Notting Hill, not far from Kensington Palace, Porter Belle Market.

Although it was around twelve o'clock in the morning and the fog had cleared, the weather was still cold and humid, and the cold wind whizzed straight into the collar, which made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

At this time, the colder weather than this ghost is the hearts of antique dealers and gallery owners who are doing business in the Portobello Market!

Of course, if someone is sad, then someone must be happy!

Ye Tian and the others walked over from another street, laughing and chatting, while looking at the goods on the antique stalls on both sides of the street, trying to find something.

Two hours had passed since they arrived in Notting Hill.

In the past two hours, the unlucky Portobello antique flea market was once again hit by a Category 10 hurricane in less than two months.

Just as everyone expected, Ye Tian's trip was not just to Notting Hill to buy gifts for Prince William and his wife when they went to dinner at night.

From the moment he arrived at the Portobello Market, he began to crazily sweep the place. In less than two hours, he crazily swept through more than a dozen antique works of art.

Although people don't know the origin and specific value of those antique works of art he bought, everyone is very sure that those antique works of art must be of great value, otherwise they wouldn't be in his eyes!

As for the place Ye Tian passed by, it was naturally full of grief, as if swept by a tornado.

The news that he arrived at Porte Belle Market in Notting Hill again and frantically raided here again has already spread throughout Notting Hill and even the entire field of British antique art collections.

Hearing this news, everyone was a little dumbfounded, and secretly shocked.

This bastard, Steven, is really too ruthless, so he can loot a place in the Portobello Antique Market. What kind of hatred is there? As for this?

Antique dealers, gallery owners, and others in Notting Hill and Porte Belle Market were all about to cry at this moment, gnashing their teeth with hatred, wishing they could tear up that damned bastard and feed them to the dogs!

Just like that, under the gazes of countless eyes full of hatred, Ye Tian and the others had already reached the corner of the street.

There happened to be a nicely decorated, somewhat artsy gallery here, which looked a bit inviting.

See this gallery is open,

Ye Tian immediately snorted, then smiled and said to the people around him:

"Guys, let's go into this gallery. If I remember correctly, this gallery was closed when I was in Portobello last time. I couldn't go in and visit it. Now that it's open, you can't miss it."

As he said that, he took the lead towards the gallery on the corner of the street with a look of great interest.

Behind him, David and the others all followed.

While talking, the group of them had already entered the gallery and disappeared from the cold and wet street.

Seeing this scene, the other antique dealers on the street could not help but began to mourn for the gallery owner, believing that the gallery must not escape the tragic fate of being ransacked.

At this time, in the gallery, the owner of the gallery was looking blankly at Ye Tian who had just entered, and David and the others, his eyes were full of fear, and he even forgot to say hello.

"Good morning buddy, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, this gallery of yours is very nice, it looks very artistic and attractive from the outside, that's why I came in to visit"

Ye Tian greeted with a smile, and extended his right hand to the owner of the gallery, acting very gracefully.

After the words fell, the gallery owner finally woke up.

But at this time, his heart was suffering to the extreme, as if he had eaten a ton of Coptis chinensis.

If time could be turned back, he would smash the decoration outside the gallery without hesitation, and sweep away the so-called artistic atmosphere, as long as he didn't attract the attention of the bastard in front of him!

It's a pity that going back in time is just an idiot's fantasy. The bad luck that was lucky to escape last time can no longer be avoided this time, and what should come will come after all.

After sorting out his emotions a bit, the owner of the gallery squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and introduced himself:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm glad to meet you too. It's an honor. I'm Desmond, the owner of this gallery. Welcome to London and welcome to my gallery!"

"Desmond, what a familiar name! If I'm not mistaken, your wife must be called Molly Jones, and she must be a singer in an orchestra. You have three children, am I right? ob-la -di, ob-la-da"

Ye Tian joked, and even hummed slightly.


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud, including the gallery owner Desmond.

With the laughter, the atmosphere on the scene became much lighter, and Desmond's expression was not so ugly.

After the laughter subsided, Desmond shook his head with a smile and said:

"Steven, it looks like you're a Beatles fan, and so am I, but my wife's name isn't Molly Jones, and while I strongly suggest she change it to that, she doesn't agree, and we only have Two children!"

There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed again.

After making a few jokes and enlivening the atmosphere, Ye Tian looked at the many paintings displayed in the gallery, and said with a smile:

"Desmond, the paintings on display in your gallery look good, can I have a look? If there is a work I like, I don't mind including it in my bag."

coming! This greedy bastard is finally going to strike, and God bless me, don't let me become another unlucky person who has been ransacked insanely, and become another joke in the mouth of my colleagues.

Desmond complained inwardly, and a feeling of imminent catastrophe filled his heart. It was a very bad feeling, and no one wanted to experience it.

However, he still squeezed out a smile, nodded slightly and said:

"Steven, of course you can appreciate the paintings here, but I have a merciless request, please be merciful, don't ransack this small gallery of mine, and leave me a little hope!"

Ye Tian took a deep look at Desmond, then nodded with a light smile and said:

"Don't worry, Desmond, you can't talk about being merciful, let alone looting, that's too exaggerated, even if we are all Beatles fans, I will keep a good balance."

Hearing this, Desmond immediately breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relaxed, not so nervous, and even a little secretly happy.

He knew very well in his heart that although this guy in front of him was extremely greedy and ruthless, he was a veritable man-eating crocodile, but he kept his word and never broke his word.

What's more, this guy's eyesight is extremely sharp, and he has never looked over. Today, he might be ransacked, or he might get lucky and become the lucky one who was hit by a windfall.

Such things have happened in the United States, France, Italy and other places before, and they have already become legends, and everyone wants to be the lucky few in these legends!

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian began to appreciate the many paintings displayed in this gallery, and Desmond followed him and was responsible for introducing these artworks.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had come to the depths of the gallery and stood in front of another display wall.

On the wall in front of them, hung a landscape painting filled with water vapor and slightly gray in tone.

The painting is a rural landscape near Venice, Italy. The distant view is the boundless Mediterranean Sea, dotted with patches of white sails on the blue sea, and the close view is the countryside with smoke curling up from the kitchen.

This is an idyllic beauty, and the whole picture seems to exude an atmosphere of "pure, tranquil, and graceful", which is fascinating.

From the slightly faded surface of the painting, which is covered with small cracks, and the old classical style solid wood frame, it can be seen that this painting should have some history.

In fact, the classical style of this landscape oil painting also aptly illustrates this point.

Standing in front of this landscape oil painting and enjoying it quietly for a while, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Desmond next to him, smiled and said:

"Desmond, tell me about this landscape painting. This oil painting looks pretty good. The scenery is beautiful. I wonder which artist it is? And how much is it worth?

I like this kind of realistic landscape paintings, they always bring people a kind of visual enjoyment, if the price is right, I don’t mind accepting this painting”

Desmond didn't respond immediately, but looked suspiciously at the landscape painting on the wall, and fell into deep thought.

Seeing his reaction, Ye Tian didn't rush, but stood beside him with a smile on his face, continuing to admire the beautiful scenery in the oil painting on the wall.

After thinking for a while, Desmond got nothing.

How much he knew about this landscape oil painting before, and now he still has so much, and it didn't increase by a single star because Ye Tian had a fascination with this oil painting.

Desmond shook his head lightly, as if shaking off some unrealistic thoughts, then smiled and said:

"Steven, I bought this classicist-style landscape oil painting from an outside market. There is no author's signature on the painting, so it is impossible to accurately determine who the artist who created this painting is.

After receiving this painting, I also did some research. According to my judgment, this painting should have been created during the period from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century, or the late nineteenth century at the latest.

Judging from the painting style, the painting style shown in this painting is a bit like the famous French landscape painter Lorraine in the 17th century, and a bit like the famous British landscape painter William Turner in the 19th century.

However, this is neither Lorraine nor William Turner, but somewhere in between. Both Lorraine and William Turner are famous landscape painters, and there are as many painters who learn from them as the crucian carp in the river.

Although both Lorraine and William Turner had been to Italy, where they learned painting skills and communicated with local artists, they rarely saw the scenery of Venice in their works.

The painting technique shown in this painting is quite good, but it is this specious style of painting that affects the value of this painting. Perhaps this is the reason why it ended up in the Porte Belle market.

That's all I can see, Steven, you should be able to see more, the offer for this classicist landscape is 14,000 euros, if you accept it, it's yours! "

Without a moment's hesitation, as soon as Desmond's words fell, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his right hand, and said firmly:

"Okay, 14,000 euros, deal, I accept this price"


Desmond exclaimed, and froze on the spot, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

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