Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2051 Be careful of those old foxes

After five rounds of bidding, Gustav's symbolist painting was successfully sold under the hammer.

The buyers who took the picture were two of Ye Tian's classmates. They unanimously offered a price of 145,600 yuan and won the painting by luck.

Ye Tian's auction price limit for this symbolist painting is 145,700 yuan, which is only 100 yuan higher than the hammer price.

As soon as the results were announced, the two winning bidders immediately cheered and celebrated, while the rest of the buyers who passed by the painting were filled with regret.

Especially the few guys who bid 145,800 yuan sighed with regret, wishing to turn back time.

However, the result of the auction has been set, and no one can change it. Everyone can only focus on the other eight antique works of art that will appear on the stage one after another.

The third piece of antique art to be auctioned is a pair of high-quality porcelain made in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. The Yongzheng Doucai Sanqiu Cup of the Qing Dynasty is exquisite in shape and elegant in picture, very beautiful.

This pair of Doucai Sanqiu Cups was originally collected by the Qing Palace, but was plundered by the invaders more than a hundred years ago, and has been lost overseas since then. It was not returned to China until Ye Tian discovered it in Notting Hill, England.

Unsurprisingly, when this pair of Qing Yongzheng Doucai Sanqiu cups appeared, it immediately caused a sensation, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the pair of small and exquisite Sanqiu cups.

Especially those top collectors and antique art appraisal experts who were on the scene, their eyes were shining, staring at the pair of Sanqiu cups, wishing they could just take it for themselves!

As China's top collectors and experts in the identification of antique works of art, each of them has dabbled in the collection and appreciation of antique porcelain, and the level is quite high.

They also know how rare and valuable this pair of Qing Yongzheng Doucai Sanqiu Cups is, and everyone wants to have this pair of small and exquisite cups in their pockets.

Unfortunately, they are not eligible to participate in this auction.

They can only think of a way afterwards, contact the buyer who photographed the pair of Sanqiu cups, and see if they can accept the pair of Qing Yongzheng Sanqiu cups and get what they want.

They are not the only ones who are thinking about this pair of Sanqiu cups.

The managers of the auction houses who were also in the banquet hall, as well as those famous entrepreneurs who collected elegant goods, also had their eyes shining when they saw the pair of Sanqiu cups, and they all stared at each other.

As before, while showing the pair of Qing Yongzheng Doucai Sanqiu cups, Ye Tian also introduced the pair of antique porcelain and told the hidden story behind the pair of porcelain.

When everyone heard that this was originally an old collection of the Qing Palace, it was plundered by the invaders more than a hundred years ago, and it has been lost overseas since then, it is unavoidable to be a little bit embarrassed.

After the story was told, everyone became more interested in this pair of exquisite porcelain that was branded in the old collection of the Qing Palace and had gone through hardships. Everyone was gearing up to win it!

The next bidding scene can be imagined.

Except for the professionals who could only watch, the ignorant children, and the three who had achieved something before, the others counted as one, rolled up their sleeves, and participated in the competition.

Of course, this did not include Ye Tian's family members, they all sat on the sidelines and enjoyed the good show.

It didn't take long for the auction to be successfully concluded.

There were four buyers who won in the end, and they unanimously bid 215,800 yuan.

Won this pair of Qing Yongzheng Doucai Sanqiu Cups.

The transaction price is apportioned among individuals, and each person only needs to pay more than 50,000 points of RMB to own a quarter of the interest in this pair of fine porcelain.

When the results came out, the scene was naturally lively again. Some people rejoiced, but more people reaped regrets.

Fortunately, there are still seven antique works of art in the back, and there are still opportunities, so everyone quickly packed up their emotions, cheered up and prepared to fight again.

Next is another antique from the Roman Empire, the fifth antique artwork is a famous calligraphy work from the mid-Qing Dynasty, the sixth is another Western antique artwork,...  

In this way, pieces of Eastern and Western antique artworks appeared alternately, setting off wave after wave of upsurge in the banquet hall, gradually pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

The auction mallet in Ye Tian's hand dropped six times in succession. Every time it was struck, an antique artwork was successfully auctioned, and there was a burst of excited cheers at the scene.

The buyers who successfully took pictures of these six antique works of art were single-handedly, two or three, or even more together, and jointly owned an antique work of art.

Inevitably, there were also many guests who made mistakes in valuation, and were somewhat disappointed that they did not get any piece of antique artwork.

However, they did not return empty-handed today. The gift they received earlier was a very nice surprise.

When the last piece of Western antique artwork was successfully auctioned and the notary staff announced the upper limit of the transaction price on the spot, the second round of auction officially came to an end, and the result was perfect!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, joked:

"Here, I think it is necessary to remind the buyers who successfully photographed the antique art just now, be careful of those professionals in the banquet hall, those guys' eyes are almost red.

After everyone signs the auction and confirms the contract, don't leave in a hurry, come to me and ask the market value of the antique artwork you photographed, and I will give a relatively reasonable estimate.

In this way, no matter whether you collect the antique artworks you have photographed or sell them, you will have a bottom line. If you sell them, if the buyer's bid is lower than the estimated value, don't bother him!

Soon after the Spring Festival, this year's spring auction will begin. You can also send those antique works of art to the auction. As for the valuation I gave, it can be used as the auction reserve price! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian pointed to those top collectors, experts in antique art appraisal, and other professionals.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, those guests who were lucky enough to take photos of the antique artwork just now nodded their heads slightly, planning to go to Ye Tian later and ask him to give an estimate so that they know what they know.

As for the professionals in the same banquet hall, they all smiled helplessly and pointed at Ye Tian on the stage.

have to! Now there is no bargain to take!

If he wanted to accept those very good antique works of art just now, he had to come up with real money, and all other tricks would not work.

After joking a few words, Ye Tian returned to the topic, smiled and said loudly:

"The second round of auction has ended, and all ten pieces of Eastern and Western antique artworks up for auction have been sold. Congratulations to those friends who got those antique artworks, you are very lucky.

Don’t be sorry if you didn’t get those antique works of art. There will be opportunities like this in the future. In the next charity auction, you may be the lucky one! "

Following his words, the scene suddenly boiled.

"I'll go! Listen to Xiaotian, he will hold such public welfare auctions in the future, is it true or not? This is too generous!"

"The public welfare auctions of this scale are going to be held one after another. Ye Tian is the only kid. If it is anyone else, let alone courage, who has so many antique works of art!"

Amidst the discussion, the disappointment and regret in the eyes of those guests who failed to bid and did not get any antique works of art were swept away in an instant!

Instead, there are eyes full of expectation.

What Ye Tian said is right, there are still opportunities, and the next lucky one may be himself!

The professionals in the banquet hall were completely shocked by Ye Tian's words. They all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, and they wondered if there was something wrong with their ears.

When the scene became quieter, Ye Tian's voice came from the stage immediately.

"What will be held next is the third round of auction, which is only for the professionals present, and the rest of the guests are not allowed to participate. The number of antique works of art on the auction is also ten, with half of the eastern and western antique works of art.

The rules of the auction are similar to those of the second round. In the first four rounds of bidding for each piece of antique art, I call out the price, and the professionals participating in the bidding decide whether to bid. The last round is free bidding.

The ten antique works of art auctioned in this round also have a transaction price ceiling, and I assure you that this transaction price ceiling must be lower than their market value, leaving room for manipulation and profit for everyone.

You are all senior professionals. The value of the antique artworks up for auction must not be hidden from your eyes. When you see those antique artworks, you will know how to bid.

During free bidding, it’s still the same as before. Let’s come one table at a time, otherwise the scene will be chaotic. After all the buyers have given their bids, I will announce the auction results, and the winning bidder will be clear at a glance.

If one person wins the bid, he will naturally own the antique artwork alone; if there are two or more bidders, the winning bidders will equally share the rights and interests of the corresponding antique artwork, and jointly contribute and share the benefits.”

"No problem, Ye Tian, ​​we accept these conditions, let's start quickly, everyone can't wait!"

"That's right, Ye Tian, ​​let's start quickly, what is the first antique artwork to appear on the stage?"

Many professionals in the audience clamored, and everyone looked eager, their eyes were shining brightly, full of anticipation.

Everyone, including them, was staring at the unopened boxes, paint tubes, paint bags, and portable safes on the stage, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

At this time, everyone was secretly guessing what the antique artworks that will be displayed next were and how much they were worth!

Ye Tian glanced at the professionals in the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Don't be impatient, everyone. You will see the first antique artwork on the auction soon. I believe this antique artwork will bring you a surprise!"

As he said that, Ye Tian nodded to the two company employees standing beside the auction table and asked them to show the first antique artwork.

Afterwards, the two employees of the company acted. They picked up a box from the side of the auction stage and put it on the display table in front of the auction stage.

Immediately afterwards, they opened the box carefully, took out an antique porcelain from inside, placed it lightly in the center of the display table, and then stepped aside.

Almost at the moment when this antique porcelain appeared, there was a clattering sound from the audience, and those professionals who were invited to the wedding banquet all pushed aside their chairs and stood up.

Without exception, each of them had a shocked expression on their faces, dumbfounded!

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