Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1859 The Cultural Relics Gendarmerie Follows Like a Shadow (I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autu

Looking back at Tony's gallery, Ye Tian and the others had left the gallery for more than ten minutes, but the gallery owner Tony was still immersed in the ecstasy of the successful transaction.

For him, the price at which the two landscape oil paintings were sold just now, which he didn't even dare to dream of before, has now become a living reality. Can he not feel ecstatic?

But how did he know what he just missed?

It was definitely the greatest work of art he had ever owned in his life, and also the greatest wealth he had ever owned, but he sold it at a price that was almost negligible and fell into Ye Tian's pocket.

Just as Tony was in ecstasy, the door of the gallery was pushed open again, and two Italian men in their twenties and thirties walked into this elegant gallery, carried by a gust of cold wind.

Seeing someone entering the gallery, Tony immediately adjusted his mood, quickly put on a bright smile, and was about to stand up to meet him.

Before he got up to greet him, the two guys who had just entered the gallery had already walked towards him.

This made Tony very surprised, and unconsciously raised his vigilance. He thought the other party was not kind.

Turin is no different from any other Italian city. Mafia, thieves, and art thieves are everywhere, so be careful.

The fact that I just earned 70,000 to 80,000 euros has not been spread at all. Who would kill him so quickly?

Could it be that guy under Steven? This is also impossible. Although that guy Steven is cruel, he is very disciplined, and he is a super rich man, so he can't do such a shameless thing!

In a blink of an eye, those two guys had arrived in front of Tony.

While standing still, one of the guys took out a certificate from his arms, showed it in front of Tony, and asked solemnly:

"Dude, we are the Italian cultural relics gendarmerie. Excuse me, what did that bastard Steven just buy from you? If it is a work of art, then it is the work of that artist, and what is the specific value?

I hope you can answer truthfully, and please rest assured that we are not targeting you and this gallery, but that bastard Steven. We want to prevent that bastard from taking national treasure-class antiques out of Italy! "

Tony didn't respond immediately, but took a closer look at the document in the other party's hand.

When he sees clearly,

After the other party was indeed the famous Italian cultural relics gendarme, he couldn't help shivering, secretly startled.

He is the owner of a gallery dealing in artworks, and he inevitably has some shady things in private. Now seeing the legendary cultural relic military police approaching his door, can you not feel frightened!

At the same time, a feeling that something bad happened suddenly surged in his heart.

Could it be that I was ransacked by that bastard Steven just now? That baroque landscape painting is actually a priceless top-level artwork, shouldn't it?

Although many thoughts flashed through his mind, Tony's expression didn't change much. He looked calm, but a little surprised. His acting skills were excellent.

Next, he truthfully told everything that happened before, and showed the high-definition pictures of the two landscape paintings, as well as his own appraisal conclusion!

Of course, he also truthfully stated the transaction prices of the two works of art, without hiding anything.

He really wanted to hide it, so that he could pay a lot less tax, but the two guys standing opposite were cultural relic military police, even if he had the guts, he wouldn't dare to play that trick.

If it is self-defeating, it will be troublesome.

At that time, I will be fined by the relevant department and will never run away. If I fail, I will be imprisoned, and even this gallery will not be able to continue, so I can only close it!

After listening to Tony's introduction, Pizarro who stood opposite him not only frowned.

Not to mention the realistic landscape painting by a young Italian painter, with Steven's vision and level, would he be moved by a baroque painting worth 60,000 euros? Seems unlikely!

However, that baroque landscape oil painting is the work of that artist, how specific and how much is it worth? Could it be an unknown but priceless top artwork?

In Pizarro's view, that baroque landscape painting is likely to be of great value, but no matter how hard he thinks about it, he still cannot determine whose work it is. Not sure about its value?

In desperation, he could only ask Tony to send him the pictures of the two paintings and other related information, and then left Tony's gallery with the other cultural relic military policeman.

As soon as he walked out of the gallery, Pizarro immediately sent the pictures and information he had just received back to the headquarters of the cultural relics gendarmerie, and let the experts in the identification of antique works of art at the headquarters conduct an appraisal before deciding on the next step.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to the other side of San Carlo Square, walked into another elegantly decorated antique shop, and continued to sweep the antique art market in Turin.

Ten minutes later, when the few of them came out of the antique shop, they had another antique artwork in their hands.

It was a piece of exquisite porcelain from China, packed in a solid wooden box, and carried by Ye Tian himself.

As soon as he came out of this antique shop, Ye Tian saw Pizarro waiting at the entrance of this antique shop, watched closely by several armed security personnel, and several other Italian cultural relics gendarmes.

The moment he saw Ye Tian and the others, Pizarro immediately said loudly:

"Steven, I want to talk to you about something, can you let me go?"

When saying these words, the mood of Pizarro and the other Italian cultural relics gendarmes was not to mention how depressed they were.

This is Italy. On the territory of Italy, especially when facing people in the field of antique art collections, when have these Italian cultural relics gendarmes been blocked by others, they have always been unimpeded!

But ever since he met Steven, the damned bastard, the situation has completely turned around. Now that this bastard is running rampant, people like himself have to be careful. How can he reason?

What's even more exasperating is that the bastard Steven is so cunning and invulnerable at all!

Even if people like myself racked their brains, they couldn't catch any clues, so they could only let this bastard crazily ransack Italy!

"Cole, let Pizarro come over, we are old friends who have dealt with many times, and we are fairly familiar with each other, there should be no danger!"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and nodded slightly to Pizarro and those guys.

Afterwards, Cole and the others took a step aside and let Pizarro come over, but stopped several other cultural relics gendarmes.

In three or two steps, Pizarro has come close.

Before he could get a firm footing, the guy cut out all the nonsense and asked in a low voice with a dignified expression:

"Steven, can you introduce these antique works of art you bought? Regarding their condition and specific value, we Italian Cultural Relics Gendarmerie would like to know more about them!"

Ye Tian looked at the old friend in front of him, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"It's nothing wrong, Pizarro, I also want to thank you for your concern. It has been more than an hour since I arrived at San Carlo Square, and I only bought three pieces of antique art.

The first work of art is a realistic landscape oil painting by a contemporary young Italian painter. It is a snow scene in the Alps. It looks quite beautiful, and I plan to keep it as a souvenir.

The second piece of art is a rather historical baroque painting, also a landscape painting, with a very dark tone and no signature. It is still unknown which artist it is.

The third piece is an antique, which I bought in the antique shop behind me. It is a piece of exquisite porcelain from China, which has a history of hundreds of years, but the specific value needs to be evaluated again.

The transaction process of these three antique works of art is completely legal, and their combined price is less than 90,000 euros. Don't worry, Pizarro, I will pay no less customs tax! "

Hearing this, Pizarro couldn't help rolling his eyes angrily.

"Steven, you bastard, did I come here for the pitifully small, even negligible customs tax?"

While complaining secretly, Pizarro also felt a deep sense of helplessness and frustration!

Afterwards, Ye Tian casually responded with a few hypocritical words, then took his leave, and led David and the others to the last antique shop around San Carlo Square.

Seeing their leaving backs, Pizarro and the other cultural relics gendarmes gritted their teeth in hatred, but they had no choice but to watch Ye Tian continue to loot the antique art market in Turin!

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