Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1818 Head Afterimage

Bowie didn't come to Cyprus with him, so when he was visiting those antique shops and galleries in Larnaca, Ye Tian let go of many little things of average value, and only picked antique artworks worth more than one million US dollars to start with.

Of course, he also kept in mind those small leaks worth more than 100,000 US dollars and less than 1 million US dollars. When Bowie flew to Europe again, he would be able to sweep the goods.

Although there were several security guards who were disguised as tourists and mixed in the crowd, Ye Tian didn't let them take action, instead of Bowie, they secretly swept up the antique works of art.

If you do that, it will be very likely to leave a loophole, and then someone with a heart will follow the clues, associate it with Bowie, and expose his identity.

Once Bowie's identity is exposed, his secret will be useless, and he can only be transferred to the management of the company in the future, and he will never be able to dominate the antique art market.

While talking, it was lunch time.

Ye Tian and the others did not return to the hotel, but found a restaurant on the streets of Larnaca and had a local-style lunch. The taste was not bad, and everyone liked it very much.

During this period, Cole took several armed security personnel to escort the antique artworks swept by Ye Tian back to the hotel, stored those treasures in the hotel room, and kept them under strict surveillance.

After Cole and the others returned to the restaurant and had a quick lunch, Ye Tian and the others left the restaurant and continued to browse antique shops and galleries all over Larnaca city, continuing to sweep antique artworks.

At this time, the Larnaca antique art market is already jittery, and there is an atmosphere of panic everywhere.

Without exception, all the antique dealers and gallery owners in the city of Larnaca feel terrified and panic all day long, lest they become the next unlucky guy and the next target of crazy ransacking.

But what's the use of panic, when the fate comes, they can't escape at all, they can only stretch their necks, get slaughtered by Ye Tian, ​​and become the protagonist of another tragedy.

In this way, Ye Tian and the others walked through the ancient streets of Larnaca under the continuous drizzle, causing all kinds of tragedies, big or small, and the place where they passed was filled with sorrow!

Larnaca is a small city, there are not many antique shops and galleries, and because of the rainy weather and time, the few flea markets are not open.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tian and the others had browsed almost all the antique shops and galleries in this small town, leaving only the last two or three.


The group of them opened the door and walked into an antique shop on the side of the street.

Like the owners of many antique shops and galleries before, when they saw Ye Tian and the others coming in, the owner of this antique shop's heart jumped a few times, almost crashing directly.

However, he had to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, and greeted Ye Tian and the others, greeted them, and introduced himself and this antique shop.

After everyone got to know each other and greeted each other, Ye Tian and the others began to admire the antique artworks or suspected antique artworks displayed in this store.

The owner of the antique shop was on the side, occasionally introducing the origin of the antique art that Ye Tian was referring to, and giving a corresponding quotation. His heart was always in a state of turmoil, and his nerves were almost broken!

After looking at four or five pieces of antique art one after another and asking about the corresponding quotations, Ye Tian came to a mutilated sculpture of a head, stopped in his tracks, and started admiring it.

This is a classical sculpture of a human head, but unfortunately it is very dilapidated, with only half of the face left.

From the forehead on the right side to the cheek on the left side of the statue, it seemed that someone had slashed it in half with a sharp axe. The upper part of the head had disappeared, leaving only the right half of the face.

Fortunately, the remaining parts of the statue, such as the right eye, nose, lips, teeth, and chin, have some traces of bumps and bumps, but the outlines are relatively complete.

The neck of this statue also seemed to have been split with a sharp axe, and the fracture was uneven and full of cracks.

The reason why it can be placed on the shelf stably depends on the solid wood base underneath that is made according to the shape of the statue's neck fracture.

As long as a discerning person sees this broken head sculpture, he will immediately understand that it is a half head cut off from a certain marble sculpture.

As for what the original marble statue was, whether it was a statue of a famous historical figure or a god, few people knew.

Of course, this does not include Ye Tian.

From the facial contours and soft and graceful lines of the remaining part of this head sculpture, it can be seen at a glance that this is a head of a female figure.

Moreover, this sculptor has extraordinary skills. Under his carving knife, the head of this female figure exudes a serene and noble temperament, with a solemn and gentle expression.

The only remaining right eye in the portrait seems to be looking down on the earth. The eyes are full of kindness and a bit sacred, as if looking down on all living beings from a high position.

Standing in front of this marble head sculpture and admiring it quietly for a moment, Ye Tian then withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the antique shop owner.

"Adis, tell me about this marble head sculpture. This sculpture looks interesting. How did you get it? Where did you get it?

Another point, do you think this statue is from that era and the work of that sculptor? What is the specific value? I am very interested in these questions! "

Adis, the owner of the antique shop, did not respond immediately, but looked suspiciously at the incomplete head sculpture, and then turned to look at Ye Tian.

"Could it be that this head sculpture is a valuable top-level antique artwork? That's why Steven was interested, and then asked about the origin and quotation of this head sculpture.

This is unlikely, right? Although the carving skills displayed by this head sculpture are very superb, it is too damaged, only half of the face is left, and it is full of scars.

Even though this head sculpture was made by a famous artist, it was originally a top-level antique artwork, but in its current state, its value is not that high, otherwise it would not be in my hands! "

Thinking of this, the balance in Addis's heart immediately lost its balance, and he quickly made a decision.

Immediately afterwards, he began to introduce this incomplete marble head sculpture.

"Steven, I don't know where this mutilated marble head sculpture originally came from, but it was here when I took over the antique shop about three years ago.

In my spare time, I have studied this head sculpture carefully, but I can only confirm that it is an ancient Greek sculpture. I don't know which figure or god is carved!

From the contours and lines of the remaining parts of the statue, as well as the traces of carving, it can still be seen that the sculptor who created the statue is quite skilled, and may be a master of art.

It's a pity that this head sculpture is too dilapidated and can no longer reproduce its original style, which seriously affects its value, so no one cares about it, and it has been placed here for a long time.

These things can be seen at a glance. You are a top expert in antique art appraisal, and you must not be able to hide it from your eyes, so I can only tell the truth, so as not to make fun of myself and make me laugh.

Since you are interested in this head sculpture, I will give you an offer. You can own this ancient Greek head sculpture for only 2,200 euros. I wonder if you can accept it? "

While giving the quotation, Adis stared at Ye Tian, ​​ready to see how he would react, and looked forward to hearing the best answer!

But Adis didn't know that the moment Ye Tian heard the offer, Ye Tian was so excited that he almost jumped up and started cheering and celebrating!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his right hand, nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, 2,200 euros, deal! Adis, we can complete the transaction right away, money and goods, I get this mutilated head sculpture, you get 2,200 euros, everyone gets what they want!"


Addis exclaimed and froze in place, his eyes full of disbelief.

But soon he came to his senses, and with an uneasy mood, he shook hands with Ye Tian to conclude this antique art deal.

What can I do if I don't nod and agree? Ye Tian didn't pay back the offer he gave, and accepted it very happily, leaving no room for regret!

At this time, the deal is done, and there is no room for Adis to go back on his word, unless he wants to stand in the dock of the court and stop working in this industry!

Once the deal is done, the rest will be easy.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out a few large-denomination euros from his wallet, paid the purchase price, and really took the ancient Greek head sculpture into his pocket.

While receiving the payment from Ye Tian, ​​Addis asked suspiciously in a low voice:

"Steven, have you already seen that this is the head of the famous ancient Greek statue? Do you also know that it came from the famous ancient Greek sculptor? Can you tell me about it?"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and made some nonsense.

"Adis, I don't see more content than you. What is hidden behind this incomplete marble head sculpture? I need to study carefully to find out. I am also at a loss now!"

Having said that, Ye Tian cheered excitedly deep in his heart.

How many ancient Greek sculptures are there in the world that can make him so excited? Currently only one piece!

That is the most famous masterpiece of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, the statue of Athena!

Of course, this is only a part of the head of the statue of Athena, but it is a truly priceless treasure that can be met but not sought after!

For Ye Tian, ​​being able to find such a priceless treasure in Cyprus and successfully get it in his pocket can be said to be a surprising and huge harvest!

With the incomplete head of this statue of Athena as the background, even if you can't find the treasure of the Knights Templar in this trip to Cyprus, it will not be in vain.

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