Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2107 Ocean Guard

The five Aurora mini-submarines that Matisse and the others were on had disappeared from the sea in front of the bow of the Intrepid, successfully dived into the blue Mediterranean Sea, and went straight to the depths of the seabed.

On the black and red five-seat small submarine, in addition to Mattis, there was also an employee of the Intrepid Exploration Company and a deep-sea exploration and salvage expert.

In addition, there are hosts and photographers from the NBC TV live broadcast group.

Of course, the small submarine also carried the necessary deep diving equipment and oxygen cylinders, as well as underwater robots and other equipment, which was a little crowded.

At the stern of the Dauntless, Ye Tian and the others have entered the seven-seat silver-gray Aurora small submarine, and locked the hatch above the rear of the submarine from the inside.

There were also five people in this small submarine, besides Ye Tian, ​​Charlie who was driving the submarine, Waiters, an expert in deep sea salvage, and the host and cameraman of the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast group.

As for the two vacant seats in the submarine, they are just used to put everyone's deep diving equipment, oxygen cylinders, and other equipment.

At this time, everyone had already sat down, and Charlie was doing the last check before diving, just in case.

This Aurora mini-submarine has a drop-shaped shape, a bubble-shaped fully transparent cockpit, and is painted in silver-gray, which is very futuristic.

Especially when all its instrument lights are on, it feels like it has just fallen from the sky, traveling from the future to the present.

This scene appeared on the live broadcast, and immediately attracted a burst of exclamation.

"Wow! What a cool little submarine, it must be wonderful to explore the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea in such a small submarine!"

"I have to say that this bastard, Steven, is extravagant to the extreme. He owns three small submarines, and one is cooler than the other. It's so annoying!"

Not only the viewers on the live broadcast, but even the experts and scholars who followed the exploration fleet, their eyes turned red with envy when they saw this small Aurora submarine.

"Steven's guys are really armed to the teeth. With their company's equipment and Steven's good luck, those sunken treasures located within a water depth of 300 meters may be looted by them. !"

"Who says no! And Steven is extremely greedy,

The seemingly endless desire for money is such a headache! "

Just when people were amazed and talking, Charlie quickly completed the last inspection before diving.

Immediately afterwards, the guy said excitedly:

"Steven, there is no problem with the submarine, it can dive"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's take action, let's go to the underwater world below, enjoy the beautiful underwater scenery, explore the treasures of ancient shipwrecks, and give the whole world a huge surprise"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and pointed towards the seabed.

The next moment, the propellers at the tail of the seven-seater small submarine turned, pushing the small submarine away from near the stern of the Intrepid, and sailed to the wider sea behind.

And everyone in the cockpit of the submarine is waving their hands gently to say goodbye to those guys standing on the swimming platform at the stern of the Intrepid and on the deck.

After driving back about seven or eight meters, Charlie manipulated the small submarine and began to dive.

In the blink of an eye, this small submarine radiating bright light disappeared from the sea, like a huge glowing pearl, sneaking straight to the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, the scenery in front of Ye Tian and the others also changed. The endless clear sea surged in from all directions, instantly enveloping the small submarine.

At the same time, those lovely Mediterranean spotted dolphins have been cruising near the stern of the Intrepid and have never left.

Seeing Ye Tian enter the sea in a submarine at this time, they still hesitated, and rushed over immediately.

After these lovely sea elves approached, they swam quickly around this glowing small submarine, each of them was extremely cheerful, as if they wanted to follow this submarine to explore the treasure in the depths of the ocean.

Especially a few small spotted dolphins, they always stayed in front of Ye Tian's eyes, swaying their bodies gently, and touching the glass cockpit lightly with their heads or long beaks from time to time, showing unusual intimacy.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting on the co-pilot's seat in the fully transparent glass cockpit, was smiling, waving and teasing these cute little guys.

Seeing this harmonious and beautiful scene, everyone in the cockpit, those guys on the sea, and countless viewers in front of the live broadcast were all envious.

"Wow! I'm even a little skeptical now, is this guy Steven the sea god Poseidon? It seems that all sea creatures can become his good friends, which is simply unbelievable!"

"The group of Mediterranean spotted dolphins are so cute and smart, just like smart children, but they have grown into a different look.

The only pity is that these cute sea elves seem to only recognize Steven, and they have never shown such intimacy with others. Could it be that they are possessed? "

Whether these Mediterranean spotted dolphins are possessed by magic, only Ye Tian knows best, because he exerted this magic power.

To some extent, these cute guys are indeed possessed by demons, demons possessed of spiritual power.

In fact, these Mediterranean spotted dolphins are not the only ones who are obsessed.

In the blink of an eye, this silver-gray Aurora mini-submarine has dived more than ten meters, and it is getting farther and farther away from the sea surface, and it keeps sneaking towards the bottom of the sea.

However, because the sea water in the Mediterranean Sea is very clear and the light is strong, the sunlight can easily shine into the sea at a depth of about 40 meters, so Charlie is not in a hurry to turn on the searchlights outside the submarine.

While sneaking, Chandler, the host of the National Geographic Channel live broadcast group sitting behind Ye Tian, ​​suddenly pointed out the cockpit and said loudly excitedly:

"Look, guys, there are two huge monsters swimming over there, they are two sea turtles, both seem to be over 1.5 meters in length, it's too exaggerated!"

Following the direction of Chandler's finger, everyone saw the two giant sea turtles swimming slowly and comfortably in the sea in front of them. The countless viewers on the live broadcast were the same, and they all saw this scene.

They were two endangered loggerhead sea turtles, with reddish bodies and huge bodies. Their almost square heads looked simple, and their two small eyes seemed to be full of curiosity and joy.

The moment he saw this pair of loggerhead turtles, Ye Tian couldn't help but a smile flashed across his mouth.

These were the two loggerhead turtles he had seen last night when he was exploring the sea alone.

After tasting the sweetness of spiritual energy last night, these two big guys have been cruising in this sea area, trying to find the source of that spiritual energy.

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that he ran into these two simple-minded guys here again today, it was really destined.

While speaking, these two huge loggerhead turtles had already swam close, curiously looking at the shiny silver object in front of them, and looking at the several people in the fully transparent cockpit of the submarine.

Ye Tian and the others who were in the submarine cockpit also raised their hands to greet these two big guys.

At the same time, Ye Tian didn't forget to introduce these two big guys to everyone and countless viewers in front of the live broadcast.

"This is a loggerhead turtle, a species of the genus Loggerhead Sea Turtle. It is the oldest living reptile on earth. An adult loggerhead turtle can reach a length of more than one to two meters. It can be called a giant,..."

Amidst Ye Tian's professional and vivid explanation, the small submarine was still diving, and it was accompanied by a group of loyal ocean guards.

In the blink of an eye, the submarine has reached a depth of more than 30 meters below the sea surface.

At this moment, a group of colorful fish suddenly broke into everyone's field of vision, making everyone's eyes shine.

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