The Forbidden City, the library that belongs to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was instructing his company employees to carry boxes one by one. Those boxes contained all the Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures brought back from London, England, and there were a lot of them.

"Everyone carry it according to the number in your hand, and don't move the other boxes. You must be careful during the moving process, and don't damage the Dunhuang Tibetan scriptures in the box."


Everyone at the scene responded in unison, busy in a tense and orderly manner.

Outside the vault door, 20 or 30 staff members of the Forbidden City Cultural Museum are also busy, checking the boxes that have just been moved out of the library. Everyone is very serious and meticulous!

A few meters behind them, Mr. Shan and several other old men, as well as several experts, scholars and officials, were stretching their necks and looking into the library. Everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Every time they saw Ye Tian's company employees move a box out of the library, the smiles on their faces increased. As time went by, their faces almost collapsed from laughter!

At the same time, they were also stunned by Ye Tian's generosity, and completely shocked by the huge number of boxes piled up at the door of the library.

"Am I not mistaken? This guy Ye Tian actually plans to donate so many Dunhuang scriptures. Is it real? Am I dreaming? And this dream is so beautiful that I don't even want to wake up!"

"I heard from Ye Tian that he planned to donate a batch of Dunhuang scriptures. In my opinion, a few hundred volumes would be enough. Who would have imagined that he would be so generous and generous? It's really scary. He It’s really worth it!”

These old men and experts and scholars standing outside the library door were talking in low voices, everyone was extremely excited, and everyone felt incredible.

Soon, nearly half an hour had passed.

All the Dunhuang scriptures to be donated have been moved out of this constant temperature and humidity vault, and the company employees in the library have also come out one after another.

The last ones to come out were Ye Tian and David.

After walking out of the library, Ye Tian turned back and closed the extremely thick alloy door of the library, and reset the temperature and humidity on the LCD control screen, and reset the password.

After doing this, he turned around and came to Old Shan and the others, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Shan, Dean Duan, and Director Rao, all the Dunhuang scriptures that I plan to donate to the National Library and the Dunhuang Academy have been moved out, and they are right in front of your eyes for everyone to see.

This batch of Dunhuang scriptures has a total of 5,000 volumes, and there are many extremely precious picture scrolls and scriptures. They used to be the Dunhuang scriptures of the British Museum. I have selected a dozen of them for collection and exhibition, and the rest are all here.”

Before his words fell, the scene was completely blown up.

"You plan to donate 5,000 volumes of the Dunhuang Canon, am I right? Ye Tian, ​​and all of them are Dunhuang Canon obtained from the British Museum in exchange. They are all the best in the Dunhuang Canon!"

"The donation of 5,000 volumes at one go is too exaggerated. Although the quantity is not comparable to the Dunhuang scriptures collected by the National Library, the rarity is not bad at all, or even surpassed.

Ye Tian, ​​you kid is so majestic and impressive, if it were me, I would be reluctant to donate so many priceless treasures, only you kid, admiration! "

While exclaiming endlessly, everyone at the scene gave Ye Tian a thumbs up, everyone's eyes were full of admiration,

She even felt a little sorry for Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's expression was very relaxed, as if what he was about to donate was not the 5,000-volume Dunhuang Buddhist scriptures, which can be called a priceless treasure, but a batch of ordinary books.

In fact, he knew better than anyone else that although these Dunhuang scriptures were priceless treasures, they could not be circulated in the market at all, let alone allowed to flow out of the country!

If I dare to sell these treasures of Chinese civilization, or send them to auctions, I will wait to be completely overwhelmed by the spittle of the people of the whole country, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

These priceless treasures can only be collected, and due to the huge number, most of the Dunhuang scriptures will have to be shelved, and the possibility of public exhibition is extremely small.

In order to maximize the value of their existence and interpret the culture and history recorded on these Dunhuang scriptures, there is nothing better than opening them to relevant domestic researchers and allowing those professionals to conduct research.

Coupled with a little calculation for the establishment of a private museum, Ye Tiancai made the decision to donate this batch of Dunhuang scriptures.

In the final analysis, the Chinese still care about human feelings. As long as you throw in a peach, someone will definitely return it!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, and then they bowed their hands, and then said with a smile:

"You heard me right. I do intend to donate these 5,000 volumes of Dunhuang scriptures to expand the number of Dunhuang scriptures in the National Library. I believe that is the most suitable place to store these priceless treasures.

The Dunhuang Research Institute is the most authoritative institution for studying the Dunhuang Canon. These Dunhuang Canon, after research by experts and scholars, will surely shine the brightest light of civilization, and that is where their value lies.

It’s not long before the donation ceremony and the press conference. Let’s take this batch of Dunhuang scriptures to Taimiao. At the press conference, I will explain in detail the original intention of donating this batch of Dunhuang scriptures.”

Upon hearing this, Elder Shan immediately raised his hand to look at the time, then nodded and said:

"It's almost time. When we move this batch of Dunhuang scriptures to the Taimiao and place them at the press conference, it will be ten o'clock in the morning. Let's get moving."

Then, everyone got busy again, moving all the boxes containing the Dunhuang scriptures to the vehicles waiting outside the vault area.

After all the boxes were loaded, the escort convoy started slowly, moving forward among the red-walled and green-tiled Forbidden City, passing through ancient and magnificent palaces, and heading straight for the Taimiao outside the Meridian Gate.

At this time, the Forbidden City was already open.

Tourists from all over the country, and even all over the world, have entered the Forbidden City and are visiting everywhere.

Fortunately, today is the 29th day of the Lunar New Year, and many people are busy preparing for the upcoming Spring Festival, or are on their way home, so they don’t have time to visit the Forbidden City.

Therefore, there are not many tourists in the Forbidden City, and it is not as crowded as in the past. When the escort convoy was moving, it was relatively smooth, without being blocked on the road.

When the escort convoy passed by people, it immediately attracted a lot of attention and discussions.

"What treasures are in those escort vehicles? It looks like they are going to be transported out of the Forbidden City. It's the 29th Chinese New Year. Where are they going to transport those treasures?"

"It shouldn't be transported out of the Forbidden City. When I came in just now, I saw a lot of media reporters at the Working People's Cultural Palace, and the security was heavily guarded. There should be activities there. These escort vehicles may be going there."

While speaking, the escort convoy had already passed by people, then drove out of the Meridian Gate, and came straight to the gate of the Taimiao, which is the gate of the Working People's Cultural Palace.

Today's Working People's Cultural Palace is not open to the public and does not accept tourists to visit.

At the entrance of this magnificent palace complex, the police have pulled up a cordon to keep all the tourists out.

At several entrances inside the cordon, the staff of the Forbidden City checked everyone's certificates and invitation letters.

Only invited media reporters and relevant staff holding IDs can enter it, and no one else is allowed to enter!

As soon as the convoy arrived, the Forbidden City staff pushed seven or eight luggage carts out of the Ancestral Temple, preparing to transfer the boxes full of Dunhuang scriptures to the site of the donation ceremony.

In addition to the staff of the Forbidden City, beside each luggage cart, there were also two heavily armed policemen, and they all maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

Seeing such a scene, many media reporters gathered near the gate of the Working People's Cultural Palace couldn't help being amazed and excited.

These guys with a keen sense of smell were sure in an instant that something big would definitely happen in today's press conference held in Taimiao.

Perhaps this big event can overwhelm the reports on the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, overwhelm the popularity of the Spring Festival Gala in various local stations, and become the headline news today.

When many media reporters saw that Ye Tian got off a black Mercedes-Benz SUV and landed in front of the Taimiao gate, everyone immediately confirmed their guesses.

But wherever Ye Tian appears, something big must happen, there is no exception, and today is no exception!

Without the slightest hesitation, many media reporters gathered at the entrance of the Taimiao immediately rushed towards Ye Tian like a tide, one by one scrambling to be the first, the fire of gossip burning in their eyes!

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