviously over nervous, so they made such an impulsive decision, stopped all the vehicles indiscriminately, and they must have been dumbfounded.

As for fighting with those guys behind,

I don't think so. The first thing they confronted was many media reporters and those guys from the Greek Orthodox Church. It is inevitable to be scolded bloody! "

David joked, looking gloating.

As David said, those Cyprus policemen who blatantly blocked the highway were completely dumbfounded at this moment, and they all stared at the scene of a series of car accidents in a daze, with cold sweat dripping down their backs.

At the scene of the serial car accident, hysterical and frenzied cursing had long been heard, mixed with many painful screams.

Ye Tian and the others, who benefited from this, did not encounter any troubles and arrived in Larnaca soon after a smooth journey!

Next, the group of them checked into the reserved hotel and made corresponding arrangements.

About an hour later, those guys who were blocked on the highway before arrived in Larnaca, all of them were somewhat embarrassed, and their anger was still lingering!

But those Turkish gangsters were gone.

They didn't show up in Larnaca, who knows where they hid and planned something secretly!

After resting in the hotel for a while, Ye Tian and David left the hotel, ready to go out and visit this beautiful Mediterranean island town, to experience the city's style.

Bishop Kent and Leonardo went to the Greek Orthodox Church in Larnaca and the city government of Larnaca to coordinate the next exploration.

The hotel where Ye Tian and the others live is close to the Mediterranean Sea. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the guest room, you can have a panoramic view of the vast and misty Mediterranean Sea. When you walk out of the hotel gate, you will find the most beautiful beach in Larnaca.

But it is a pity that the weather is not beautiful!

Like Nicosia just left, Larnaca today is drizzling, the sky is overcast, and there is a sea breeze.

Sea breezes carried rainwater and kept hitting the people on the street. Coupled with the low temperature in winter, the feeling was not much better.

As for going for a walk on the beach or swimming in the sea, it is even more impossible, unless the brain is flooded to do such stupid things!

Walking out of the hotel, Ye Tian looked at the beach not far away, then smiled and said to the people around him:

"Guys, it seems that we came at the wrong time to enjoy the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea and the sunny beaches of Larnaca, what a pity!

Since God doesn't give face, let's enjoy the street view of Larnaca and experience the local customs here, and we will surely gain something! "

David and Cole looked at the beach not far away and the rainy sky, then nodded one after another, and they had no disagreement!

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others stepped out, ready to go to Larnaca with umbrellas.

Just a few steps away, more than a dozen media reporters waiting at the entrance of the hotel rushed up with cameras, ready to interview Ye Tian.

In addition to these media reporters, there were many vehicles parked on the roadside on both sides of the hotel entrance, and the people sitting in those vehicles were all staring at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to say something!

It would be great if he could reveal where to explore next! People like myself might be able to be the first to find the treasure of the Knights Templar, and make a lot of money.

Those who hold this idea include people from the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain, the Portuguese Jesuits, and other churches and religious organizations, as well as the Teutonic Knights, the Hospitaller Knights, and Russian gangsters.

Without exception, seeing a large number of media reporters flocking to Ye Tian, ​​these guys immediately became excited, and everyone stared at the situation ahead with widened eyes.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated.

Those media reporters who swarmed over were all stopped by the high-alert Cyprus police, and they couldn't get close to Ye Tian at all.

In desperation, those media reporters could only ask Ye Tian questions from a distance of seven or eight meters.

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from Cyprus National Television. May I ask, what is the purpose of your visit to Larnaca this time? Is the treasure of the Knights Templar buried in Larnaca?"

"Steven, good morning. I am a reporter from the Jerusalem Post. If the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried in Larnaca, where is it likely to be? Can you disclose some information?"

Ye Tian didn't even bother to respond to the loud questions from these media reporters.

He just nodded to these media reporters with a smile on his face, as a greeting, and then continued to walk forward under the protection of Cole and the others.

In a blink of an eye, the group of them turned left and walked onto another street, disappearing from people's sight.


There was a sound of sighing on the street in front of the hotel, and every voice was full of regret and unwillingness.

On another street, Ye Tian and the others strolled on the street under umbrellas, laughing and chatting, while admiring the scenery on the street and the Greek-style and Arabic-style buildings on both sides of the street.

At this time, they looked like all the tourists who came to visit Larnaca, very relaxed, enjoying this rare leisure time and the beauty of Larnaca in the rain!

As in the past, during the visit, Ye Tian once again took on the role of explaining, introducing this beautiful Mediterranean town to David and the others.

"Larnaca is the air gateway of Cyprus, also known as Lanax, and the ancient name of Ketian, which means 'sarcophagus' in Turkish, is famous for its rich sarcophagus.

Historically, it was once an important stronghold of the Phoenicians on the island of Cyprus, and it was severely damaged in the war between the Greeks and the Persians,..."

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