Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2105 Actions unfold

The next morning, the main deck saloon of the Blue Princess.

Ye Tianzheng was sitting on the sofa, listening to Matisse's report on the external situation.

"Steven, according to reports from our company's intelligence personnel, Italy and Greece each sent several official ships, which are heading towards the sea area where we are located, and each of them has a salvage ship.

France has also sent a few ships, starting from the port of Marseilles, and is heading here. Judging from the news received, no matter the Italians, Greeks, or French, they all know our location very well.

It can be seen from this that the person who leaked our location information is likely to be the experts and scholars on the super yacht behind, and some of them must have carried satellite phones, and more than one.

Of course, it is also possible that the two live broadcast groups of National Geographic and NBC TV leaked our location, even though we repeatedly warned them not to mention the relevant location information in the live broadcast.

In addition, there are also many ships sailing from other ports in the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, heading towards the Ionian Sea, and it is estimated that some ships will arrive here by this evening."

Hearing the announcement, the faces of David and Jason who were in the living room all changed, and they looked somewhat worried.

Ye Tian was very relaxed, he smiled and said:

"I had expected this kind of situation a long time ago, and it was expected. I never expected the experts and scholars on the super yacht behind to keep it secret, and the same was true for the two live TV groups.

Otherwise, before going to sea, I would conduct a thorough search to find out all the communication devices that those guys hid in their private belts, and what happened now would not have happened.

Whether they are Greeks, Italians or French, let them come. When they arrive, we should have found the treasure of ancient Roman shipwrecks. They are welcome to visit.

This is high sea waters. I don't believe they dare to openly attack us and snatch our company's exploration results in front of audiences all over the world, and they may not have the strength.

Of course, we also need to be prepared, let Raytheon's four large yachts guard the periphery, put all the high-speed speedboats at sea, and prepare to seal off the exploration and salvage site."

When he said these words, Ye Tian's words and expressions were full of confidence, and his tone was decisive.


Steven, I'll set it up when I get back."

Mattis nodded, equally confident.

Next, the few of them discussed today's work arrangements for a while, and then ended the meeting.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse left the living room on the main deck and went out to make arrangements, while Ye Tian and David walked to the dining room to prepare for breakfast.

Soon, the four large flybridge yachts moored outside the exploration fleet began to spread outward, expanding the blockage area a lot.

When the four large flybridge yachts were in place, they immediately released the high-speed speedboat they carried and started cruising on the sea, completely sealing off the sea area.

At the same time, the medium-sized helicopter parked on the Intrepid also took off and searched the sea area from the air.

This series of actions naturally couldn't be concealed from the experts and scholars who came with the fleet and had their own thoughts, and aroused a lot of discussion.

"Looking at the situation, the operation to explore the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck will start soon. I don't know if what Steven said yesterday is true? He doesn't know the exact location of the treasure of the shipwreck."

"It's hard to say, this guy Steven has always been known for his cunning, and it involves such an important shipwreck treasure, the credibility of his words can be imagined!

Regardless of these, today they will start an exploration operation, since we have arrived here, we naturally have to participate in the process of exploring the treasure of this sunken ship."

After some discussion, these experts and scholars with their own ulterior motives also walked towards the restaurant in groups.

After breakfast, they are ready to rush to the Blue Princess and the Intrepid to participate in the upcoming exploration operations.

However, when they finished their breakfast and were about to set off on a speedboat, there was a roar of helicopter engines in the sky.

One step ahead of them, Ye Tian flew over with David in a helicopter.

The helicopter landed smoothly on the tarmac of the super yacht. When Ye Tian and David walked off the tarmac, they saw many experts and scholars standing on the main deck at a glance.

When everyone met, it was naturally a bit of politeness and pleasantries, and then they got to the point.

"Steven, why did you rush over here? We are going to the Blue Princess and the Dauntless"

An official from the Greek Ministry of Culture said that he was a little surprised.

The rest of the people were the same, they all looked at Ye Tian in surprise, waiting for him to give an answer.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, you don't have to rush to the Blue Princess and the Intrepid to participate in the upcoming exploration operations.

There are a lot of exploration equipment and materials piled up on the two ships, and the space is limited. If everyone passes by, it will be too crowded, which is not conducive to the development of exploration operations.

More importantly, we will use underwater robots and small submarines to explore this sea area and look for the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck.

The exploration before finding the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is a sea scene film, which may seem a bit boring to you.

So I hope everyone will stay on this yacht, and we will transfer all the pictures taken by the underwater robot and the mini-submarine to the big TV screen here.

In other words, you can participate in this exploration operation sitting in the living room of this super yacht, and there is no need to rush to the Intrepid.

Once we find the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck, we will invite one or two representatives of you to participate in the exploration operation on the Intrepid."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, many experts, scholars and officials at the scene had different reactions. Some accepted the arrangement, while others were unwilling.

But what if you don't want to accept it? Ye Tian didn't give a second choice at all, and they could only accept it with gritted teeth, even if they were reluctant!

Next, Ye Tian said some other things, and comforted these experts and scholars a few words.

As for the series of small actions taken by countries such as Italy, Greece, and France, he didn't mention it, as if he didn't know about it.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and David boarded the helicopter again and flew straight towards the Intrepid.

A few minutes later, they were in the cockpit of the Dauntless.

Also in the cockpit were the captain and first mate of the Dauntless, as well as several other employees of the Dauntless Exploration Company, and there was no outsider.

After coming to the cockpit and chatting with the captain and others, Ye Tian raised his hand and looked at his watch, and then said through the invisible wireless earphone:

"Matisse, inform the captains of the ships to pull anchor and set sail, let's go to the first sea ridge in this sea area, and start exploring from there, first explore a few sea ridges.

According to the relevant hydrological data and the changes in the color of sea water, it is not difficult to find those sea ridges standing on the seabed, and the treasure of the shipwreck is most likely on a certain sea ridge.

If we don’t find it on the sea ridge, let’s explore the sea basin again, I believe we can always find the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck, as long as it is really here, it must belong to our company.”

"Understood, Steven, I will notify everyone to set sail immediately"

Matisse replied in a deep voice, his tone quite excited.

Soon, there was a melodious siren sound on the sea, and the exploration fleet set sail again, heading straight ahead.

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