Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2049 Misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River

The first round of auctions ended with perfect results.

The little ones gathered at the front of the stage had scattered and happily ran back to their seats to show off their achievements to their parents and accept compliments.

As for their parents, needless to say, all of them were so happy that their mouths and forks were cracked to the back of their heads, their faces were full of ecstasy, and they didn't hide it!

For them, today's wedding banquet is really worth it, and it can be said to be a rewarding experience.

The sum of the value of the antique coins I got before, plus the antique artworks my baby took, may be enough to cover the various expenses my baby needs from now to adulthood, and there is even a surplus.

For Ye Tian, ​​each of them is grateful.

They also knew very well in their hearts that this was Ye Tian trying to help him in a different way, and he did it very cleverly, fully caring about everyone's face, which made people feel warm.

While they were praising and hugging their babies and kissing them non-stop, the top collectors, antique art appraisal experts, and other professionals in the banquet hall were all staring at them.

Especially the managers of several famous auction houses, their eyes were extremely hot, and their eyeballs were almost red.

Obviously, these senior professionals in the industry are already thinking about their ideas, to be precise, they are thinking about those antique artworks that have just been auctioned and caused commotion again and again.

Although those antique works of art are not considered priceless, they are quite rare and valuable, and each has its own characteristics, which are of great collection value. How can these insiders be willing to miss it!

At this time, Ye Tian had returned to the center of the stage, stood behind the temporary auction stage, and opened the prelude to the second round of auction.

"Hello everyone, the second round of auction will be next, but before the second round of auction starts, I need to explain some things in advance to avoid some unexpected situations.

Those who participated in this round of bidding are all non-professionals. They probably have not participated in the auction of antique art before, and they are not familiar with the auction process, so I will still guide you.

When auctioning each piece of antique artwork, in the first four rounds of the auction, everyone can only bid passively. I will call out the quotation of the relevant antique artwork, and you decide whether to raise your hand to answer the price.

In the last round, which is the fifth round of bidding, everyone can quote freely. The bid that is closest to the upper limit of the auction transaction price I gave will be the winner, and the bid that is higher than the upper limit will be deemed invalid.

I have handed over the upper limit of the transaction price of all the antique artworks in this round to the notary, and each time a piece is auctioned, the notary will announce the upper limit of the transaction price of the corresponding antique artwork.

The reason for doing this is to be open and transparent, lest someone say that your bid was higher and why you lost to an opponent with a lower bid, it was because your bid exceeded the upper limit.

From the first round to the end of the fifth round of bidding, in each round of bidding, each person has only one chance to bid or make an active bid, which cannot be changed at will, otherwise it will be endless.

At the end of the auction, if two or more people bid the same, the corresponding antique artwork will be owned by them jointly, which will be reflected in the auction transaction contract.

Another point is that no matter whoever bids successfully, if one of the antique works of art is successfully auctioned, then other antique works of art should not be bid again, and others will be left with a chance.

That's all there is to say, everyone must think carefully when raising their hands,

Especially in the last round of free bidding, everyone should be more cautious when bidding, because there is an unknown upper limit.”

Hearing this, the scene in the banquet hall suddenly seemed to be boiling, and everyone started talking in whispers.

"I'll go! Before, I only heard that there was a reserve price for auctions. If it was lower than the reserve price, the auction would fail. Who would have thought that Xiaotian would come up with a ceiling for the transaction price. Bids higher than the ceiling would be considered invalid! What an eye-opener Already!"

"When you bid freely later, you must be cautious. Who knows what the upper limit of the transaction price set by Xiaotian is. If you accidentally exceed this upper limit, there will be no game!"

While everyone was discussing, many professionals who missed the second round of the auction and were in this luxurious banquet hall secretly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

Ye Tian's mind is too meticulous, his approach effectively avoids vicious competition, and he always holds the initiative of the auction in his own hands.

Those non-professionals who participated in this round of auction will neither tear themselves apart in order to bid for a valuable antique artwork, nor will they go bankrupt because of this, which will affect life and family harmony.

I don't know how this kid Ye Tian came up with this method. His brain structure must be different from ordinary people, and it's impossible not to admire it!

Amidst the noise, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, signaled his two company employees to take out the first piece of antique artwork to be put up for auction, and display it in public.

Next, according to Ye Tian's instructions, the two cultural and museum personnel from the personal exhibition hall of the Forbidden City took out a brocade box from the boxes piled up next to the auction stage, and gently opened it.

What they took out from the brocade box was a scroll, which should be a traditional Chinese painting. The size doesn't look big, the paper isn't very old, and the history isn't too old.

"Open this painting, please enjoy it and be careful"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and gestured to the audience, making a gesture of please.

The two company employees nodded slightly, and then untied the ribbon that tied the scroll. The two cooperated and slowly displayed the painting in front of everyone.

This is an ink and wash freehand Chinese painting. In the painting is a beautiful scenery of misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River. A charming woman is holding an umbrella and walking in the alleys of slanting wind and drizzle. The painting style is light and elegant, symbolic Meaningful.

While the two company employees were showing the painting, a series of close-up shots of this Chinese ink painting appeared on the large-screen TV at the scene, and the picture was very clear.

With the appearance of these close-up shots, the area where many professionals were located instantly boiled.

"Master Baoshizhai! Am I right? This is actually a painting by the master of Chinese painting, Fu Baoshi. I can recognize the seal on the painting. It has appeared in other paintings of Master Fu Baoshi!"

"That's right! This is indeed a painting by Master Fu Baoshi. The seal and signature on the painting are fine. How could Ye Tian be willing to do so? It's too exaggerated to put up such a precious painting for auction!"

Just when these professionals were shocked and started discussing, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the stage and reached the ears of everyone present.

"The ink and wash freehand Chinese painting that you are seeing now is the first antique artwork in the second round of auction. I believe someone has already seen it. This painting was made by the famous Chinese painting master Fu Baoshi.

The name of this Chinese ink painting is "Women's Clothes and Rain Alley", and it is the famous Bird's Clothes Alley by the Qinhuai River in Nanjing. To be precise, it is the Bird's Clothes Alley in the rain, a beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

According to my identification, this ink and wash freehand Chinese painting should have been created in the mid-1930s, that is, the few years when Fu Baoshi just returned from studying in Japan, and it was the early stage of Fu Baoshi's artistic career.

Regarding this point, it can be seen from the rice paper used in this ink and wash Chinese painting, the seal and hall number of Master Fu Baoshi, etc. Due to time constraints, I will not go into details here! "

Hearing his explanation, those antique art appraisal experts and top collectors who have studied Fu Baoshi's calligraphy and painting art all nodded in unison without any objection.

At the same time, these professionals also praised Ye Tian very much.

This guy really knows everything and is good at everything! It seems that there is no antique artwork that he doesn't know, or that he doesn't know, which is ten times more exaggerated than the legend!

Although the other guests at the scene did not know how to appraise antique works of art and had little knowledge of appreciating ink and wash freehand Chinese paintings, they all understood what beauty is.

Especially this kind of ink freehand Chinese painting, which originated from Chinese traditional culture and has unique Chinese characteristics, is more likely to arouse everyone's spiritual resonance!

Undoubtedly, this "Wood Clothes and Rain Lane" is very beautiful. Looking at it from a distance, it gives people a beautiful feeling of being in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River and walking in the slanting wind and drizzle.

And the enchanting woman in the painting, holding an oiled paper umbrella and wearing a long skirt, seems to be walking slowly in front of my eyes, graceful and charming.

As for the authenticity of this Chinese ink painting, no one at the scene doubted it.

There is no doubt that this must be a work of the famous Chinese painting master Fu Baoshi in his early career, and it is very valuable!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, was still introducing this Chinese ink painting. His voice continued to radiate from the stage and clearly reached the ears of everyone in the banquet hall.

"I picked up this painting by Master Fu Baoshi at a flea market in Lower Manhattan, New York. I don't know how the foreign stall owner got it.

You may have heard that I bought the magnificent mansion of the famous collector Ansill on Fifth Avenue in New York. After buying that house, I carefully studied the relevant information.

In a diary left by An Siyuan, he once mentioned this painting "Wood Clothes and Rain Lane". From this, it can be seen that this painting probably passed through the hands of An Siyuan, but it was lost for some reason.

Like the ten antique works of art auctioned before, I can also endorse this painting. You can bid with confidence and don't have to worry about the authenticity of this ink and wash freehand Chinese painting! "

Before he could finish his words, the professionals in the industry in the audience had already exclaimed in a low voice again.

"No way! This turned out to be a Chinese painting that An Siyuan once collected. No need to ask, the market value of this painting will definitely increase because of it!"

"Although this is an early work of Master Fu Baoshi's artistic career, with the endorsement of two top appraisers, An Siyuan and Ye Tian, ​​the value will definitely double!"

While these professionals were talking, the auction had already started.

"That's all for the introduction of "The Bird Clothes and Rain Alley" and the auction starts now. The starting price for this painting "The Bird Clothes and Rain Alley" early in Master Fu Baoshi's artistic career is one yuan. Who should bid? ..."

In an instant, someone at the scene responded.

"Xiaotian, let me start this first shot. My buddy really likes the scenery of the Jiangnan water town. Let's see if we can win this painting!"

It was that boy Dawei who said these words, and he also raised his arm at the same time.

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