Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1820 Dangerous Street

In the blink of an eye, Cole completed the arrangement.

Under his command, Ye Tian and the many armed security personnel around David immediately retracted their line of defense, and quickly entered a battle state, staring vigilantly at the Turks who suddenly appeared.

Several security personnel who pretended to be tourists and mixed in the crowd were also secretly on guard, ready to fight at any time!

Their main task was to deal with the two Turks who also pretended to be tourists and mixed in the crowd. The distance between the two sides was very close, and they could kill their opponents in an instant!

As Ye Tian and the others took action, the situation on the street changed again.

The Turks at both ends of the street stopped in their tracks, watching Ye Tian and the others vigilantly, and the solid barrier made up of several bulletproof SUVs beside them, everyone's eyes were full of fear.

In an instant, the atmosphere on this street suddenly became tense, and there seemed to be a choking smell of gunpowder in the originally damp and cold air.

Except for Ye Tian and the Turks, many media reporters who followed were the first to discover that something was wrong and quickly sensed the danger.

Cole, who suddenly became tense and on high alert, the Turkish men on both ends of the street who were on high alert and looked fierce, and those vehicles parked on the side of the road but never turned off.

All of this is enough to show that this rainy street has unknowingly become an extremely dangerous powder keg, throwing a match will explode!

After discovering this, many media reporters broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and each of them complained secretly, regretting and wanting to slap themselves.

I'm full! Why did you come here with that bastard Steven? Isn't this asking for trouble!

Who doesn't know, that bastard Steven is a well-known troublemaker, no matter where he goes, he will cause huge disturbances, and today is no exception!

This damn street is about to turn into a battlefield, but people like myself are so unlucky that they are right in the heart of the battlefield and the center of the storm!

Following many media reporters, the Cyprus police who were in charge of vigilance and maintaining order at the scene also found that something was wrong, and all of them suddenly became extremely nervous and put on high alert.

Immediately afterwards, the Cypriot police officer who led the team quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and began to report the situation here to his immediate superior and request for support.

Other tourists and onlookers at the scene,

Then I realized later, I didn't notice any changes in the situation at the scene for a while, and I was still watching the excitement with great interest, and talking in a low voice!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others walked forward more than ten meters, getting closer to the Turks in front, and also widened the distance from the Turks behind and across the street.

Maybe because they didn't receive the order, or because they were afraid of Ye Tian's strength, the Turks didn't launch an attack immediately, but just stared at Ye Tian and the others closely, always on high alert.

After walking a few steps forward, Ye Tian whispered to David beside him:

"David, you get in the car first, it's safer in the car, and it's convenient for you to contact all parties, and upload the live video here to the Internet"

Hearing this, David immediately nodded in response:

"Okay, Steven, are you going to get in the car with me too? This bulletproof Land Rover Defender has been equipped with reactive armor on the outside. It can't be used by ordinary light weapons. It should be very safe."

With that said, David pointed to the Land Rover Defender bulletproof SUV that was driving slowly beside him.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said with a confident smile:

"No need, David, get in the car first, those Turks are coming at me, if I get in the car, it will undoubtedly attract all the focus of attack to this car, and will tie my hands and feet.

On the contrary, I am more free outside, with more room to move around, every car and every building on this street, I can use it as a cover, and send those idiots to hell.

At the same time, I can also attract the attention of those Turks. You will be safer in the car. More importantly, it has never been my style to be beaten passively. Once there is a firefight, I will launch a fierce counterattack! "

"In that case, I'll get in the car first, and you should pay attention to safety!"

David nodded in response, and immediately walked to the car, opened the door and boarded the Land Rover Defender bulletproof SUV.

At the same time as David got into the car, the door of a Turkish restaurant seven or eight meters ahead suddenly opened, and two middle-aged Turkish men in suits and leather shoes came out from inside.

After the two guys came out, they quickly scanned the situation on the street, then turned around and walked straight towards Ye Tian and the others along the sidewalk.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately flashed a sneer.

Ye Tian knew exactly what the origins of these two Turkish middle-aged men were when he conducted a secret perspective just now.

They were the commanders of the Turkish men on the street, and both of them carried ID cards with their names and positions written in Turkish, Greek, and English.

The reason why the Turks on the street did not launch an attack immediately was because they were waiting for their orders.

After a few steps forward, the two Turks were stopped by the Cypriot police and Cole, and they could only shout to Ye Tian from the air.

"Mr. Steven, we have something to talk to you about, can we go there?"

Ye Tian glanced at the two guys, then nodded slightly at Cole, motioning for them to let them go.

Afterwards, the two Turkish middle-aged men, accompanied by Cole and another security guard, walked towards Ye Tian.

When they got closer, the leading Turk extended his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and began to introduce himself in a low voice.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm Vulkan from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, nice to meet you, welcome to Cyprus, hope you like it here and enjoy this journey!"

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party, smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Vulkan, I'm Steven, and I'm glad to meet you too. Cyprus is a beautiful country with beautiful scenery, but the people here don't seem to be very friendly!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Volkan and the other Turkish man couldn't help but change.

Before they could give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"If I'm not mistaken, those sturdy Turkish men at both ends of the street should all come towards me? From their eyes, it can be seen that everyone is not kind!

Maybe they also come from the so-called 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus', and they are your subordinates, and you are the only one who follows the lead. Here I would like to ask, what is your purpose here?

This is my first time in Cyprus, and I have nothing to do with any faction here, let alone hatred. I didn't expect to see such a scene when I first came to Larnaca. I was really flattered! "

As he said that, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed at the Turks not far ahead, and waved his hand to say hello to them.

And his words were full of irony, without showing any mercy.

The moment he raised his hand, the G36C short assault rifle and Kevlar body armor hidden under the cashmere coat seemed to be revealed inadvertently, and Vulkan and the others saw it squarely.

Seeing the deadly weapon and the Kevlar body armor gleaming with a faint cold light, Vulkan and his companions couldn't help trembling, and a look of dread flashed in their eyes.

Sure enough, it was exactly as in the legend, whenever this bastard Steven went out, he was always fully armed and ready to fight with others, he was so difficult to deal with, he was simply a monster!

As for those sturdy security personnel under him, don't even think about it, everyone must be fully armed, ready to fight at any time, and the fighting power is very strong!

While complaining secretly, the old faces of Vulkan and his companions turned red, and their expressions became quite embarrassing, somewhat angry from embarrassment!

But they quickly adjusted their emotions, then nodded slightly and said:

"Mr. Steven, it seems that you have misunderstood, yes, those Turkish youths on the street are indeed our subordinates, but they are only security personnel, not coming for you.

You must be aware of the situation in Cyprus. North-South conflicts have always existed. After all, this is South Cyprus. If we want to come here, we must consider security issues! "

It's no wonder I believe you!

Ye Tian secretly complained, and a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes.

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