Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1822 Gothic Castle

The sky finally cleared and the sun shone brightly.

After obtaining the permission of the Larnaca Municipal Government and the Greek Orthodox Church, the joint exploration team launched an exploration operation in Larnaca.

The reason why the permission of the Greek Orthodox Church is required is very simple. The target building of this exploration belongs to the property of the Greek Orthodox Church, which cannot be avoided at all.

While issuing the exploration permit, the Larnaca city government and the Greek Orthodox Church also sent a few people to follow the joint exploration team to act together, euphemistically called supervisor!

But their true intentions are well known to everyone, but they haven't revealed it.

This is a medieval castle located on the outskirts of Larnaca. It is a Gothic building. Because it has been in disrepair and abandoned for a long time, it looks very dilapidated and desolate.

Around this Gothic castle and the inner courtyard, weeds are overgrown everywhere, and the outer walls and gates are covered with ivy, and some small animals can be seen haunting it from time to time.

Some places inside and outside the castle have collapsed, and the broken bricks and stones are piled on the ground, which have already been completely covered by vegetation, turning into green hills of various sizes.

There was a thick layer of dust on the ground, and there were many footprints and traces left by small animals on it. The old steps, stone roads, and walls were covered with moss.

In addition to the gates rebuilt in later generations, the various wooden doors and shutters in the castle have been loosened due to decay, all metal railings are covered with embroidery, and the windows are dilapidated and crumbling!

It seems that as long as there is a breeze, these things can be blown off one by one.

Because there is no lighting, even if the sun is shining outside, it can only shine into a very limited area of ​​the castle, and most of the rest of the area is shrouded in shadow.

This originally mysterious, mournful and lofty Gothic building has become eerie, eerie and creepy hundreds of years later. If there is another group of crows, it will be a perfect ghost movie scene!

At this time, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent were on the only well-preserved tower in the castle, overlooking this Gothic castle, or it should be said, this piece of ruins!

Looking at the ruins below, Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent, who were standing at the window of the tower, were somewhat embarrassed.

"It's such a pity that such a tall, majestic and meaningful Gothic castle has turned into what it is now, what a waste of everything!"

Ye Tian said with emotion,

The tone is full of regret.

"No way, who let this castle be in Cyprus, which has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times, with constant wars, and frequent ethnic and religious conflicts.

According to relevant sources of the Greek Orthodox Church, this Gothic castle was destroyed by the conflict between the Greeks and the Turks, and then it was abandoned to become what it is now! "

The bishop of Kent went on to say that he also felt very sorry.

"That's true. It's too close to Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula. The island is dominated by Greeks. Two religions coexist. How can there be no conflict!"

"Let's not talk about this, for the island of Cyprus, our joint exploration team and those of us are just passers-by and outsiders, and we can't change these things at all.

Still talking about the Knights Templar treasure, Steven, if the Knights Templar treasure is really buried in this medieval castle, where do you think it is most likely to be buried? "

"This Gothic castle was built by the Knights Templar themselves, and they have been stationed here for 50 or 60 years. If they buried the treasure here, there must be plenty of time to implement the plan.

Combined with the characteristics of Gothic architecture and the situation on the island of Cyprus, then I guess, the Knights Templar must have buried the treasure deep underground, no need to ask, that location must be very secret! "

"I think so too. If the treasure is really buried here, it must be deep underground. It depends on whether we can find it!"

"It's a pity that we don't recognize the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar. The clues to the treasure may be hidden in these mysterious symbols, but we can't decipher them."

With that said, Ye Tian looked at the two mysterious symbols engraved on the wall next to him, his eyes full of curiosity.

Bishop Kent also looked at the two mysterious symbols, also confused.

They were two script-like symbols, carved into the granite wall, that looked a little like French, but they were not French, or any other known script, and no one knew what they meant.

It is precisely with this set of self-contained mysterious symbols that the Knights Templar have firmly guarded their secrets since the day it was established, and outsiders cannot covet them at all.

Until the Knights Templar was banned and then wiped out, this set of mysterious symbols was still undecipherable, and they still guarded many secrets of the Knights Templar, perhaps including the treasures of the Knights Templar.

After chatting for a while about the treasure of the Knights Templar, the Bishop of Kent changed the subject again.

"Steven, do you think those Turks will come here yesterday to prevent us from exploring the treasure of the Knights Templar? The impact of yesterday's incident is not small, shaking the entire island of Cyprus!"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, then smiled and said:

"Probably not. Although the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' is a separatist force in Cyprus, it is not a terrorist organization, so they must consider international public opinion and act cautiously.

After yesterday's webcast live broadcast, many people's eyes are now on them, to see what they will do next, whether they will openly obstruct our joint exploration operation!

But we are now in South Cyprus, which is not their sphere of influence. Even if they want to obstruct it openly, they will be beyond their reach unless they reach an agreement with the Cyprus government.

Not only the Cyprus government authorities, but also the United Nations are paying close attention to them, so the UN peacekeeping force and the Cyprus police will join forces to escort this exploration operation!

There are soldiers of the UN peacekeeping force guarding around the castle. The Turks should not dare to make mistakes. If they dare to attack the soldiers of the UN peacekeeping force, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world.

Next, Cyprus will very likely slide to the brink of civil war again, and the little achievement that the Turks have worked so hard for for so many years may be in vain!

For us, the arrival of the United Nations peacekeeping force can be said to be a surprise. They can not only deter those greedy Turks, but also deter other ghosts and monsters.

According to reports from the security personnel, the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain, the Portuguese Jesuits, some other churches and religious organizations, and the Russian gangs were all kept out of the cordon! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed outside the tower and around the castle.

Standing where he and the Bishop of Kent were, they could clearly see the vehicles of the UN peacekeeping force parked on the roads around the castle. They were all armored vehicles, and the UN logo on them was very conspicuous.

Beside those armored vehicles, there were many United Nations peacekeeping soldiers with live ammunition, full armor, and blue helmets, and everyone was on high alert.

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Bishop Kent also looked at the vehicles and soldiers of the UN peacekeeping force, and nodded slightly, the worry in his eyes was immediately swept away.

After chatting for a few more words, Jason's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, we have almost cleaned up the ground, and the basement is the same. In several of the basements, we found a lot of mysterious symbols, which are very interesting. You can come down and have a look!"

Jason arrived in Larnaca just last night, and brought four or five company employees with him. As soon as they arrived, they joined the joint exploration team.

As for the acquisition of the several target properties in Rome that he was in charge of, it has been successfully completed. Not only has the real estate transaction contract been signed, but also a new real estate certificate has been obtained, without any flaws!

After the real estate transaction was completely settled, Jason didn't even return to New York. He couldn't wait to rush directly to Cyprus and joined the operation of exploring the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Hearing Jason's report, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Bishop of Kent, let's go down and take a look. The ground clearance work has been basically completed, and it's time to start exploring. Maybe there is a huge surprise waiting for us below, and it may be the treasure of the Knights Templar!"

"It would be great if we can really find the treasure of the Knights Templar here. Let's go and see it together. To be honest, I can't wait!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, his eyes full of anticipation.

Then, they walked down the spiral steps inside the tower, both of them walking very lightly.

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