Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1861 Return to France

The joint exploration convoy was speeding along the European Highway No. 70, and about an hour after leaving the urban area of ​​Turin, the convoy had already entered the Alps.

As before, the four heavy-duty trucks protecting the convoy, still two at the front and two at the front, walked side by side, separating all other vehicles driving in the same direction on the expressway!

The vehicle driving ahead is okay, you can speed away, don't worry about being blocked by the joint exploration convoy, just be careful not to be rear-ended, it's not fun!

The vehicles behind the Joint Exploration Convoy are in a state of distress. They can only follow behind obediently, driving at the same speed as the Joint Exploration Convoy, without any possibility of speeding up and overtaking.

Fortunately, the speed of the joint exploration convoy was not slow, and the guys driving the vehicles behind didn't have many complaints. They all drove behind honestly, speeding on this highway.

In fact, even if they are full of complaints, there is no other outlet for them to complain or curse in their own cars, let alone drive past the huge heavy convoy ahead.

If they want to overtake, let alone whether the United Exploration Convoy is willing to give way, the Turin police escorting them may be the first to agree!

The Turin police escorts around the convoy are all highly nervous, ready to respond to emergencies, and even ready to go into battle at any time!

At this time, they only had one thought in their minds, to send a group of plague gods headed by that bastard Steven out of Italy and into France safely, and everything will be fine!

Anyone who destroys this plan and puts everyone in danger is our enemy and will never be forgiven.

It also includes those idiots who are ignorant of current affairs and plan to overtake without authorization!

As the convoy gradually penetrated into the mountains, the people on both sides of the highway became less and less crowded, and it was often necessary to drive a long distance before seeing a few colorful rural buildings.

At the same time, the scenery outside has become more and more charming, just like a large landscape film that keeps flashing by, it is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Looking out through the car window, the beautiful scenery of the Alps that was only seen on picture postcards and TV in the past is so close at hand that it seems to be within reach.

After two days of snowfall, every peak and hill here has been completely covered by white snow, and the whole world is pure white, just like a lady in plain clothes, pure and pure!

The vast forest at the foot of the mountain in the distance, the nearby towns, villages, rural buildings of different styles, streams, farmland, grassland and so on.

Almost everything in the field of vision has been wrapped in silver, as if wearing a white wedding dress, pure and enchanting!

Only the expressway where the joint exploration convoy is located is like a black sharp sword, splitting the white world with one sword, extending to the distance, which is somewhat unpleasant!

Looking at the picturesque scenery outside the car window, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the back seat of Knight XV, felt intoxicated by it, and temporarily forgot about everything else.

David, who was sitting next to him, was also admiring the beautiful silver-white world outside the car window, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

At this time, the car had become very quiet, except for Ye Tian and David's long and powerful breathing, there was only the faint sound of the car engine revving at high speed, and there was no other sound.

In this way, in the picturesque winter scenery of the Alps, the heavy-duty convoy of the joint exploration team drove forward without stopping!

Soon, the city of Turin was left far behind the convoy, so far away that it couldn't even see its shadow!

Not only Turin, but even the villages and towns and various rural buildings that occasionally appeared before are hard to see now.

In everyone's field of vision, there is only the enchanting Alpine snow scene outside the car window, the highway connecting Italy and France, and the vehicles speeding on the highway!

Before I knew it, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

After passing through the last town in Italy, Bardonecchia, and passing through a long tunnel, driving forward for about two or three kilometers, the French border appeared not far ahead.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, the French side has received news that they have sent a large number of police cars to wait for us on the French border, looking aggressive!"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said with a smile:

"This is normal and expected. As early as we left Rome, the special envoy sent by the Vatican had arrived in France and began to communicate with the French government authorities and do some preparatory work.

If we want to launch a joint exploration operation in France, we must obtain the support of the French government and the local authorities of the Rhône province. We also need the cooperation of the French police to be responsible for peripheral security and maintain order!

Besides, when we left Turin, we made such a big commotion, and the joint exploration convoy was so large and so conspicuous that the French, as long as they weren't idiots, would know about our whereabouts.

After the convoy enters the territory of France, you can pull over for a while. You and Leonardo get out of the car with two lawyers to communicate with those Frenchmen. After all, they are landlords, and it is good to maintain a good relationship! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform Leonardo right away"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and then ended the call.

At the same time, watching the huge convoy galloping from the direction of Italy, the two medium-sized helicopters whistling through the sky, and the other vehicles that couldn't see the end behind, the guards on the other side of the border Many French policemen couldn't help but gasped.

"I'm going! This scene is too exaggerated. Fortunately, my buddies know that these guys came to France to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar. If not, I would definitely think that these guys came to attack France!"

"Although these guys didn't come to attack France, in my opinion, it's similar to attacking France, but wherever Steven and his gang of bastards go, there will definitely be waves of huge disturbances!

A month or two ago, Steven's gang of bastards took a tour of the Côte d'Azur, and every city they passed, whether it was Nice, Cannes, or Marseille, the antique art market was ransacked and devastated!

Now these damned bastards are coming to France again, let alone whether they can find the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, I'm sure every city they pass through next will experience a catastrophe! "

While these French policemen were frowning and talking endlessly, the Italian policemen who escorted the joint exploration convoy felt a sense of happiness that they were about to be liberated.

Without exception, each of them had an uncontrollable smile on their faces, a smile that was finally relieved!

During the speech, the joint exploration convoy has driven across the border between France and Italy, and officially entered the territory of France.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy convoy began to slow down, then leaned towards the side of the road and stopped slowly.

When the convoy stopped on the side of the road, Cole and Leonardo immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and each took a lawyer and walked towards the French police on the border.

Seeing their actions, the leader of the French police immediately responded, and walked towards Cole and the others with a few of his men.

As for Ye Tian and Bishop Kent, neither of them got out of the car. They sat in their respective cars and watched the situation outside through the car windows.

Negotiations between the two parties went smoothly without any trouble.

After the negotiation was over, Cole and Leonardo returned to their respective cars.

After a while, the heavy convoy started again with a bang and continued to gallop along the highway.

Next stop, Lyon!

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