Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2053 The fun has just begun


"Xiaotian, why do you say that this Xuande blue and white plum vase is a broken vessel? Judging from the picture on the big screen, there is no damage to this antique porcelain, and the appearance looks very good."

Someone in the audience asked curiously loudly, and the inquirer was a classmate of Ye Tian.

Not only him, but also the question on the minds of almost everyone at the scene, everyone was at a loss.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then revealed the answer to this question.

"That's because you haven't seen the bottom foot of this blue and white plum vase. If you see the bottom foot of this antique porcelain, you will understand whether what I said is correct.

At the bottom of this Xuande blue and white plum vase with twining branches and lotus patterns, a round hole the size of a fist was dug out, and when the hole was dug out, some cracks appeared around it.

Later, the guy who dug holes in the bottom of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, in order to prevent this antique porcelain from falling apart, punched four saw nails in the bottom of the bottom.”

Accompanied by his explanation, a close-up shot of the bottom of the Xuande blue and white plum vase was shown on the big screen at the right time, and the picture was very clear.

As he said, there is a round hole the size of a fist in the center of the bottom foot of this Xuande blue and white plum vase, which is exactly where the inscription on the bottom foot is.

In other words, this priceless Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, whose inscription of "Made in Xuande of the Great Ming Dynasty" was taken out by some idiot, making this nearly perfect porcelain into a broken vessel.

Around the fist-sized round hole at the bottom of the porcelain, there are four rusty saw nails, which look very glaring.

Seeing this scene on the big-screen TV, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

"A waste of money! It's a waste of money. Who did that idiot do it? Digging a hole in the bottom of such a priceless treasure!"

"No matter who the idiot who did this is, he should be pulled out and shot for such a stupid act of destruction, and he will never be reborn!"

There was a sound of regret and emotion at the scene, every voice was full of regret and anger, and everyone at the scene gasped in pain.

At the same time, everyone knew very well that the value of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase had been greatly reduced because a big hole had been dug out at the bottom of the vase, the inscription "Made in Xuande of the Ming Dynasty" was missing, and there were many cracks.

As Ye Tian said, the value of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase with intertwined branches and lotus patterns cannot be compared with the Yongle blue-and-white plum vase with hanging shoulders and folded branches with flower and fruit patterns auctioned by Sotheby's in Hong Kong. .

If this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase is not damaged and is still intact, it can compete with the Yongle blue-and-white plum vase, and maybe even set a new auction record for Yongxuan blue-and-white porcelain!

It's a pity that it's just if, just a good wish, not reality.

Thinking of this, everyone at the scene felt a burst of heartache, even though this Xuande blue and white plum vase did not belong to them.

Especially those professionals in the industry, their hearts are bleeding from depression, but they are helpless.

Immediately afterwards, everyone suddenly thought, since the inscription on this Xuande blue and white plum vase has been taken out by someone, how did Ye Tian conduct the appraisal?

How can he be sure that this is the Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, not the Yongle blue-and-white plum vase, or the blue-and-white plum vase from other periods? There are many imitation Xuande blue and white porcelains on the market.

There are both old imitations and new imitations!

Of course, those who have such doubts in their minds are ordinary people, not professionals.

Those professionals naturally know that inscription is only one aspect of authenticating antique porcelain; but in the eyes of ordinary people, inscription is the most important basis for authenticating antique porcelain.

It seems that there is a tacit understanding. As soon as everyone thought of this, Ye Tian gave the answer to this question.

"You may ask, since this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase is a remnant, and the inscription 'Made in Xuande of the Ming Dynasty' has been taken out, how did I make an appraisal? Is the appraisal wrong?

When appraising porcelain, inscription recognition is only one aspect, not all of it. An accurate appraisal conclusion can only be drawn through the synthesis of a piece of porcelain's shape, carcass, glaze color, ornamentation, painting techniques and other aspects.

This blue-and-white plum vase has a thick carcass, precise and fine texture, white and hard, and the rest of the bottom foot is an unglazed white fine sand bottom. It feels very smooth to the touch, just like a baby's skin.

Moreover, there are flint red spots on the edge of the bottom foot. The glaze surface is thick and moist, the luster is soft and not dazzling, and the white is bluish, commonly known as "bright green glaze".

If observed under a high-power magnifying glass, the glaze surface is full of large and small air bubbles, and even small air bubbles rub large air bubbles. No matter what kind of Xuande blue and white porcelain, almost all of them have this kind of glaze,..."

Next, Ye Tian introduced in detail the basis for his identification of this blue and white plum vase, and the introduction was very detailed.

Listening to his introduction, everyone suddenly realized that they had a much deeper understanding of this Xuande blue and white plum vase, and they no longer had any doubts about its authenticity.

Those professionals who were also at the scene, listening to Ye Tian's professional explanation, couldn't help but give him a thumbs up secretly, admiring him!

After introducing the identification basis and solving everyone's doubts, Ye Tian changed the subject and began to introduce the story behind the blue and white vase.

"As early as the middle of the Ming Dynasty, this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase was transported across oceans and thousands of miles to Milan, Italy through trade, and has since become the treasure of the Sforza family, the then ruler of Milan.

It was in the hands of the Sforza family that the base of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase was dug out by a craftsman, and four saw nails were stamped on it, and then it was decorated to make a baroque lamp. .

In that era, many Chinese porcelains that were transported to Europe through trade met such bad luck, and were self-righteously transformed by European nobles and transformed into various decorations.

Just like this blue-and-white plum vase, the bases of many vases have been pierced to make various lamps, and other porcelain such as bowls and saucers are inlaid with gold or silver edges, making them nondescript.

When Betty and I went to Milan for our honeymoon, we found this broken Xuande blue-and-white plum vase in the Milan Canal Antique Fair.

It is precisely because this Xuande blue and white plum vase is a broken vessel with no inscription, the Italian stall owner and some other non-professionals can’t see the origin and value of this antique porcelain, which happened to let me pick it up!

Although this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase is a remnant, it is still very precious. By studying this antique porcelain, we can get a glimpse of the brilliant porcelain-making technology during the Xuande period, and we can also see the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty at that time."

Listening to his words, everyone in the banquet hall nodded frequently and envied.

The person who found this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, why wasn't he himself? This boy Ye Tian caught up with all the good things, so there's no reason for this!

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tian's voice continued to radiate from the stage, reaching everyone's ears clearly.

"After introducing the story about this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, let's get to the point. Before starting the auction, there are still some things that need to be explained.

I also brought the Baroque-style gold-plated copper accessories removed from this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, and I can give it as a gift with this blue-and-white plum vase! "

Before the voice fell, someone under the stage said loudly angrily:

"Ye Tian, ​​it's better to throw away those rags, so that everyone won't be upset when they see it. A good Xuande blue and white plum vase with entangled branches and lotus patterns, a priceless treasure, is so damaged, it's so distressing!"

The person who said this was a top domestic collector.

Not only this one, but the rest of the people at the scene also had the same idea. They all nodded in agreement, and everyone was somewhat depressed.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued to say:

"Whether or not to throw away those baroque-style gilded copper decorations is best left to the buyer who wins the bid to decide, and it doesn't matter if they stay, after all, it is a piece of history.

That's all for the gossip, the auction is now starting, as before, the starting price for this damaged Xuande blue and white plum vase with twining branches and lotus patterns is also one yuan, which buyer should bid? "

Different from the previous two rounds of auctions, many professionals sitting in the audience did not immediately raise their hands to answer the price. The old gods were sitting on the ground, with bright smiles on their faces all the time, and they looked calm!

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing behind the auction stage, knew very well in his heart that these guys were waiting for others to take the lead, and after seeing who the competitors were, he would follow up according to the situation.

And Ye Tian is also very sure that these old foxes in the audience will never let go of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase, and there must be some fierce competition around the ownership of this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase.

Although this Xuande blue-and-white plum vase is a remnant, it is still valuable, extremely rare, and naturally has great collection value!

The scene fell silent, and no one raised their hands to answer the price.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian quoted the starting price again, and emphasized that if there is still no response after the third quotation, this Xuande blue and white plum vase will be withdrawn from the auction.

Hearing this, some people at the scene couldn't sit still.

"Here, Ye Tian, ​​let me start the first shot."

Under the stage, an antique dealer from Liulichang shouted loudly, and raised his arm as a gesture.

Seeing someone offer the price, everyone at the scene immediately turned their heads and looked over, trying to see who the price was.

Ye Tianze nodded slightly at this man, and then said loudly with a smile:

"The price of Jubao Pavilion is one yuan. Thank you for your support. The quotation for this Xuande blue and white plum vase with entwined branches and lotus patterns is now one million yuan or one million yuan. Which gentleman should offer?"

As the new quotation was shouted out, the scene in the banquet hall immediately boiled.

"I'll go! The starting price rose from one yuan to one million yuan in one fell swoop. This increase is too scary, and this is also the highest bid that appeared today."

"It seems that Xiaotian has been teasing us before, creating opportunities for everyone to make a fortune, and now he is showing his fangs, ready to kill those professionals!"

Those who talked a lot were those non-professionals, Ye Tian's friends, Fa Xiao and others.

Those professionals didn't make a sound, but their faces became much more serious.

In fact, as early as when Ye Tian divided today's auction into three parts, these professionals had already guessed that the real good show was yet to come!

If people like myself want to take away their favorite antique works of art from here, they will have to pay a certain price. If they want to pick up the leak in the hands of that cunning guy Ye Tian, ​​there is no way.

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