Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1851 Joint Press Conference

It was getting closer and closer to ten o'clock in the morning, and more and more people gathered in St. Peter's Square. The whole square was already crowded, full of voices, and rubbing shoulders!

Faced with this situation, for safety reasons, the Vatican police had to activate the emergency mechanism, began to limit the flow of people pouring into St. Peter's Square, and cooperated with the Roman police to strengthen the security of the square and surrounding areas.

With the activation of the emergency mechanism, many people who came later were stopped outside the square, and even a few streets away, people were stopped by the Roman police and began to divert them.

Those tourists who are stopped outside the square can only watch the live broadcast of the press conference through the large-screen TVs set up nearby, the TVs in nearby restaurants or cafes, as well as mobile phones and computers!

At 9:50 in the morning, there are only ten minutes left before the joint press conference.

People gathered in St. Peter's Square are all watching the huge TV screens erected around the square, on which a documentary introducing the Vatican is being played.

At this moment, the TV screen suddenly changed, and the screen of the documentary that was broadcasting suddenly stopped, and it directly jumped to the scene of the banquet hall where the joint press conference was held.

Although there were only a large number of excited media reporters holding long guns and short cannons at the joint press conference, and the real protagonist did not appear, people were still very excited to see this scene!

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, and quickly gathered together, like a hurricane, directly swept across the entire St. Peter's Square.

The same was true in front of countless live broadcast terminals, and enthusiastic applause resounded.

Amidst the enthusiastic applause, people were also discussing excitedly.

"Wow! This joint press conference is finally about to start. What are the two Christian holy relics that will be announced later? It's so exciting!"

"Judging from the formation of the Holy See in the Vatican, those two Christian holy relics must be very important, otherwise they wouldn't be so motivating!"

While people were discussing, the large banquet hall where the joint press conference was held also became very lively.

Many media reporters who were invited to participate in this joint press conference have all arrived and are sitting in their respective seats in the media area, staring at the empty rostrum in front of them.

And in the lounge on the side of the rostrum,

Ye Tian and David, in suits and leather shoes, were joking and chatting with the Bishop of Kent, who was dressed as a priest. Everyone was ready and relaxed at this time.

After chatting for a while, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open. The Vatican press officer Giulio, who presided over the press conference, walked in and said to everyone in the lounge:

"Gentlemen, it's almost time. You can go out and take your seats on the rostrum outside. The joint press conference will begin immediately!"

Hearing this, everyone in the lounge immediately smiled at each other, stood up one after another, and followed Julio to the banquet hall outside.

The people waiting on St. Peter's Square and in front of countless live broadcast terminals finally waited for this exciting moment.

On the live broadcast screen, everyone clearly saw such a scene.

At the scene of the joint press conference, the door of the lounge room on the side of the rostrum opened suddenly, and a priest wearing a monk's uniform came out first.

Everyone is familiar with this priest. He is Giulio, the press officer of the Vatican. People often see him on the news screen about the Vatican.

Following Julio out of the lounge were Ye Tian and David in suits and leather shoes. Everyone was very familiar with them.

Even people who never paid attention to Ye Tian before, from yesterday to today, have seen his face in countless news reports, it's hard not to know him or not!

The moment he walked out of the lounge, Ye Tian turned his head and waved lightly at all the media reporters in the banquet hall. With a bright smile on his face, he was very friendly and seemed harmless to humans and animals!

Behind Ye Tian and David were the Bishop of Kent wearing a cardinal's robe, Stefano and two other cardinals, all of whom were flushed and excited.

After entering the banquet hall, everyone did not stop, but walked directly to the rostrum, sat down in their seats, and waited for the joint press conference to officially start.

The group of them had just sat down, when many media reporters from all over the world stood up in unison.

Immediately afterwards, these uncrowned kings began to applaud.

"clap clap"

There was a warm applause at the scene, resounding through the entire banquet hall.

St. Peter's Square outside the banquet hall, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals, were the same, and thunderous applause resounded everywhere.

People gave their applause for the joint exploration team of the Vatican and Intrepid Exploration Company, for the treasure of the Knights Templar that had disappeared for more than 700 years, and for the two Christian holy relics that have reappeared in the world.

While applauding, many people were grateful and full of curiosity, looking forward to the upcoming press conference!

Of course, not everyone is like that.

For example, some Belgians who hated Ye Tian so much that their teeth itch, and other enemies, wished they could just smash the TV in front of them and vent their anger!

The applause fell, and the banquet hall gradually became quiet.

When the time came to ten o'clock, Julio immediately stepped forward, picked up the microphone, and officially opened the prelude to the joint press conference.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am Giulio, welcome to the Vatican, and welcome to this joint press conference.

Attending this joint press conference were representatives from the Fearless Exploration Company from New York, USA, Mr. Steven in person, and his personal lawyer..."

Following Julio's introduction, Ye Tian, ​​David, and the Bishop of Kent, who were sitting on the rostrum, got up one after another, greeted many media reporters at the scene, and waved at the camera lens!

This is a routine opening, useless but essential!

After introducing everyone sitting on the rostrum, Julio got to the point.

"Not long ago, it was in this banquet hall that I presided over the press conference where the Vatican and the New York Intrepid Exploration Company signed a joint exploration agreement and launched a joint exploration operation.

Today's press conference can be regarded as a perfect echo of the previous one. After the operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar was launched, the joint exploration team quickly achieved results.

Five days ago, in a long-abandoned Gothic medieval castle on the outskirts of Larnaca, Cyprus, a joint exploration team discovered the treasure of the Knights Templar hidden deep underground.

About the process of discovering the treasure of the Knights Templar, what is in the treasure, and other relevant information, the bishop of Kent who participated in the exploration operation will introduce to you.”

As he said that, Julio gestured sideways to the Bishop of Kent, and then he stood aside.

The next moment, the bishop of Kent's voice came from the rostrum, reaching the ears of every media reporter, and also reaching the ears of every audience gathered in St. Peter's Square and in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

"Here, I would like to clarify one point first. The joint exploration team did find the treasure of the Knights Templar that has been passed down for more than 700 years in the long-abandoned medieval castle in Larnaca, Cyprus.

However, after our careful analysis and research on that treasure, we agreed that the treasure hidden in the depths of the abandoned castle was only part of the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar.

And it’s only a small part, that is to say, most of the treasures of the Knights Templar are buried in other places, and they haven’t been found yet. The joint exploration operation between our two sides is not over yet,..."

Next, Bishop Kent gave a general introduction to the process of discovering and exploring the treasure. Among them, some places that need to be kept secret for the time being, he mentioned them in one sentence and did not elaborate.

As for what was in the treasure and the discovery of the two Christian holy relics, the Bishop of Kent also kept it a secret and did not announce it immediately!

At the end of the briefing, he specifically reminded:

"... All the video materials taken during this joint exploration operation will be uploaded to the Internet after the joint press conference is over. You can watch them online!"

Then, he ended the briefing and handed the scene back to Julio.

At this time, the press conference site, St. Peter's Square outside, and countless live broadcast terminals were already boiling, and everyone was discussing excitedly.

"Wow! Except for that extremely lucky guy, Steven, I'm afraid it would be impossible for anyone else to discover this treasure of the Knights Templar!

Who would have imagined that those guys from the Knights Templar actually used a group of terrifying bats to cover the treasure buried deep in the ground, it's really amazing! "

"Although I don't like Steven, a cruel and greedy bastard, I have to admit that this guy is indeed the most outstanding professional treasure hunter!

In this world, it seems that there is no treasure that he can't find, no antique artwork that he doesn't know, the luck and vision he has is simply amazing! "

Just when people were discussing, Julio's voice came out again and reached everyone's ears.

"Now, Mr. Steven, please introduce the relevant matters of this exploration operation, and then we will officially announce the results of this joint exploration operation. What is in the treasure of the Knights Templar!"

Following Julio's words, the press conference scene quickly fell silent.

The crowded St. Peter's Square outside, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, also fell silent. Everyone was staring at Ye Tian, ​​wanting to hear what he would say!

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