Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2087 Remnants of Classical Statues

"Dude, can I see the remains of that marble statue?"

Ye Tian asked, pointing to the half gray marble on the booth in front of him, his expression was very relaxed, and he couldn't see anything unusual.

However, in his eyes covered by those sunglasses, a look of ecstasy flashed quickly, but no one noticed it.

David and the others were standing beside and behind him, and everyone was holding a few things in their hands more or less, and their expressions were quite excited.

A little further back, Matisse and many security personnel stood in a semicircle, protecting Ye Tian and the others, and separated them from other tourists.

There were also a few security personnel posing as tourists in the crowd, watching the movement around them vigilantly.

Farther away, on the two historical buildings in the opposite direction, there are still two snipers ambushing, condescendingly watching the situation here.

Anyone who is familiar with Ye Tian and has studied his past deeds will definitely feel very familiar with this scene.

Needless to say, the things that David and the others are carrying in their hands are all valuable antique works of art, and they are all trophies won by Ye Tian.

And this street at the foot of the Acropolis is being swept by a hurricane!

At this time, it was noon on the third day of arriving in Athens, the sun was shining and the weather was very good.

Different from the previous day, today Ye Tian and the others did not go out to visit and appreciate the historical sites and many museums all over the city of Athens.

Now that you are in Athens, an ancient city with a long history of more than 3,000 years, you can't miss the antique art market here, otherwise it would be a pity.

After breakfast, Ye Tian and the others left the hotel. Under the strict protection of many security personnel, they walked to the famous antique market at the foot of the Acropolis, the Athens Flea Market, where they came to shop for treasures.

Or it seems more appropriate to come to sweep the flea market in Athens.

The Athens flea market should be the oldest antique market in the world. It has existed for about two thousand years, and its name has changed several times, but its location has never changed. It is always at the foot of the Acropolis.

This historic flea market, covering an area of ​​about one square kilometer, mainly sells tourist souvenirs and various antiques, as well as artworks of different periods.

It is famous in the field of antique art collection.

From sunrise to sunset, every day of the year, people can shop for treasures here, browse hundreds of small shops and antique shops, or various stalls, and find their favorite items at high or low prices. baby'.

The goods here are dazzling, and the categories are very complete.

From trendy clothing and novelty tools to antiques from ancient Greece to jewelry, modern and modern antiques, old books, handmade musical instruments, old toys and more, you'll find it all here.

As a top professional treasure hunter and an expert in appraising antiques and artworks, Ye Tian certainly would not miss the opportunity to raid the flea market in Athens.

In fact, one of the very important reasons why he decided to stay in Athens for two days to sweep this famous flea market.

Ye Tian's arrival unsurprisingly caused a commotion in the Athens flea market, just like his appearance in antique markets in other countries or cities before.

All the antique shopkeepers and gallery owners who set up shop in the flea markets of Athens, as well as the stall owners who run the antique business, heard this news, and everyone felt a chill and their eyelids twitched.

The Greek cultural relics police, officials from the Ministry of Culture, and relevant personnel from the cultural relics protection association who followed Ye Tian were all terrified, and they all stared at Ye Tian closely, not daring to relax for a moment.

Not only them, outside the Athens flea market, many experts, scholars and top collectors in the field of Greek antique art collections are also closely watching Ye Tian's every move, to see what he can find.

Without exception, each of them had a sense of foreboding.

The antique dealers in the flea market in Athens are afraid that they will encounter a catastrophe and be ransacked by that bastard Steven, just like those in the flea market in Saint-Ouen in France and the antique market in Notting Hill in England.

As they expected, Ye Tian who entered the Athens flea market was like a dragon returning to the sea, he was not polite at all, and directly started to loot this famous antique market.

By various means and at an extremely low price, he collected those valuable antique works of art that were neglected or omitted by the antique dealers here one by one, like wind and clouds.

Even those antique works of low value and not worth selling personally, he did not let go.

Not far behind him, Bowie, who just arrived in Athens yesterday, was frantically scanning the goods with two assistants. Every piece of antique art these three guys bought came from his guidance.

Ye Tian and Bowie have already played this kind of cooperation very skillfully, the cooperation is perfect, there is no flaw at all, and no one can detect it.

When the time came to noon, Ye Tian had swept across one-third of the Athens flea market, and the place he passed was already full of mourners.

There are no fewer than dozens of antique shops, stalls dealing in antique art, and galleries that have been looted by him.

The company employees and security personnel who followed Ye Tian and helped carry the trophies have gone back and forth between the Coco-Mat Hotel and the Athens flea market many times, and sent back the trophies that they couldn't carry back to the hotel time and time again.

Fortunately, the Coco-Mate Hotel is very close to here, you can walk back and forth, which saves a lot of trouble, otherwise you have to use a vehicle to transport the spoils.

Sadly, those antique dealers and gallery owners who were ransacked by Ye Tian were always at a loss as to what they had lost.

But each of them was very clear that they were absolutely ransacked by Steven, that damn bastard, and became another unlucky guy who died at the hands of that bastard.

As time went by, more and more eyes focused on Ye Tian, ​​and the sensational effect he caused became bigger and bigger.

Many antique dealers doing business in the flea market in Athens looked at Ye Tian at this moment, all of them hated their teeth, but they were very helpless.

They can only keep praying in secret, praying to God to bless them, so that they will not be killed and escaped!

The stall owner in front of him might be the next one to be looted.

Hearing Ye Tian's question, the stall owner took a deep look at him first, and then turned to look at the remnant marble statue beside the stall.

Not only him, but almost everyone at the scene except Matisse and the others looked at the remnant of the statue. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and some guys' eyes even flashed with greed.

Obviously, these guys want to cut off their beards, hoping to make a windfall by taking advantage of Ye Tian's wind.

However, when they saw the remnant of the statue that Ye Tian was pointing at, their eyes immediately flashed with disappointment, and they all gave up the idea of ​​making the first move.

It was a remnant of a gray-white marble statue about 70 to 80 centimeters long, like the left forearm of a female statue, with round and smooth lines, only a few simple nicks, and the wrist part was slightly turned inward, with beautiful curves!

Judging from the lines of this arm, its round and plump shape, and the notches left by the sculptor, it should come from a classical sculpture, but it is not known which classical sculpture it is.

It is a pity that the rest of the statue was broken at the elbow, and the part above the wrist, that is, the left hand of the statue, also disappeared, leaving only a section of the arm.

Moreover, this section of the arm is full of bumps and holes, and there are several long or short cracks, which can be described as scarred and poorly preserved.

Such a remnant of a marble statue of unknown origin and scars, naturally does not arouse everyone's desire to buy, and it is reasonable to be disappointed.

However, everyone at the scene was still a little curious as to why this guy, Steven, was interested in this stump of the statue. Could it be that this bastard is digging a hole again, who is he going to trap?

This kind of thing has happened several times today.

There were a few guys who were trying to pick up a bargain before, but they all fell into the trap dug by this bastard, Steven, and they were about to cry, so I better be careful.

Thinking of this, the guys around who were about to make a move suddenly died down, and all of them watched the excitement with their hands in their hands.

As for the stall owner, the moment he saw the remnant of the statue, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and was not so nervous anymore.

This is just a stump of a statue, the parts at both ends have disappeared, no matter how sharp your eyes are, you may not be able to identify it from the statue just based on the nicks and lines on this stump.

The stall owner turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​then nodded with a smile and said:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, of course you can look at the remnant of the marble statue"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and nodded, then took a step forward and began to examine the remnant of the marble statue, his expression still very relaxed.

During this process, he kept chatting with the stall owner.

"Dude, can you tell me, how did you get this marble statue piece? Do you know which sculpture this arm is from? And who is the artist who created that sculpture?"

"Mr. Steven, I received this fragment of the statue from someone else. As for which sculpture it came from and who made it, I don't know, and neither does the seller."

"That's it, that's really a pity. Let's talk about the price. If the price is right, I intend to accept the remnant of this statue and take it back to study it."

Saying that, Ye Tian had finished looking at the remaining statues on the stall, and looked up at the stall owner.

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the remnant of the marble statue on the stall with puzzled eyes, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

In his eyes, the remnant of the marble statue has not changed at all, and is still dilapidated. It may have a bit of beauty, but it doesn't seem to have much value.

This thing shows up in the flea market in Athens, in its own stall, people probably think of it as an antique relic, if it is thrown in the garbage, no one will give it a second look!

After a little hesitation, the stall owner tentatively quoted a price, which he thought was very exaggerated.

"Six hundred euros, Mr. Steven, as long as you pay six hundred euros, you can take away the remnant of this marble statue"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and said loudly with a smile:

"Okay, it's only six hundred euros, deal, buddy, I'll take this marble statue piece!"

Seeing the big hand stretched out in front of his eyes, the stall owner was stunned and yelled 'ah'.

Many people watching the excitement at the scene were also stunned for a moment, and then looked at the remnant of the marble statue, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

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