Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2018 How to fake

Teacher Tang gently untied the ribbon tied to the scroll, then raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile full of expectation:

"Please, Ye Tian, ​​help me appreciate this painting, I hope it is indeed the work of Bada Shanren, so as to solve our family's doubts."

"Okay, Mr. Tang, let me appreciate it and see if this is the work of Bada."

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded in response, then stepped forward to the table and began to unfold the scroll.

Following his movements, an ink and wash Chinese painting gradually emerged and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a hanging scroll Chinese painting, ink on paper, about 120 centimeters in length and 45 centimeters in width. The picture is somewhat yellowed, and there are some traces of water stains, but the overall state of preservation is not bad, without any damage.

The main part of the picture is a budding lotus, standing proudly in the pond, trying to grow upward.

Between the aquatic plants at the root of the lotus, a small fish swimming freely can be vaguely seen, and above the flower bud of the lotus, there is a flying dragonfly, which seems to be about to land on the flower bud.

On the upper right of the painting, there is a small poem inscribed:

'The lotus on the east bank is higher than the head, and the lotus leaves on the west bank are higher than the light boat. My concubine's heart is like a leaf and a flower is like a leaf, and it's strange that the Milky Way refuses to flow'. Calligraphy is flying like a phoenix, and it is very skillful.

The layout of the whole painting is concise and the brush and ink are refined. The depiction of the lotus and the pond is as simple as possible, with only three or two strokes, and the depiction of dragonflies and swimming fish is vivid and vivid.

In addition to these, there are several postscripts at the bottom of the painting, as well as at the top.

At the end of these postscripts and in the blank space of the paintings, there are more than a dozen seals of different sizes and fonts, among which there are many seals of famous literati in history.

After unfolding the painting, Ye Tian concentrated on appreciating it.

In fact, he already knew the authenticity of this ink and wash freehand Chinese painting when he entered the No. 1 studio hall and sat down at the round table.

Even if this painting is packed in a brocade box, the dazzling light it emits and the charming halo of up to twenty layers are like a bright light in the dark night, which is extremely eye-catching in his eyes!

It's just that he and Mr. Tang didn't know each other at that time, so he couldn't take the initiative to go forward and ask to appreciate this painting, that would be too abrupt!

The next identification,

It was just a deceptive performance, but the intoxicated expression on Ye Tian's face was the expression of his true feelings.

After quietly admiring it for a while, Ye Tian raised his head to look at Teacher Tang and Teacher Tang's family, and said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Mr. Tang, your grandfather was very lucky to receive a top-notch piece of art that is priceless. I am 100% sure that this is definitely an authentic work of Bada Shanren, and it is worth collecting!"

Before the words fell, Mr. Tang's face was full of ecstasy, and he almost cheered excitedly.

The same goes for his family members, all of them were very excited, and their excited eyes were shining brightly.

Especially Mr. Tang, he let out a sigh of relief immediately, tears even flashed in his eyes, and his hands supporting the round table were trembling slightly.

This is a family heirloom left by his father, which has been handed down to the present, and it is burdened with many doubts. There may be many stories of joys and sorrows hidden behind it!

At this moment, there is finally a conclusion about the authenticity of this top artwork, can he not be excited about it?

Except for Mr. Tang's family, everyone around was envious.

This is a painting by Bada Shanren. It is absolutely priceless. It would be great if it belonged to me!

As for the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian, ​​no one at the scene questioned it.

Everyone knew very well in their hearts that there was no way he could be mistaken. Such a thing had never happened before, and today is no exception.

In terms of identifying antique works of art, the most advanced scientific testing instruments in the world today are probably not as sharp as Ye Tian's eyes, nor are they as accurate as him.

Undoubtedly, this is an outstanding work of Bada Shanren, a priceless top art work.

"Ye Tian, ​​thank you very much. The identification conclusion you gave can be regarded as resolving the biggest heart trouble in our family, and we will no longer have to be suspicious."

Teacher Tang said gratefully, rubbing his hands together excitedly, not knowing where to put them.

Before his words fell, someone suddenly said loudly at the scene:

"Ye Tian, ​​most of you here are laymen and don't know how to appreciate this top-notch antique artwork. Please explain this painting of Bada Shanren to everyone."

"That's right, Ye Tian, ​​while there is still some time, let me tell you about this painting, and one more thing, how much is this painting of Bada Shanren worth, can you tell me about it?"

Ye Tian did not immediately respond to these requests.

After all, this painting does not belong to him. Whether to explain it publicly or not requires Mr. Tang's approval, especially for the valuation to be announced, and Mr. Tang's nod and permission is needed. What if people don't want to disclose the valuation!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then looked at Teacher Tang, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

Teacher Tang pondered for a while, then looked at Mr. Tang again, seeing Mr. Tang nodding slightly in agreement, he nodded with a smile and said:

"It's Chinese New Year's Eve. Since everyone wants to know about this painting of Bada Shanren, we don't want to spoil everyone's interest. Ye Tian, ​​please explain this painting to everyone, and you can also announce the valuation!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded immediately, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Okay, since Mr. Tang has given permission and everyone is very interested, if you want to know more about this painting of Bada Shanren, then respect is worse than obedience. I will give you a brief explanation, but this is just a family opinion."

"clap clap"

Suddenly there was a burst of applause, short and warm.

Without exception, almost everyone at the scene looked towards this side. Everyone was looking forward to Ye Tian's performance, so that few people paid any attention to the lively and festive Spring Festival Gala stage.

Seeing this situation, many CCTV staff at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, but there was nothing they could do.

The director team and other relevant people who were staring at the scene of the No. 1 studio through the monitoring screen were all stunned and helpless!

Who the hell has seen this happen! This guy Ye Tian is really a scourge, no matter where he goes, he doesn't stop!

After the applause subsided, Ye Tianqing's clear voice immediately came out again, reaching everyone's ears clearly.

"Before introducing this painting of Bada Shanren, I will first tell you about the relevant knowledge about the forgery of ancient paintings. I hope it will be helpful to you and explain why this painting has different appraisal conclusions.

Different from Western paintings, the identification of ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphy cannot rely solely on modern high-tech detection methods, such as carbon fourteen, to determine the age of related ancient paintings and calligraphy.

The reason is very simple. Our country has preserved a lot of blank rice paper and ancient ink from ancient times, from all dynasties and grades. The masters who forged ancient calligraphy and painting works used this kind of rice paper and ancient ink.

They would use the corresponding rice paper and ancient ink to forge the works of which dynasty or famous painter they want to forge. Those so-called modern detection technologies will not only fail to detect them, but will mislead people.

To identify the authenticity of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting works of art, the most important thing is to rely on rich knowledge reserves, experience and eyesight, which requires long-term accumulation and a lot of practice to gradually improve appreciation.”

Hearing this, many people at the scene immediately complained secretly.

"Long-term accumulation and a lot of practice! It sounds so true, but you don't seem to be like this. According to rumors, you seem to be born with knowledge, omnipotent and omnipotent!"

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Let's go back to Bada Shanren's "Lotus Swimming Fish". In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Bada Shanren was revered as a master of traditional Chinese painting, and his works were enthusiastically sought after by countless collectors and literati.

In the Republic of China and modern times, this trend has not diminished at all. It is precisely because of the frenzied collection that many fakes have appeared. In addition, the paintings of Bada Shanren are basically very concise, and the difficulty of forgery is relatively small.

Of course, those forged fakes can only be similar in shape, and can't draw the soul of Bada Shanren's works at all. However, this requires professional appraisal knowledge and vision, and ordinary collectors are easily deceived.

Since the Qing Dynasty, until now, Tianjin has been the largest counterfeit place for ancient calligraphy and painting works of art in China. Bada Shanren is one of the famous ancient painters they like to forge most. The process is simple but the return is amazing!

Most of the counterfeit works of Bada Shanren circulating in the antique art market are from Tianjin, and some paintings are of a high level.

This has led to a situation where some appraisal experts will be extra cautious when they see the paintings of Bada Shanren. If they cannot identify the authenticity of the paintings and find out relevant information, they may classify them as fakes.

Mr. Tang and the others invited someone to appraise it in the early 1980s, and the expert identified this painting as a fake from Tianjin. "


Teacher Tang and his family breathed a sigh of relief, and they were all secretly thankful.

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