Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1884 Hatred Under the Fog

Compared with Dover, the weather in London is a little bit better. Although there is fog, it is not so thick, but it is still cold and humid.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, the joint exploration convoy arrived in London, got off the highway, and drove into the city shrouded in a layer of gray fog.

Just as the convoy left the expressway, seven or eight police cars from Scotland Yard roared in, replaced the Dover police who had been escorting them all the way, and quickly dispersed around the convoy to protect the convoy going forward.

It is said to be an escort, but in fact the main purpose of these London police is probably surveillance, to prevent Ye Tian and the others from having conflicts with someone as soon as they arrive in London, and turning London directly into a battlefield.

Unsurprisingly, the arrival of the joint exploration convoy immediately caused a sensation on the streets of London.

When the convoy passed through the streets, the people walking on these streets and the passing vehicles all stopped, watching the huge convoy breaking through the gray fog.

Without exception, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation, and they discussed enthusiastically.

"I never expected that this team of explorers who searched for the treasures of the Knights Templar all over the world would come to England and London. Is the famous treasure of the Knights Templar buried somewhere in England?

From ancient times to the present, in many legends about the treasures of the Knights Templar, the places where the treasures may be buried are almost all in the European continent and the area around Jerusalem, and rarely involve the British Isles.”

"Obviously, those legends are not credible, otherwise, the treasure of the Knights Templar would have been found long ago, and it would never have been preserved to this day, becoming a famous unsolved mystery in history.

As we all know, during the previous Crusades, the Crusader knights from the British Isles fought side by side with the Knights Templar, and many of them even joined the Knights Templar.

During the Last Crusade, the later King of England, Edward I, and his younger brother Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, also fought side by side with the Templars for a long time.

In 1274, Edward returned to England to succeed to the throne and became the king of England. For more than 30 years since then, he has been ruling England, and the influence of the Knights Templar in England has expanded rapidly.

In view of this, it is entirely possible that the Knights Templar, after their evacuation from the Holy Land, and especially their persecution by Philip IV, came to England with the treasure and buried it somewhere in England”

Everyone on the street was talking about it, all beaming and plausible.

At this time, they seem to have become historians, and they are experts and scholars who have studied the history of medieval Europe and the Knights Templar!

In the midst of people's enthusiastic discussions, the convoy of the joint exploration team had gone away, and was hidden in the early morning mist in a blink of an eye.

While speaking, the convoy had already driven into the core urban area of ​​London, and its speed decreased a lot.

Ye Tian and David, who were sitting in the back seat of Knight XV, were chatting in low voices while enjoying the scenery outside the car window.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the invisible earphone.

"Steven, according to the report from the staff who arrived at the front station in London in advance, Prince William and his wife, the Cardinal of the London Diocese, and several senior government officials from No. 10 Downing Street have arrived at the Ritz Hotel.

The hotel has also made preparations for the reception. Those in charge of the on-site security are a few of our guys, a group of Swiss Guard members from the Vatican, and some London police and agents from Scotland Yard.

In addition, a lot of protesters and demonstrators gathered around the hotel, and the number of people is increasing, holding various slogans and banners, it can be seen that the news that we are coming to London has already been leaked.”

Hearing what Cole reported, Ye Tian immediately turned on the miniature microphone, then smiled and said:

"This is all expected. It is almost impossible to expect the Ritz Hotel to keep a secret, and I am sure that the news that we are going to England to explore the treasure was definitely leaked by the British guys on purpose.

Don’t forget, those old friends from mi6 and mi5 are always thinking about us, and it’s hard to hide our whereabouts from those guys, let all the guys be alerted, and be ready to respond at any time.”

While Ye Tian was on the phone with Cole, in different places and buildings in London, many people were closely watching the movement of the joint exploration team and Ye Tian's every move.

There are many guys with hatred and greed in their eyes, and many of them are enemies who have suffered a lot in Ye Tian's hands and hate him for immortality.

"Boss, Steven's bastards are coming to the Ritz Hotel soon, when do we do it? Send those damn American bastards to hell, avenge the dead and captured guys, and vent your anger!"

"How about doing it near the Ritz Hotel? Boss, there are a lot of protesters and demonstrators there. Our people can mix in, find an opportunity to kill those American bastards, and then escape in the chaos!"

"No, you absolutely can't fight Steven and those bastards near the Ritz Hotel, Buckingham Palace and Downing Street are just around the corner, once there is a firefight there, it will definitely cause an uproar!

More importantly, Prince William and his wife, the Archbishop of London, and some senior officials from No. 10 Downing Street will all appear at the Ritz Hotel today. It is obviously very stupid to do something at the Ritz Hotel.

Just let Steven and those bastards live for two more days, and when they officially start their exploration operation, we can do it before it's too late. This time we not only want to avenge the dead and captured brothers, but also make a lot of money! "

The conversation above took place in an ordinary house in South London.

It was a group of guys from Eastern Europe who gritted their teeth and said these words. Because of anger and hatred, these guys all had hideous faces and hideous expressions!

At the same time, in the eyes of each of them, there is also a fear, which cannot be concealed at all.

If Ye Tian and Cole were here, they would definitely recognize these gnashing-toothed guys.

Gathered in this building were a group of enemies who hated Ye Tian's immortality, and also a group of very familiar old friends, the boss of the Pink Panther and his subordinates.

In the past few months, these guys have changed their bases several times, trying to escape Ye Tian's sight and also trying to escape Scotland Yard's pursuit.

After being schemed against by Ye Tian in the south of France two days ago and losing several members, these guys immediately moved to this new stronghold in South London for safety!

But how did they know that within half a day after they arrived here, Ye Tian had already grasped their movements and the location of this stronghold, but he didn't take any action.

The reason for this result is simple.

All the members of the Pink Panther, from the boss to the younger ones, as well as every family member and friend of them, are closely monitored by Kenny and the others, and they are constantly monitored 24 hours a day.

Unless these guys do not use modern communication devices such as mobile phones and the Internet, never contact their family and friends, and completely change their appearance, it is possible to escape this surveillance network.

Just when these guys were plotting an attack and preparing to avenge their dead brothers, they didn't know that the noose of death had been quietly wrapped around their necks, and they were about to lead them into the depths of hell!

At the same time, another conversation was taking place in a historic building in London's West End.

"Mobilize all forces to investigate, no matter the cost, we must find out where the joint exploration team is coming to London this time, and which places may hide the treasure of the Templars?

After confirming the location, let's act immediately, before Steven and those guys, explore all the places where the treasure may be hidden, and try to find the treasure of the Knights Templar."

"Understood, sir, we have made corresponding arrangements at the Ritz Hotel and used the Vatican's informants. We are investigating the news, and it is estimated that there will be results soon!"

The same scene is happening in London, and even in many other places in the British Isles, the content is similar!

At this time, the joint exploration convoy had already driven to Piccadilly Avenue, and sped straight to the Ritz Hotel not far ahead.

When the convoy passed Piccadilly Circus smoothly, and drove forward for a further distance, when it reached a place about 200 meters away from the Ritz Hotel, Ye Tian vaguely saw the situation at the entrance of the Ritz Hotel through the early morning fog.

At the entrance of the Ritz Hotel, a large number of protesters gathered. These guys held various banners and slogans in their hands, and they were all impassioned, shouting protest slogans!

There were also many police cars from Scotland Yard, as well as a large number of London police officers in black uniforms and armed with live ammunition, which added a bit of tension to the scene.

In addition, a large number of media reporters gathered near the entrance of the hotel, as well as many tourists and spectators. The number of people was so large that it even blocked Piccadilly Avenue.

Fortunately, it is still early, and many shopping malls and shops on Piccadilly Avenue have not yet opened their doors. Even if the street is blocked, it will not cause much impact.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"The people of London are really enthusiastic. They put on such a big battle to welcome us, and Prince William and his wife lead the team personally. I'm really flattered. I like this scene!"

Hearing this, David who was sitting next to him suddenly laughed.


At the same time, the crowd gathered at the entrance of the Ritz Hotel also saw the huge convoy coming through the gray fog. ,

The next moment, the entrance of the hotel was boiling.

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