Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2022 On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala

The music fell, the lights came on, and the lively Spring Festival Gala became a little quieter.

The host of "I Have a Family Heirloom" walked to the center of the stage with a microphone in hand, and smiled at the end of the camera and said:

"To the audience friends at the scene, and the audience friends in front of the TV, I am Li Dong, the host of CCTV, on this Spring Festival, I am here to wish you all a happy new year!

In the past two years, I hosted a treasure hunting show, "I Have a Family Heirloom", which was liked by many viewers and friends, and the response was good, so we moved this show to the Spring Festival Gala.

Tonight, we will invite some of the guests who came to the Spring Festival Gala to present their respective family heirlooms and tell the hidden stories behind the heirlooms,..."

Just as the host opened the show with a lot of emotion, several CCTV staff brought a long table to the stage and placed it a few meters away from the host.

In addition, they also put a few simple identification tools on the table, gloves, magnifying glass and so on.

This mahogany table is the table that will display the family heirloom later. Its shape is elegant, simple and elegant, and it is an antique furniture with a bit of history.

Three experts on antique art appraisal who often appear on this program, each wearing a festive Tang suit, came from the backstage hand in hand, came to the center of the stage, and stood beside the mahogany table.

At the same time, Ye Tian's parents, second uncle, second aunt, and sister-in-law were all watching the Spring Festival Gala on TV and discussing excitedly in No. 129 Lishi Hutong in Dongcheng, Beijing.

"I have a family heirloom. The show has finally started. I don't know if our family heirloom will have a chance to be displayed on stage. If there is a chance to show it, it would be great!"

"Since the Minister of Culture and the director of CCTV invited Xiaotian to attend the Spring Festival Gala, I believe he will be given a chance to show off his family heirloom. Just wait patiently!"

Just as the family members were discussing, the main camera at the Spring Festival Gala suddenly turned to the auditorium, and slowly swept across the auditorium, presenting the fiery situation in the auditorium to the eyes of the people across the country.

When the main camera lens swept across Ye Tian, ​​it deliberately paused for a second or two, gave him a close-up shot, and then moved forward to take pictures of other parts of the auditorium.

Under the lens of the high-definition camera, Ye Tian had a bright smile on his face, and nodded slightly to the lens of the main camera suspended in mid-air, showing an impeccable performance.

Seeing his face, there was a lot of discussion at the Spring Festival Gala and countless live broadcast terminals. People are looking forward to his next performance and want to see what stunts he will perform.

Of course, there were also gnashing of teeth and curses, mostly from the ardent fans of the Korean idol group.

These guys were all complaining about their idols, hating Ye Tian so much that they gritted their teeth, but they had no choice but to curse a few words to express their grievances!

In the blink of an eye, the stage was set up, and the host Li Dong's opening remarks also ended.

Immediately afterwards, Li Dong introduced the three experts in the appraisal of antique works of art.

They are Mr. Jin, Mr. Cai, and Ms. Ouyang. They are all well-known top experts in antique art appraisal in China, and they are also old friends of Ye Tian. They are very familiar with each other!

Every time Li Dong introduces one, the appraisal expert will step forward,

Clasping fists with both hands to greet the audience and the people of the whole country, there will be applause at the scene.

Just after the introduction, before the host Li Dong could speak, Mr. Cai suddenly smiled and said loudly:

"When the host introduced us just now, he called us a famous expert in antique art appraisal. In fact, at today's Spring Festival Gala, there is a top expert in antique art appraisal in the world.

This guy is like a character only in legends. He is omniscient, omniscient, and proficient in everything, and he has learned everything. It seems that there is no antique art in the world that he does not know and cannot identify.

Compared with this guy, some of us old guys are ashamed, and we don’t even dare to call ourselves experts in the identification of antique works of art. Who is this guy I’m talking about? That was Ye Tian, ​​he was sitting there! "

As he said that, Elder Cai raised his hand and pointed towards Ye Tian, ​​and nodded at him with a smile on his face.

At the same time, the main camera at the Spring Festival Gala also shot at him at the right time, giving him a big close-up shot again.

Many audiences at the Spring Festival Gala, as well as audiences in front of countless TVs, are also watching him, everyone's eyes are full of curiosity!

What Elder Cai said is right, he is a genuine legendary figure, and everyone has heard a lot about his various legendary experiences and deeds, and is even familiar with it.

He found countless priceless treasures all over the world, which made people crazy with envy; at the same time, he also set off waves of monstrous waves all over the world, which shocked everyone!

This guy not only has extremely sharp eyesight, can discover treasures one after another, but also is extremely powerful, almost unrivaled, just like a real-life Superman, and a Chinese Superman!

Apart from not wearing underpants, this guy seems to be able to go to the moon for nine days, catch turtles in the five oceans, and is omnipotent!

Let me ask, if such a legendary figure appeared on the scene of the Spring Festival Gala and appeared in front of everyone, can everyone not feel curious?

Especially seeing that Ye Tian is also a Chinese with black hair, yellow skin, and dark eyes, he is not much different from himself, and many people even feel a little proud!

Before Cai Lao finished speaking, Ye Tian stood up, nodded to Cai Lao with a smile on his face, and bowed to the old man with his hands clasped fists, being polite.

Immediately after Elder Cai, Elder Jin standing beside him smiled and said loudly:

"Li Dong, since Ye Tian, ​​a top expert in antique art appraisal, is here, I suggest inviting him to come on stage and join us in appraising the family heirlooms brought by the audience. That will be more authoritative!"

Not only Mr. Cai and Mr. Jin, but Ms. Ouyang, who is an expert in jewelry appraisal, also nodded in agreement.

For this suggestion, as the host of the show, Li Dong naturally wished for it.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately extended an invitation to Ye Tian.

"Mr. Ye Tian, ​​these experts in the identification of antique works of art unanimously recommend that you come on stage to participate in the program 'I Have a Family Heirloom' and jointly identify the family heirlooms brought by the audience.

As the host of this show, I really hope that you can come to the stage and participate in this show. It is best to bring your family heirlooms, so that everyone can open their eyes! "

For this proposal, Ye Tian did not refuse. For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, there is no harm in having fun.

"Since everyone has kindly invited you, it is better to be respectful than obedient. I will also go on stage to have fun together, to appreciate the family heirlooms brought by the audience, and to open my eyes!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, giving an affirmative answer.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned around and said a few words to his grandparents, and explained to Betty and Matthew in English, then picked up a brocade box on the table, and walked towards the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In a blink of an eye, he was on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, shook hands with the host Li Dong and three experts in antique art appraisal, and wished each other New Year's greetings.

Next, he stood with the three experts in the identification of antique works of art, put on a smile, and waited for the show to officially start.

And Li Dong, who was standing a little ahead, said loudly again:

"Four experts in the identification of antique works of art are already in place, and the program will begin now. Next, everyone will enjoy some family heirlooms brought by the audience and listen to the stories behind these family heirlooms!

Everyone has also seen that when Mr. Ye came to the stage, he was carrying a brocade box in his hand. I believe everyone is very curious about what kind of treasure is contained in that brocade box, and what touching stories are hidden behind it.

That being the case, let Mr. Ye Tian show their family heirloom first, and tell the story related to this heirloom, it must be very moving, everyone welcomes Mr. Ye Tian to show it."

"clap clap"

Accompanied by a burst of warm applause, everyone at the Spring Festival Gala and in front of the countless live broadcast terminals all looked at the brocade box in Ye Tian's hand, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

While curious, people are also speculating.

What exactly is contained in that brocade box, is it a priceless antique, an outstanding work of a top art master, or something else?

Although priceless treasures are rare, others may not be able to come across one in their lifetime, but Ye Tian has plenty in his hands. I wonder what treasures he will show?

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